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Tackling Thursday Together. 10-26


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Regular day here, so far. Ds is at school and I have coffee. Cooking bacon. 

Pick up milk ✔️ 
Prayer mtg ✔️ 
Grocery and cooking ✔️ 
Electronic chores
Call mom
Work at church? Nope

Dinner is cassoulet and green veggies/salad.

AHG tonight? Need to decide. Last football game of the season is tonight, but Ds will not likely play bc it’s senior night. But they could win this one and I hate to miss. 

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Regular day here, too.  DS is back at school for the first day this week and already wanting to come back home.  I don't blame him.  He feels awful and has two quizzes back to back.

  • knit, maybe finish ds's hat
  • 10,000 steps
  • class
  • work on literature paper
  • finish reading book for class tomorrow
  • study for exam
  • dinner: shepherd's pie, salad, bread.

DS isn't doing hockey tonight, and I have a feeling it'll be family night watching a movie instead.

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Good morning!  Yesterday I was able to de-pocket a shirt for Oldest (for a RenFest costume), and fix the button on his jeans (hopefully it holds), so those are *off* my list for today! Yay! 

Today I have:

....work on my friend's quilt add-on thing
....get kids up & out on time
....print some more spelling practice sheets for the older girl today
....load the school bag for Monday (check over the 2nd grade page and make sure we're on the right history stuff)
....grade papers and load them back in
....figure out if Oldest needs anything else for his RenFest costume, order that as needed

....draft an idea of what the "chain mail" tunic needs to look like for Middle, make that if needed (there's discussion about skipping it, so we'll see)
....lunch/nap at some point probably
....go tutor the 2 girls
....come home, eat dinner (Middle is cooking - pork chops and ???) (probably will be turned into an Asian themed stir fry)
....go to fencing (oh, that reminds me - go upstairs and gather my still hanging to dry wool stuff, put away)
....come home, go to bed. 

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Good morning!

Ds is coming later today and bringing a friend. She is trying to raise money for a trip, and he asked if we could give her some work to do. I'm going to have her help me do some projects around the house.

  • dh's breakfast and lunch
  • exercise
  • breakfast
  • tidy house
  • start crockpot for dinner
  • 1 Zoom session
  • 1 in-person student
  • grocery store for a few extras with dinner
  • enjoy them being here
  • watch something and relax


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kids are up & out on time

DH ordered the stuff for Oldest's costume

I got sidetracked looking up properties for sale/lease - my dream is really to split off on my own and have a homeschool/tutoring center; a property up the road came back up for lease, but in looking for it, I stumbled on all kinds of equally feasible, better location stuff. Everything from a small lot with a not-yet-finished "shed turned house" for $60K, to a 3.5 acre dream property with house, 3 car garage, huge workshop, fenced pastures, for $465K. Ha. That one would require selling/moving, but if we could live in the house, outfit the workshop for the school.....:swoon:  Probably a dream, but still fun to look. 

Going to talk to DH and see if we can set up showings for any of them....some very interesting ideas out there....

ETA: well, he says *maybe* we could consider the lot, probably not the dream property (and none of the "but look at this, too!" ones; he never sees potential like I do....)

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Good morning

  • Make appointments with a number of physicians and Psychologist
  • Print up a list of Tricare dentists Who would make dh A new sleep apnea appliance
  • Sign up for telehealth counseling
  • Call expressscripts For 2 reasons, First to confirm Enbrel Shipment and secondly to ask about both methotrexate And arava to find out if methotrexate Would be okay for me due to my liver problems. And also is it actually more likely to Cause me to get infections
  • Check both close I r s and alabama taxes that we paid this year To see if we need to refill after I do my part of the taxes, Normally, i'm in charge of making sure medical expenses and charitable expenses are correctly noted for the taxes. This year, however, I was so out of it That I don't think I did it,
  • Do some laundry
  • Figure out food orders from different grocery stores
  • Set up Access Ride for next Tuesday
  • Buy presents from my grandson
  • Go on Lands End Website and try to Start return process
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3 minutes ago, ScoutTN said:

Decided to go to the game. It’s perfect football weather and I need to take every opportunity to show Ds support and encouragement. 

@mommyoffive Praying for your back to heal. Is it muscle or disc? Thankful you could sleep! 

I think it is muscle??? It is not in my spine area it is more over in my rib area.  Odd. I had a bit of a pain in it on Tuesday, but nothing happened that I remember.

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Middle & I conferred, and agreed we don't need/they don't want the "chain mail" part of the costume after all, as it will just be between 2 layers, and really does look great w/o it, etc. So, that's a relief! I was not looking forward to creating it. 

Instead, I prepped ahead another week - that takes me to the week before Thanksgiving, so that's good. 

Going to veg out until time to go tutor. 

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Walked the dog, then vacuumed his hair off the LR rug. 

Stirred the cassoulet and started some hot cereal. 

