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Friday Tacklers, let's get it done! 10.6.23


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Today begins the quilt exhibit saga. I would appreciate prayers that all goes well with it since I'm a little nervous being in charge of it. We collect quilts all weekend and begin hanging them on Monday. 

  • bible study
  • exercise
  • shower/get ready
  • meals
  • take our cable receiver back because we are going to use the app to save money
  • pick up some flyers at the printer
  • go to the art building to tidy and set up how I want things for registration
  • collect quilts
  • work on school stuff this evening
  • watch something and relax
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I took today off ... I needed a mental health reset an addition to just the overall weariness from working every weekend on the basement. We have inspections today, might go look at a car depending on timing, and possibly will pick up the flooring depending on rain. The majority of the day will just be spent relaxing. 

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Good morning all! 

Rest well, @LifeLovePassion; those mental health resets are so needed and so good. 

Best of luck with the quilt exhibit, @mom31257! Wish I were near enough to come see it! 

Today I have:

....prep/go tutor the PreK/friend's girls
....come home, I think at some point we are taking my car for tires

....work on flashcards for/with the boys for their geology test
....maybe sew my friend's strips for her quilt
....remember to leave early to pick up strawberry cake for my friend/the girls this morning
....maybe work on the closet, if there's time
....not sure the plans for tonight.....? probably watch Ahsoka & Loki 
....text Grandma 
....not sure what else....the study prep may take a while, so we'll see what else gets done

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Good morning!

I woke at the regular time, then went back to sleep. I’ve made coffee, but am holding off on other kitchen work til Ds is up or 10:30, whichever comes first. I noticed several Dvds out, so I think he stayed up late, watching some favorite movies. 

Got the Wordle in 3. 

Bills and budget

Take Ds to get a haircut and help my mom. 

Shopping across town -  ✔️ farm stand for tomatoes, apples, mums, and pumpkins. Whole Foods for shrimp and bar soap.

Pick up Rx on the way back from shopping. Going right by CVS. ✔️ 

Cooking! Prep shepherd’s pie, baked apples, and salad for dinner. Bake banana bread. 

This is an ambitious list, considering my late start! If necessary, the desk work can be put off a day or three. 

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I took today off to chaperone A on a field trip, but he got in trouble at school so he isn't allowed on the field trip anymore, so I am coloring my hair this am, waiting for the home inspector to come and inspect Dad's room that we got repaired.   

I am leaving at noon to go pick up college boy and his friend so they can help us move this weekend.  I am PAYING them!   They will help us with the heavy stuff and some cleaning.    That is 5 hours R/T, so that will take until dinner.

I will also prep for tomorrow's big move out.....get some boxes into the house, clean the kitchen and do one last load of dishes

We will do our last loads of laundry by Sunday morning so we can take the washer and dryer to storage on Sunday.

I need to book a place to stay, I think we have determined we will get a place starting Wed night.   But Thur is also an option. We have gone back and forth on that.    The due diligence period ends today, so after 5pm, I will feel more confident getting a place, although it does look like this is a done deal now that they signed our counter offer.


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Howdie, happy Friday!

Mom31257, I wish you all the best on your quilt endeavors!

I think I'm glad it's Friday??  I don't have any specific deadlines today, but I need to respond to some things & catch up on stuff that should have been done earlier.

Update on the birthday eating ... well they couldn't find a pumpkin roll at the store, so my kid decided to bake a cake, of which I ate about a third or more ... can't really say no, right?  (Baker kid doesn't eat cake.)  And the housemates decided I just had to have restaurant food, so they ordered Olive Garden for pickup as a surprise.  Which I found out after I'd already eaten leftovers from the fridge.  SIGH.  I tried not to over-do it, but ....

But now that the birthday is over, I'm feeling the planning bug.  How to prioritize and get stuff done, instead of procrastinating every time there's no emergency!  And maybe get back to pursuing personal goals?  I started by ordering a new calendar, since the one I have ends on 12/31/23.


