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Tackling Tuesday Together 11.7.23


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Good morning! 

I hope everyone is doing okay. I'll have to catch up on yesterday's thread. 

  • 3 Zoom sessions
  • finish a load of laundry between students
  • eye doctor
  • possibly tutor brother/sister duo
  • meals
  • prep for school tomorrow, which includes grading and preparing a quiz
  • watch something and relax
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So far, so good. Boy is at school and I’ve had some coffee. 

Boy drove to school today. Ds, for all his impulsiveness in other scenarios, it a good beginning driver thus far. He is calm and doesn’t overreact. He is better than Dd was at the same stage, for sure. Idk if we will be able to get him a vehicle next summer when he gets his license, but hoping so.

Shower ✔️ 
Go to Bible study ✔️ 
Gas in my car ✔️ 
Visit mom ✔️ 
Costco return ✔️ 
Tutor two students ✔️ 

Dinner is leftovers. 
I need to think a bit about meals for the end of the week and use up the veggies we have. 

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Good morning, all! 

My list today:
....prep for & go teach the PreK kiddo
....get my kids up & out the door on time

....prep a "write your paper/study for your test/make your game/*YES all at the same time!*" schedule for said kiddos 
....prep for the tutoring girls this afternoon -- copy the next Barton pages, pull some "work on math facts" stuff for the older one
....make sure my kiddos get going on the study/write/game schedule
....nap somewhere in there
....go tutor the afternoon girls
....come home, eat dinner, go to fencing
....come home, veg out, go to bed
....somewhere in there, write a reply to a friend 

Have a great day, all! 

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Good morning!

Today is a bit hectic. Here goes:

  • Sent off emails
  • knit one ornament
  • 20 minutes of exercise (it's raining out, no outdoor walking)
  • laundry
  • history class
  • make sure I have all notes ready for exam tomorrow (I have 2 exams this week. Eek!)
  • dinner: Hello Fresh meal of tortellini soup
  • committee meeting
  • take ds to practice after meeting
  • second dinner?  I may try to make a container of mac n' cheese that ds can heat up later. 
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Hi guys, happy Tuesday!

The girls are off school for election day.  I need to figure out when I'm going to vote, using a borrowed car since mine's in the shop.  I'm waiting for a client to give me a time when she wants to have a conference call.  With my luck, I'll go to the voting place just in time to receive my client's email saying "let's talk now."  😛

Got lots of work to do.  I also have some sinus thing and feeling a little flu-ish.  Probably picked up a bug over the weekend.  Thankfully, I don't think I have a lot of work due, unless I'm forgetting stuff ....

If I'm up to it, I'll catch the laundry up, maybe walk the dog ....

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home - this morning went better; the little boy's attn span is improving slowly but steadily

I have no idea how the kids are going to accomplish all they need to in the next 2 weeks. Working on setting up a schedule for them now....it's going to be rough. :sigh: 

Eating and replying to my friend, and then will nap and then get back to it. 

Afternoon tutoring bumped to 4 instead of 3:30, so that helps. 

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Good Afternoon

  • Did a grocery run for seafood, turkey, and chicken
  • 2 meetings later on today
  • rainy and cold here so not much time outside
  • looking at my do now and to do list and feeling overwhelmed. Need to focus on one at a time.
  • add extra panel to dog crate so that its not so big for her
  •  practice digital painting on ipad program
  • contact UKC about registering pup 
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I did my bible study and had some food before going out. 

I voted, and I went to the bank, post office, and water office. Then I went to the eye doctor. 

I'm printing some stuff for the 5th grader. Her teacher says the science material is in her Google classroom, but the last time we tried to sign in on her Chromebook, it wouldn't let us access her account. Hopefully, the 5th-grade material I've found online about microorganisms will cover the same standards material. 

I've got a lot of grading to do this evening, and I'm probably meeting online with a student later. 

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Ate soup n salad for dinner.
Fed the dog
Moved some laundry. 
Texted - work stuff
Thought about lunches for tomorrow. 

Need to do bills and budget, but too tired and Ds gets the laptop to watch anime when he’s back from driving practice. 

Next up:

Jammies and a book or a podcast. 

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