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Well-Trained Bodies - September


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I didn't happen to see a thread for September yet, but wanted to post.

It has been a beautiful day here with sunshine and the temperature is at 72 degrees. Perfect, as far as I'm concerned. Did a 10 minute walk with no issues. I am looking forward to getting back to 30 minutes sometime next week.

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Dog walk yesterday. Yoga today. Dh takes the dog running every morning but he's in CA getting dd moved from one apartment to another (I started work this week otherwise I would be there too). So my exercise will be getting the dog walked in the morning (I don't run) until he gets back. I have dd for the weekend too so we're kind of housebound--I can't push the wheelchair and control the very strong labrador so no walks until dd returns to her other home tomorrow late afternoon.

Long week at school--lots of trainings, lots of trying to get stuff set up. My room has always had these student desks with attached chairs that are too small for many adult bodies. I'm getting a student who can't sit in them due to a disability. I took the opportunity to get approval to switch out all of my desks with the tables that a nearby classroom had (that classroom isn't used all the time but the two teachers using it both said a swap was fine). I had quite a bit of help moving all of the furniture but that was still a good workout. The tables are much better for group work and students like them better so I'm excited about that change. And that's only a small part of all the craziness of trying to get ready--new student information system isn't working with Canvas yet, so we don't have our Canvas courses yet, new curriculum in both Alg 1 and Geometry so 6 teachers are working very hard trying to write lessons and hw, trying to figure out first day stuff. Just lots to do. I think many of us will be in school on Labor Day to be ready for first day the next morning. And I'll be working here at home over the weekend too. But we're all excited to see the kids again. We got to meet a few early--mostly some with special needs who wanted to see their classrooms.

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@Laura Corin and @Brittany1116 Hope you're both feeling better soon!

I went for a dog walk, then an epic bike ride for 2hr. Poor timing on my part, though, as I had 15 min to change clothes after the cycling to put on tennis gear and go play singes tennis for 1.5 hrs. Today is a rest day except for dog walk and canoe paddle with a friend later this afternoon. 

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Fifteen minute walk in gorgeous weather. With sun! There are signs here and there of the approaching autumn, and while I love soup and layering clothes, the sun also tends to layer up behind clouds in the fall around here, so I need to mentally stock up on and truly appreciate the sunny days we are given from here on out.

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Didn't end up paddling yesterday - it was super hot! Went for a early morning dog walk to beat the heat but battle the mosquitoes. Got in a quick bike ride and got to hear a fiddler in the park playing some lovely jigs. Playing tennis this afternoon. Finishing up with a special back-to-school meal of "Taco in a bag." The boys are skeptical about trying it, but the lure of Doritos is hard to resist. 😅

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Dog walk yesterday evening after I got dd back to her other home. Another dog walk this morning--both hitting the 30 min mark to close the exercise ring. Dh is back either tonight or tomorrow I think. If not back yet, dog walk tomorrow, otherwise bodyweight circuit x2 and a little yoga for a Tuesday. Cardio Wednesday--treadmill or fitbymik if dh is still asleep, Thursday is a dumbbell workout, Friday is treadmill. There, my week is planned. School starts tomorrow so I may not check in here until Saturday. And I'm off to school now to labor on Labor Day.

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Took my 20 minute walk shortly before sunset, as we had a heat advisory today.

Tomorrow is my first Tae Kwon Do class. I know it will be fine, but I am still a little bit nervous. When I was in high school, I utterly despised sports (because that was the cool thing to do), and I never had any desire to exercise until my 30's when the baby weight did not come off so fast, and I did a few 5k's. So my body has virtually no memory of being active. I've tried to read and follow a few exercise books, and it just takes a lot of brain power for me to translate those directions into body movements, if that makes any sense. I have some innate flexibility (though not as much as I used to), but at the same time, I am not exactly highly coordinated.

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44 minutes ago, knitgrl said:

Took my 20 minute walk shortly before sunset, as we had a heat advisory today.

Tomorrow is my first Tae Kwon Do class. I know it will be fine, but I am still a little bit nervous. When I was in high school, I utterly despised sports (because that was the cool thing to do), and I never had any desire to exercise until my 30's when the baby weight did not come off so fast, and I did a few 5k's. So my body has virtually no memory of being active. I've tried to read and follow a few exercise books, and it just takes a lot of brain power for me to translate those directions into body movements, if that makes any sense. I have some innate flexibility (though not as much as I used to), but at the same time, I am not exactly highly coordinated.