  • Kids off to school on time, yay!  So far they have been doing pretty good with attendance!  One kid was late one morning because she "lost" her phone in the car, but that's not bad by our standards ....
  • Shower, a little exercise, ate fruit, took vitamins, a little cleaning, some pup stuff.
  • Caught up on calendar, emails, social media, & electronic school stuff.
  • Placed an order with Walmart (a calendar, a birthday trinket for Kid1, and a couple mundane laundry items to get the free shipping).

To do:

  • Lots of client work.
  • "Yoga etc."  Walk the dog?
  • Eat veggies, drink more water.
  • Catch up on reading lots of newsy stuff in my inbox / WSJ.
  • Finish and send my personal tax info.  It took me forever to figure out how to login and get one of my 1099s, so now it's getting urgent.
  • A few other personal things if I have time.
  • Kids have an away game (marching band gig).
  • Should do 1 load of laundry so Kid2 will have a clean shirt for work tomorrow.
  • Whatever else gets done.
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Okay, got the tutoring gig done - did get a strawberry cupcake on time & even got there early! yay! 

visited some with my friend after, then left to meet DH at the tire place to drop off my van. Now home, eating lunch and probably squeeze in a nap -- we stayed way too late after fencing last night. oops. 

Tires should be done after our nap, so then we'll pick up the car, come home, and work on flash cards and studying help for the kids. 

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Good Day

@mom31257Can you post pictures of your quilt show- sounds like fun

@LifeLovePassionyay on inspection

@DawnMgood luck on inspection

  • picked up rx 
  • picked up grocery order and put away
  • emailed several people who replied to my free old outside firewood ad
  • finished making a  PowerPoint slide show
  • laundry
  • photograph and list more items to sell
  • bring in the rest of the lawn ornaments.
  • set up solar lights around outside dog play yard if weather cooperates 
  • one of these days move old couch from LR to garage to get rid of and bring couch up from basement. Its an old sectional that my folks divided after several years so they had something to sit on in the basement after they redid it. I don't want to get anything new with pup in training.  
  • Watch the new season of Loki 


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At the hospital with my mom, who fell during PT and broke her tibia. Getting CT of her ankle now. Admitting her, then surgery tomorrow am. Poor mom! 

Dd is running late anyway, bc she’s giving another student a ride home, so we wouldn’t have had dinner together anyway. 


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@ScoutTN, I'm so sorry! Praying it heals quickly! 

@SKL, happy birthday!! 

@history-fan, I'll try to do that. 

@TheReader, I wish you were close enough to come! 

Everything was good today! We had several come by to drop off quilts. A couple of people came to help put up the racks that hold quilts. 

When I wrote the date on something, I realized today is our first date anniversary. It was 33 years ago. We made the worst pizza ever, so we went to get pizza tonight. We came home and watched Loki.  

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Mom is resting as comfortably as possible, given the circumstances. 

Dd is home. ❤️❤️❤️

We went out to an asian fusion place for dinner. Mine was so-so but everyone else said theirs was excellent. Not as good as the nearby Thai restaurant. 

Winding down now. Gotta get up early-ish bc Ds needs to be at work at 7:45. 

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Dh and I played a game of Patchwork. It seemed appropriate for the quilt collection weekend. LOL!

I made egg salad for him to have for breakfast. He's giving the SAT in the morning. 

It looks like dh will get quite a few hours at the night school this year. We are considering saving to take a big trip next summer unless unforeseen circumstances make us need the money for other things. We are considering driving up the East Coast to New England and seeing lots on the way, flying up to New England and renting a car to see just up that way, or possibly flying to England/UK. It's a lot to consider, but having a goal will make working the extra hours easier on dh. 

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@mom31257 - two things: one, what do you think of the game Patchwork?  my family keeps suggesting I need it....is it fun? 

two, one of our "want to do" trips is to fly up to NE, rent a car, and then do a driving food tour of that area. Philly Cheese Steaks in Philadelphia, NE clam chowder in all the places, Boston Baked Beans in Boston, etc. (and whatever other things are from places up there). Those goals to save for definitely help with the work attitude! have fun planning, whatever you decide!

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