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Friday Tacklers, Jump In! 11.17.23


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Gray here, blah! 
Hooray for TG break! 

Sipping coffee while laundry runs. I feel like reading a novel all day, but need to get things done. Got the Wordle in 3.

Budget and bills ✔️ 
Large gift (size) moved to storage. ✔️ 
Declutter Ds’ room
Wash dog blanket ✔️ 
Buy paint ✔️ 
Walmart return ✔️ 
Lunch with friends ✔️ 
Meal planning
CSA pick up ✔️ 
Call mom ✔️ 
Clean a bathroom?

Dinner is ??


Edited by ScoutTN
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Good  morning!

We leave today sometime to head to Dallas for a tournament. Before that, I need to:
...make sure DS gets his game project turned in -- he finished the game board last night, so now it's just compiling everything into one file, finishing up the rules book, and submitting it all
....make sure Middle also turns his in -- he did not finish his game board, so he has a bit to do, but he can do it on his own
....go tutor the kiddos this morning
....DH is washing the fencing stuff
....make sure the kids have everything they need for their term paper this weekend/due Monday
....I think that's it.....? Leave for Dallas, and have fun fencing tomorrow/Sunday! 

I think that's it....have a great weekend everyone!

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Good late morning!

I picked up my last grocery pickup before thanksgiving this morning at Wally World. 
came home and chopped onions and bell peppers for the freezer and so I’ll have some done for dressing when I pre-make it on Wednesday.   
got butter sitting out to come to room temp so I can make the cookie cut out dough.   I’ll refrigerate it overnight and roll it out and cut and bake tomorrow.  I’ll freeze the cookies and take out Wednesday to (minimally) decorate.  I’m going to send some home with everyone on thanksgiving.   
Put up laundry   
supper??  Probably grilled cheese and tomato soup 

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Howdie, happy Friday!  It's rainy here - a good day to be a desk worker!

After waking the kids & making sure they left for school on time, I went back to bed for a few more hours.  So I guess I'm caught up on sleep.  Yay!


  • Kids up & off to school on time.
  • Had a shower / hair wash.  Need a haircut, but won't have a car today, so maybe tomorrow.
  • Ate fruit, drank water, took vitamins, did some arm exercises and cardio aka playing with the dog.
  • Caught up on emails, news, social media, calendar, and electronic school stuff.
  • A little cleaning, a little reading.
  • Had a work discussion.
  • Paid some bills and cleared some other personal to-do's.

To do:

  • Lots of client work.
  • Prepare a replacement donation check.  The one I sent a couple weeks ago got rejected because of a misspelling.  How did I let that happen??
  • Try to encourage the kids to do any homework they can still get credit for today.
  • Dinner out.  Probably Cracker Barrel - so I will try to work in some Christmas shopping.
  • Clean the kitchen / get the kids to help.  Maybe start a load of laundry.
  • Order vitamins and maybe some other things.
  • Night pup duty.
  • Whatever I'm forgetting.
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@TheReader, enjoy your trip, and I hope the tournament goes well.

I walked with a friend this morning, and then we went to breakfast. 

I worked on some lesson plans. 

I've been packing because we leave this afternoon for a short trip to Ohio to see dh's family. 

I still haven't figured out a Thanksgiving menu and grocery list. Maybe I'll work on that in the car on the way up. 


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Ugh my kid just brought home the marketing materials / order form for graduation.  Each senior was forced to attend a meeting and receive all this marketing crap.  Class rings, jackets, all sorts of "senior" clothing items, announcements, thank you cards ....  I can't even find the plain old cap, gown, and tassel which is all I plan on paying for.  (Which, why isn't this free at a public high school?  Or maybe it is, but they are obscuring this for dumbass parents.)

This is ridiculous.

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Dh has had a lot of insomnia this week and came home from school exhausted. He didn't feel like going to Ohio and getting in so late. We were only staying the weekend, so we canceled our trip. He will take a day off soon and go then. 

We watched another episode of All the Light We Cannot See. 

He ate a bowl of cereal, and I made a grilled "cheese" for me. 

I think we will go to Costco in the morning. 


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Scout, sending sympathy re the grades issue, as you always do for me.  I hope it's just a timing thing and he gets caught up soon.

Right now I am afraid to say this out loud, but one of my kids seems to be doing way better.  The other one though ... she has been full of drama lately and lets it interfere with her work.

I just wish the teachers would all be reasonably prompt about posting the grades, so that issues could be addressed before it's too late.

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Agree with the posting of grades!

Thankfully, the school does grades by quarters. So we will be on Ds to do better between now and Christmas, and then he starts fresh in January. Geometry and Chemistry are real struggles and if he gets Cs, we will be fine with that. Everything else should be an A or B. 

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