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Tackling Tuesday Together, 9.12.23


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Good morning!

I don't have as many alarms set today!

  • breakfast and lunch for dh
  • medicine
  • bible study
  • did a logic puzzle to decide if I want to give it to some students
  • exercise
  • shower and get ready
  • coffee
  • prep for lessons today
  • meals for just myself today
  • 2 Zoom sessions
  • dentist for cleaning
  • two in-person (the siblings) coming together; It will be challenging, and I don't believe the older one needs as much help as the younger one. 
  • order some letter/phonics tiles
  • prep for classes tomorrow including some grading
  • watch something and relax
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Good morning!  It's back to the grind here:

  • make ds lunch
  • work on literature project
  • finish anatomy work
  • history class
  • stop by the bookstore to find out what's up with my order
  • Trader Joe's for more oatmeal, yogurt, and snacks
  • go over homework with ds/check chores
  • dinner?  I'm not sure yet. Something with chicken
  • scouts
  • take ds to practice
  • second dinner?
  • 10,000 steps
  • violin
  • French
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Good morning!

I need to get a shower and change clothes to go to Bible study.

Call mom
Bank ✔️ 
CSA box ✔️ 
Mail a package to Dd ✔️ 
Tutor one student ✔️ 

Dinner is leftovers? 
I may make a meatloaf and some sides tonight, so there food in the fridge for Ds’ 10:30 pm second supper.

Edited by ScoutTN
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Good morning!

Today I have:

...look over the list for today's PreK kid, make sure I have everything
...make sure all the kids are up on time, and out the door on time
...go do the PreK stuff
...come home, make sure everything is ready to go for tomorrow
...finalize what adapted handwriting I want to use with the kiddo with motor delays, print that for the next few weeks, and email mom some of it to use at home
....scan in this week's math to email to same mom b/c she still hasn't ordered the books yet 
....email her both of those things

...fencing drills
...make sure I've finished typing up reports for the tutor kids today, and have everything ready to go
...when the kids get home, help DS go over history stuff, help him pick/narrow down a topic for their first project

...Middle is cooking dinner - DH will be around to help
...go tutor the 2 girls (mine are sibs but since I go to them, I do one at a time; together is hard @mom31257! I've always split the time when I've had sibs, so one gets however long, then the other gets however long, but we don't work together at the same time....is that an option??)
...come home, eat dinner
...change/get ready for fencing/go to fencing

...come home, veg out


We had a fencing tournament on Saturday, and y'all -- I won 2nd place!!!! It was a small one, but I finished ahead of my coach & my other coach's wife! Gah! I could not believe it!!  So now I'm super excited, and also going to try and keep working hard, so maybe at the bigger tournament we have next month, I might also finish well. 

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Thanks, y'all! I am still pretty giddy over it! 

Home from doing PreK - the kid is adorable, and the mom feeds me muffins when I leave, so it's fast becoming my favorite gig, LOL! 

Impatiently waiting for a package to be delivered (shirt/dress I ordered online last week)

The trash company finally dropped off our new trash can (the old one was broken at the bottom) - yay! 

Gassed up so we don't have to later

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ds is off at school.

anatomy work is turned in.

grocery shopping done.

Up next, book store and history class.  And YAY!  My history book made it here today!  I had the next chapter available online, but I think this is one I want to keep for good.  It's all primary sources relating to and about women, which is something I don't already have on my shelf.

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@TheReader, way to go!!  I only met with them the first time yesterday. She is 5th, and he is 2nd. I sat them at each end of the dining room table. I tried going back and forth. For her, I'm more there to make sure she is doing the homework than tutoring.  It started out as tutoring, but she has improved a lot. He is going to need a lot of help with reading and writing. I had him read some in a book that was in his backpack, and he didn't even try to sound out the words. 

The first student woke up sick, so we rescheduled. I had another student who needed some extra help, so we hopped on Zoom to do that. I'm about to meet with the second one. 

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Finished typing up the notes from tutoring so far, and printed that, so I can take the agreement & initial assessment to the parents today when I go

Need to check with DH what we agreed for Thurs, so I can let the tutor family know (I think I will do 45 mins each, so they still get some work, but I can still leave on time for my concert that night - we're going to see Iliza Schlushinger (sp???))


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Got DS going on his homework - what he has so far for creative writing is good! Got him going on the remaining bits, and helped him pick a topic for his history game/research project.  As they actually had lab this week for Geology, there's no other stuff I need to help with, and I'm set for tutoring, so going to organize my closet real quick, do my fencing drills, grab a snack, and pack the fencing bag before I go tutor. 

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1 hour ago, mom31257 said:

@ScoutTN and @TheReader, any recommendations for studying spelling words with this 2nd grader? She definitely wants me to help him with those each week. He is a slow writer, and it's barely legible. I plan to get better tiles to use, but I'm using letters from Upwords today, even though they are all capitals. 

I like the All About Spelling tiles. It’s a thorough Orton-Gillingham (multi sensory) program. 

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Another vote for All About Spelling. You could have him use the tiles to do the spelling words, and in general work on is he hearing the phonemes, able to spell the phonemes (so, if the word is cat, can he segment it into /c/, /a/, /t/?).  With the girl I'm working with, she can spell the word if I give it to her sound by sound, but not if its all together. We're working on it. (I'm using Barton with her, but b/c I have it; it's pricey to purchase just for one tutor kid, and AAS is very similar in their approach to spelling). 

You can also do stamps, letter magnets on a cookie sheet, put some fine sandpaper on a clipboard that he uses for writing, so he gets more tactile input (may help the handwriting), and do traceable words (you can write the list in highlighter, and have him trace it, or you write it in pencil and let him trace w/different colored highlighters). 

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6 hours ago, mom31257 said:

@ScoutTN, are you doing a published study or something the leader is doing? 

It’s a study of 1 and 2 Peter by Lydia Brownback. Various women teach on the week’s passage, then we break into small groups to discuss the lesson in the book. The book is more of a springboard than anything, but I am enjoying it.

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Feeling lots of criticism and pressure from Dh about not being employed FT. 😢

I have no qualifications for anything that pays decently. Two religion/theology degrees and decades of experience in children’s ministry. Not changing churches or moving, so no ministry job options. Late middle aged. Weak tech skills. 

I scanned the Indeed site for hours tonight and saw one possibility. One. Will apply tomorrow. 

No teaching certificate, so no school jobs. Subbing is super crummy pay. 

No money to go back to school. No idea what I would pursue even if it were possible. 

I cannot get all the household things done and keep up with all the admin as it is. Who will cook, manage the household stuff, do the budget, run all the errands etc. if I get a FT job? (Not that that is likely.) 

Stuck. 😢

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