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October gardening thread. What are you working on?


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The weather was forecasting frost last week but I didn't go out since they were saying lows around 35 in my area and I live on the top of the hill so that usually buys me a bit more time.  I was out today and I can see that my zucchini did get nipped.  But the majority of the plant is still healthy (and even producing which has never happened this late for me).  The next 10 days aren't suppose to get lower than 45 so I'm still very hesitant to rip things out. But I do need to get garlic planted so I spent so time pulling out the melon plant and a couple of tomatoes that only had peas sized green ones on as well as  some of the peppers that had no fruit on.  Altogether it cleared me enough space that I can get the garlic in after the next round of rain.  

I had put in some new beds this year and bought a bulk load of really nice raised bed soil.  And I made sure to plant my parsnips in the nice loose soil.  I just checked on one and it was gigantic.  I'm not pulling them till we have a harder freeze but I'm so excited to see how they are coming.  My parsnips have always been small and gnarly in my heavy clay soil so it's nice to see what a difference the good soil has made.  I might be willing to grow some outdoor carrots now knowing that they stand a chance.  Would make my youngest so happy as he loves carrots but root veggies have never grown well in the ground for me.

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I would like to say that when I pulled the pepper plants, I was absolutely shocked at the size of the root ball and depth. I had to really heave on them to get them out! It was a shock to me because I have not grown jalapenos before and didn't expect that. I was so proud of how healthy they still looked, and it made me a little sad. But, the weather is changing rapidly here, and I really need to get the compost and leaves in these beds. I am a total pansy about working in the beds once it stays below 45° (7.22C) during the day, and it was only a high of 49° (9.44C) today, nothing much higher predicted for the next few days. 😭

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Pulled the final tomatoes from my mom's garden. She was dying in May but she insisted on getting plants with me and planting them.

I harvested some in July but didn't get home in August or September. So I have three bags of beefsteak tomatoes and grape tomatoes for my family to feast on and remember Grandma for one more harvest. Most are green so I'll plan on making green tomato chutney and trying to ripen the beefsteaks.

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I've pulled up most of what remains and stacked up the black beans to dry a little longer.  I want to buy some good bulk compost as my pile was taken over by garlic mustard, ugh.  It was a hard year for gardening, too much rain, very little sun, not enough time.  Leeks and basil were happy, tomatoes almost non-existent. 

I'm putting my garden into my contemplation hopper for the winter to pull it into my bigger life plan and hope for some inspiration.

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It’s raining here! Light but steady for a couple of hours and expect to continue for a few more hours. We really need it!

adding a pic of 3 baby African violets I grew from seed. I have several more downstairs under lights that are still too small to pot up. 
This was fun. Can’t wait to see what color blooms the lighter green one has. The edges of its leaves are bleached because I had them under too strong of a light. 


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