Hope you enjoy TKD! Don't worry about coordination. It's tough for all adult learners. There are a lot of very basic movements at the beginning, and you will have lots of repetitions to master them. 

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First class of Tae Kwon Do. My whole family attended with me, even though they are all above the beginner level. It was fun. I'm kind of tired now, and will have to see how I hold up tomorrow.

I also had an appointment with my oncologist today. The chemo pills are causing considerable fatigue. I have just about enough energy to do school with the kids and fix dinner. Mostly. So dh and I have been discussing how worthwhile it is to feel like garbage for another 20 months. And it turns out that without doing chemo pills, there's a 30% chance of cancer coming back in the next 5 years. The doctor feels this treatment will be a significant improvement to that possibility of recurrence, though she didn't give specific numbers. Some patients start to feel less tired after being on it for 3 months, so it's something to revisit in December. If I'm still super fatigued, the dose can be lowered again. Bleah. I'm tired of being tired.

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We are on vacation in Maine so my routine (such as it was) is out the window.   I'm just hoping I didn't undo all the weight I lost.    Diet is definitely out the window but we are getting lots of exercise so I'm hoping it balances out.   We head home Saturday and I start classes again Monday so I should be able to get into a good routine then.  

Edited by Wheres Toto
Sunday, Monday whatever day
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Still mostly getting in daily dog walks, though skipped it this morning as the new puppy kept me up a little with midnight potty breaks. He's SO stinkin' cute and really good about going potty outside on the grass! 

I'll play mixed doubles tennis for 2 hrs tonight and again tomorrow night. It's still really hot and humid (relative to our northern location). 😉  I'm keeping my mid-day activities indoors, and opting for outdoors in the morning and evening.

On the hamstring/hip pain front, I visited my dr yesterday and she thinks it's probably gluteal tendons micro-tears and possibly calcification. I'm getting an u/s and x-ray done to find out more. Then I'll likely go with physiotherapy. In the meantime, I'm to stretch while warmed up. I'm pretty happy with this information. It was really good to pinpoint the actual source of the pain, and rule out a lot of other potential things. 🙂

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Wednesday I started off with a quick 20-minute walk with a friend, then progressed on to the gym for weights and core.

Gyrotonics today. My regular instructor is out of town so I was with an alternate. She has different strengths than my regular and it was nice to shake it up a bit. 

On a different note, I invested in a foot massage machine and oh my gosh. I should’ve done this long ago. I am constantly fighting muscle tension and pain related to my chronic condition. This fabulous machine can do both calves and feet and the difference is unbelievable. My plan is to use this daily for a short time and then ease off to a lighter maintenance schedule.

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Just finished my 20-minute walk before the rain started. I'm getting a little bit faster, despite my legs being a little sore from all the kicking at TKD yesterday. Did some stretching right after my walk. At TKD, there's a bulletin board of the "Split Club" with photos of all the students who can do a split. Perhaps some day, my picture will be on the board, too.

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I keep getting busy and forgetting to post. 

I've been doing mostly daily walks. I got in strength training 3 days last week and so far 3 days this week. I'm aiming for 5 days a week. Maybe I'll hit it this week. 

And I think I'm going to get to go to pickleball tomorrow. Our local group plays so rarely and when they do it's not worked for my schedule.

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I did go to pickleball but it was very meh. I only got about 5 hrs of sleep. Dd1 was very chatty when she got in the night before and kept us up late. I hate to cut them off when they are sharing and talking but boy I wish they could do that when it's not my bedtime! I still wake up early. Anyway, my brain and body were so dead. 

Today I plan on doing strength training and a walk. If I do strength training today I'll get in 4 sessions this week. 

Also, I've started doing some lower body strength work--- gently with bodyweight only and so far I've been fine. Maybe I've finally healed enough.

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I got in my planned exercise this week, waking up extremely early most days I think just due to start-of-school nervousness. Dh came home Monday night and took most of the week off work, so he was sleeping late and I did not do any treadmill, but I just replaced that with cardio videos which was fine. Still getting 30 min per day.

