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Well-trained bodies - November

Laura Corin

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Thanks @Laura Corin

Today's plan- mobility work + walk

I've got to get a break from driving. The whole of October was entirely too much sitting. Yesterday was another 4+ hrs between an out-of-town doctor and trick-or-treating. Blech. That's ok for me here or there but not multiple times a week like it has been.


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Thanks for getting us started Laura.

Well, I need some eating goals for November. The stress eating must stop. I'm trying the 800g challenge but modifying it to just be 5 servings a day of fruits/veggies. I've probably been getting about 3 most days. It helps just to have a goal and think at the beginning of the day: how do I get 5 today? What do I pack for lunch? Also I am planning to do no sweets between now and Thanksgiving, but that's only 3 weeks. No more ice cream in the house.

Today is the start of parent conferences. We work 4:00-8:00 tonight for the after-work parents and the rest of the day is ours to manage (but of course another 4 hours of prep/grading in there). Then daytime conferences tomorrow. I'm having a nice slow morning and will go into work around noon. So I got my full 30 minutes of treadmill this morning--I do need to work on getting the full 30 min each day.

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I had no time to exercise midday, but amazingly the rain stopped at 5 so I took a brisk walk around the village in the dark.

Husband went for a fitness assessment today. His strength is right at the bottom of the range for his age - I open all the jars in the house. He's signed up for a strength class. And his blood pressure has gone from 'high normal' to 'good grief', so he is booking a doctor's appointment.  So that's good.

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@Laura Corin Thanks for starting the new thread! I feel for you with darkness already at 5pm. Ours is a little after 6pm and that feels early. 

Dh and I got in one nice dog walk today, but ds's volleyball got in the way of a second walk before darkness hit. We're not allowed to walk in the dog park after dark, so our time is becoming more limited in the morning and evening. 

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20 min fitbymik dumbbell workout. Long day of conferences today--hopefully I'll get enough moving around to close the exercise ring. Last night was easy. Between the heavy rain, soccer playoff game, and choir concert, there weren't that many people there. I mostly had parents of students who were doing fine--easy conversations. We'll see what today brings. Oh, and I was able to find appointments for Covid shots in town on Friday (I have the day off and can recover from the shot by Monday). I made appointments for me and dd for the afternoon and I cancelled the appointments I had made in another town.

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I've been getting in two dog walks a day. They are great for my mental and physical health! I'm still struggling with report writing at work. I'm thrilled that it's Friday!! 😉 

The puppy is growing fast and doing his best to keep up with his older brother. They love their off-leash runs!



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@Harriet Vane I'm certain that counts double 🙂

Yesterday I felt better. I'm wondering if it wasn't a sinus thing due to the extreme changes in temperature. IDK

I got a small walk with dh and lots of work around the house. It is so lovely to start off the week ahead. 

I had 2 blissful days where I didn't drive anywhere. Usually, I'm lucky to get 1 day off a week, it was much needed.

Today: 25 min full body strength + short walk

My hip was really flaring up this weekend. I'm not sure if that was from all the driving I've been doing or exercises or trying to sleep on my "bad" side? I'm dialing it back on lower body again. I had started to use some weights and doing more movements. I'm also going back to mostly on my back, occasionally on the good side and never on my bad side. And fingers crossed I don't have to drive quite as much this week as I know next week will be a heavy driving and I need a break.

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I got my Covid booster Friday afternoon and spent Saturday in serial naps on the sofa feeling pretty much the same as a light flu. Better on Sunday. No exercise this weekend. 30 min on the treadmill this morning and I've lost two pounds gained from stress eating after 1 week of deliberately eating 5 servings of fruits/veggies each day and almost a week of no sweets.

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I fell on Saturday and wrenched my neck. Scared to death because of previous neck injuries, but thankfully it seems to be easing up. I actually think all the walking at the zoo helped loosen up my back and torso generally. I went to the gym first thing and took it easy, focusing on things that would loosen up my neck and back and at a slightly lower weight. Took a walk afterwards also. Still stiff on the left side but I feel better than before. 

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Monday - brisk walk from the hospital to work, then a quick walk at lunchtime. 

Tuesday - two brisk half-hour walks.

Two successes - when I went for my smear test, I asked the nurse to measure my height. At 60 I'm the same height as I was at 20, so yoga has helped me to keep my posture fairly straight. 

Second success - driving home tonight I managed to slam on the brakes - there was no one behind and it wasn't icy - and miss a badger that decided to trundle across the road.

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My foster teen attends a digital hybrid school, so we do a ton of work at the dining room table. We’re at the school’s learning lab half-days 3-4 times per week. It’s nowhere near my home. Once I drop off teen, I have no option but to stay nearby. These first couple weeks I just worked in the library. It’s nice enough. Today I decided to tackle the small local university. I walked all over and poked around various campus buildings. Found a few lounges that will work for me. Also found two snack/coffee spots. The weather today was gorgeous and unseasonably warm, so it was lovely walking around with no jacket.

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I exercised most days last week, though I didn't post here. This week is an anomaly in that there has been some meeting or other for me to go to nearly every day. So no exercise Monday or Tuesday. I went to my first Intermediate TKD class this evening. I have to order some sparring gear. My favorite part of TKD are the patterns. Not really looking forward to sparring, but it's supposed to be no contact, so it should be ok.