The church that normally feeds the football team cancelled at the last minute…so 70 boys who came straight from school now have no dinner before a 7 pm game. 😡😡 

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4 minutes ago, ScoutTN said:

The church that normally feeds the football team cancelled at the last minute…so 70 boys who came straight from school now have no dinner before a 7 pm game. 😡😡 

Oh, no!!

I'm so impressed that you have a church that does this on a regular basis.  It must be a relief for the parents, I mean, usually.

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13 minutes ago, HomeAgain said:

Oh, no!!

I'm so impressed that you have a church that does this on a regular basis.  It must be a relief for the parents, I mean, usually.

Yes! One church does home games and another does away. One is across the street from the school and the other about 1/4 mile down the street. It’s a good ministry, very practical.

I suspect a communication glitch bc the game is tonight and not tomorrow. City schools are off tomorrow for parent-teacher conferences.

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Good Evening

  • Had early Dr apt and blood work to check vit D levels
  • raked and raked to get acorns out of puppy play yard so she wont eat them
  • drove around looking at the final glimpse of fall colors
  • Dh locked himself out so came back to let him in
  • measuring a huge couch my parents had and figuring which doors it will fit through to get rid of it. Ds suggested taking it apart cuz its so big and heavy
  • try to figure out how to replace ceiling light in basement. It has a raised ceiling panels.
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At the game. Crowd is flat and we are losing by 15.

Ds played most of the 4th quarter. 

Football is over for this year. Hopefully next year we will get moved back to our previous division where we actually have a chance to win. 

He’ll jump in with lacrosse next week. 

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2 hours ago, ScoutTN said:

At the game. Crowd is flat and we are losing by 15.

Ds played most of the 4th quarter. 

Football is over for this year. Hopefully next year we will get moved back to our previous division where we actually have a chance to win. 

He’ll jump in with lacrosse next week. 

Oh wow, I was going to say enjoy the break but he is going on to the next thing.  I am sorry the season didn't go well.

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4 hours ago, LifeLovePassion said:

Made it through the day...I am exhausted so I took tomorrow off. We are working on flooring tomorrow and this weekend. Fingers crossed it goes smoothly and quickly. I need a break from this project and the ability to reclaim the rest of the house. 

Other than tired how are feeling?  

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8 hours ago, mommyoffive said:

Oh wow, I was going to say enjoy the break but he is going on to the next thing.  I am sorry the season didn't go well.

He does better with a workout, so I am glad there is something athletic still going on for him. They have student-led field practice 1x/week and weight lifting 2x/week, so not a lot. Not sure when real practices begin. January? 

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3 hours ago, ScoutTN said:

He does better with a workout, so I am glad there is something athletic still going on for him. They have student-led field practice 1x/week and weight lifting 2x/week, so not a lot. Not sure when real practices begin. January? 

I like having busy kids too.  So odd to me that it starts in January, because it is so different than here.

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1 hour ago, mommyoffive said:

I like having busy kids too.  So odd to me that it starts in January, because it is so different than here.

The lacrosse game season here is March and April, 2 games per week. I am guessing about when coaching begins bc last year the school didn’t find coaches until the end of February. There are rules about how early before the season high school coaches can have practice. Hence student-led field practice (for kids without a fall/winter sport) Sept-January. 

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1 minute ago, ScoutTN said:

The lacrosse game season here is March and April, 2 games per week. I am guessing about when coaching begins bc last year the school didn’t find coaches until the end of February. There are rules about how early before the season high school coaches can have practice. Hence student-led field practice (for kids without a fall/winter sport) Sept-January. 

I know they have lacrosse here, probably in the fall or spring? Don't know.  We don't have any experience with it.  But nothing outdoor happening outdoors December and January here besides all the snow sports.

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got pictures of all of DS's characters for his game, that he wants on his quilt. Tried working up the layout on my quilt program - ha! going to have to just do applique. I can work out the background at least, and then guess on the amounts needed for each color. Oof. 

Heard from my friend re: some tweaks to her quilt plan (just drawing it for her so she can calculate yardage). 

thought I could get the binding off the other quilt with the seam ripper...ha! nope. Going to just cut it off. I think lunch/nap and then that while DH is out at his work lunch. 

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27 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

I know they have lacrosse here, probably in the fall or spring? Don't know.  We don't have any experience with it.  But nothing outdoor happening outdoors December and January here besides all the snow sports.

No snow here! Rare. Avg winter daytime temps are 40’s-50’s. Often yucky out, but often fine for field practice. They will sometimes use the gym and sometime the fenced outdoor turf area. Lax is technically a spring sport here. 

Football has practice for six weeks of the nine week summer. School is August-May.

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10 minutes ago, ScoutTN said:

No snow here! Rare. Avg winter daytime temps are 40’s-50’s. Often yucky out, but often fine for field practice. They will sometimes use the gym and sometime the fenced outdoor turf area. Lax is technically a spring sport here. 

Football has practice for six weeks of the nine week summer. School is August-May.

That is my kind of winter!!  I would love to live that far south or farther.

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