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CV vs Resume


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I applied for an online remote job, which included sending my resume. They are now asking for my CV.

I looked at some examples online of CVs and they look like my resume.  

Some sites say you are supposed to be very detailed on your academics for a CV but my degree is from 1995, so I am confused about why they would want that now. 

Any insight on this? Thank you.

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I always though they were the same thing as well.  Here we refer to a CV.  

My CV has the following sections:

- About me:  This is a very brief introduction with years of experience and areas of expertise and interest

- Education:  Degrees with major subjects (our degrees work a bit differently to those in the US)

- Other relevant training

- Work Experience: For the most recent jobs, I highlight major achievements and responsibilities.  I've worked for the same large corporate for nearly 30 years, but have held a number of different positions, so list the ones when I was younger.

- Volunteer Experience

- Some people might add references as well.

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Is it a UK-based company? We always say 'CV' . Mine has key skills,  work experience with descriptions of jobs,  education - qualifications and dates - and other skills. Some people add interests and references.  That's it. It's about two pages - maybe the resume was shorter than they wanted?

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Is the job in medical or academia? CVs are more common in those fields. 
is the company European? CVs are more common there (and, I believe Canada and Australia, too). 
As for differences, a CV typically includes everything (all education, all jobs held, all presentations/publications, etc.) whereas a resume has a little more leeway with what to include, what to exclude, and how to format. 

Are you in conversation with a recruiter or is this all done through automated processes so far? If you have a contact person, I’d suggest asking if your previously submitted resume will suffice. If not, is there something specific they are looking for that is not included in your resume? 

if it’s all automated, you might want to reformat your resume (if you have a lot of design elements, for example, take them out) and resubmit it as a CV. 

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