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13 hours ago, knitgrl said:

I exercised most days last week, though I didn't post here. This week is an anomaly in that there has been some meeting or other for me to go to nearly every day. So no exercise Monday or Tuesday. I went to my first Intermediate TKD class this evening. I have to order some sparring gear. My favorite part of TKD are the patterns. Not really looking forward to sparring, but it's supposed to be no contact, so it should be ok.

Sounds like you're progressing really well in TKD! I loved patterns, too. What helped my transition to sparring was three-step sparring that my training studio did. You work with a partner and put the pattern moves of attacks and blocks together in slow motion. There are videos on youtube. 

All the best!

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@knitgrl congrats on moving up on classes. At my girls TKD they do no contact sparring and they seem to have a lot of fun with it. It's a good way to practice the moves.

@Laura Corin excellent news on your great posture and fast reflexes

@wintermom that puppy is keeping you on your toes!

@Harriet Vane  sounds like you are adjusting to your foster kid. Big changes are so hard.


Mon- full body strength; Tues- upper body strength + 45 min pickleball; Wed- lower body strength; Thurs- 10 min core + 10 min mobility

Short walks every day

I think I mentioned that my hip was flaring up but it is calming down again (I've moved several steps back on strength and am not driving as much this week). Most of my clients now I have to meet later so pickleball is rarely working out. Oh well. 

I got 2nd place in the October Walking Challenge. I won a $50 gift card to a local sporting goods store. I just had 75 miles but not a lot of people participate. I feel like I'm not walking nearly as much as I'd like but it is a manageable level with everything else going on. 

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High school swim season is wrecking havoc with my physical fitness plans.  My general thing has been doing deep water aerobics on Tues/ Thurs and swimming laps on M/W/F/ one weekend day and doing weights three times a week at the Y.  I was also trying to do DDPYoga but it was all together too much time (more than 2 hours a day) and head space (bigger concern), so I think I'm dropping the yoga for now.  But now that high school swim season has started, between the Y swim teams, the college swim team practicing at the Y, and the high school swim teams, there is no time between 4pm and the close of the Y that there is open swim in any of the three branches, including the one 30 minutes away down the interstate.  I managed to slip in and get a mile in yesterday because some of the swim teamers were on a break and there was one lane that wasn't closed, but I think that was a mistake on their part and I can't count on it again.  There's time on Fridays and the weekends, so I'll make sure to prioritize those, and I'll try to be diligent about making it to water aerobics tho that didn't work today because my youngest had a choir concert.  I think on either Monday or Wednesdays I'll ask my husband to pick up my youngest from school and I'll go swim as soon as preschool gets out, but I can't ask him to do both days.  

Tuesday, I did weights for a half hour and deep water aerobics.

Wednesday, I got my mile in.  Prefer to get a bit more, but the 30 minutes each way commute made me not have enough time.

Today, I did weights for a half hour and walked some.  Not a banner day, but choir concert.  

Maybe this is a bad time to give up on DDP Yoga, but the head space and time was just becoming mentally unhealthy.

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This is college visit weekend for us, so I spent the day touring.  My phone says I got 73 minutes of exercise and there were about 700 stairs, so I am calling it good even without going and swimming tonight.  (Wouldn't have worked time wise by the time we got done and ate dinner anyway.). 

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@Ali in OR I liked Kassandra too when I used her videos. Buried in her site she used to have a couple of videos about 'manifesting' which is problematic for me, but the yoga videos as good.

I didn’t end up doing the walk I had planned and instead crossly climbed a very steep hill - long story.  I'm sure it was good for me. View from the top towards the Highlands,  and from downhill looking up. Amazing weather.




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@Laura Corin Gorgeous scenery! Thanks for sharing your photos.

Got a nice dog walk in the woods this morning, then sat most of the day relaxing after yesterday's volleyball tournament for ds17. I watched and cheered for many hours as ds and his team played non-stop for most of the day. I had sore muscles in my arms and shoulders from all the clapping, as well as a sore hand. How nuts is that! 🤣

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@wintermom that's a lot of clapping 🙂

@Laura Corin I'm sorry your plans didn't work out but glad you got a little walk anyway- How is strength training going for your dh? Is he enjoying the class?

@Terabith that is very frustrating about the pool. I know it is similar here as we only have 1 indoor pool, during swim season it is monopolized by the teams. I'm sure it's very frustrating for the swimmers.I would get frustrated whenever I took the girls to play as half the pool would be closed for them.


We ended up walking around 6 miles total at 2 different parks. One park has giant granite boulders so it is walking and climbing. The other was a big climb up a hill and then around to see the shut-ins. I'll post a few pics from my phone. It was nice weather for November where we live. 

I might try and work out today. Tomorrow we have to leave at 5 am for dd2's dr visit in the city so there is no way I'm getting in my workout. 

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1 hour ago, Soror said:

Pics from our walk yesterday 😁




Great pictures!

Husband's first week at strength training was good but hard. He seems committed. 

Sunday - lovely weather again.  I'm about to set off for a quick walk up the den. I may make time for yoga later. Otherwise I'm working on my next essay. 

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@Soror Great photos! Those rocks look so fun for climbing!

Got in a really nice dog walk this morning in the woods. We did a double loop with a few other dog owners and their dogs to try to really tire out our dogs. No successful, but it was fun trying. 😉

Then watched the finals for the Billy Jean King Cup tennis, where Canada won! So fun to wach. It is like the Davis cup, but for women. 

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