I'm a bit down mentally/emotionally. Starting school was just a bit rough--tech department didn't have the new student information system fully ready, so teachers couldn't be as prepared as usual. We didn't get our Canvas courses until after school started and there's a lot of set up we have to do. And classes are big (budget cuts=fewer sections), new curriculum is hard, I don't really know kids yet. And a bit hormonal--still not in menopause as of this week. So I'm not in a great frame of mind. Lots to do this weekend but also youngest will be coming home for a few days so that will be nice.

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5 hours ago, Soror said:

I did go to pickleball but it was very meh. I only got about 5 hrs of sleep. Dd1 was very chatty when she got in the night before and kept us up late. I hate to cut them off when they are sharing and talking but boy I wish they could do that when it's not my bedtime! I still wake up early. Anyway, my brain and body were so dead. 


I hear your pain about sleep loss! The new puppy is a real jem, but he does need to go potty 2 - 3 times a night. Fortunately he does his thing super fast and settles right back down again in his crate. I take longer to settle down. 😉 

I've been missing out on my morning dog walk as dh lets me sleep in and he take the dogs. So I'm feeling a little slugging overall. And trying to focus on work is challenging.

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I'm emerging from the cold - today was the first day of feeling halfway normal. I spent a couple of hours on light gardening this morning. I haven't been for a walk in a week. 

Both my ankles are sore - I'm clearly falling apart.

This is my first 4 day week. On Friday we are going to spend a long weekend in the wilds of the Scottish Borders.

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I got in a dog walk this morning, a walk with a friend this afternoon, and US Open tennis watching time. Saw the ladies doubles final, with a Canadian and New Zealander (former Canadian) winning!! That match was really great to watch. Lots of great volleys, smashes and variety of shots. Then watched some of the men's final. Not as fun to watch, as it's mostly just baseline shots up to 30+ times back and forth. I'm not a fan of either finalist. 

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16 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

I'm emerging from the cold - today was the first day of feeling halfway normal. I spent a couple of hours on light gardening this morning. I haven't been for a walk in a week. 

Both my ankles are sore - I'm clearly falling apart.

This is my first 4 day week. On Friday we are going to spend a long weekend in the wilds of the Scottish Borders.

Laura, I pray you will be well and strong for your weekend adventures. When you head out for walks in the wilds maybe bring some soup in a thermos for strength. 

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18 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

I'm emerging from the cold - today was the first day of feeling halfway normal. I spent a couple of hours on light gardening this morning. I haven't been for a walk in a week. 

Both my ankles are sore - I'm clearly falling apart.

This is my first 4 day week. On Friday we are going to spend a long weekend in the wilds of the Scottish Borders.

I'm happy to hear you are feeling a bit better. Best wishes for a full recovery soon and for your body to stop falling apart!

On 9/9/2023 at 11:28 AM, wintermom said:

I hear your pain about sleep loss! The new puppy is a real jem, but he does need to go potty 2 - 3 times a night. Fortunately he does his thing super fast and settles right back down again in his crate. I take longer to settle down. 😉 

I've been missing out on my morning dog walk as dh lets me sleep in and he take the dogs. So I'm feeling a little slugging overall. And trying to focus on work is challenging.

Ugh, thankfully no one is waking me in the middle of the night, that's rough.


Walk + strength yesterday; Today just walked as I had to go to a doctor's appt early and had to fast so I didn't want anything too strenuous. I probably won't get anything else done today as I have to catch up on housework. I like to get all caught up on the weekend but that didn't happen this weekend. Lots of ferrying children around. 

I had my biometric screening this am- bp 126/74- that's on the high side for me but it usually is at the doctor 

total cholesterol - 119- hdl 56 ldl didn't register- triglycerides 45 ; fasting glucose 88

So, I passed bloodwork with flying colors but my weight is up a few poiunds again. I have to stay vigilant which will hopefully be easier as we get in the swing of things. 

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On 9/9/2023 at 11:50 AM, Soror said:

I did go to pickleball but it was very meh. I only got about 5 hrs of sleep. Dd1 was very chatty when she got in the night before and kept us up late. I hate to cut them off when they are sharing and talking but boy I wish they could do that when it's not my bedtime! I still wake up early. Anyway, my brain and body were so dead. 

Today I plan on doing strength training and a walk. If I do strength training today I'll get in 4 sessions this week. 

Also, I've started doing some lower body strength work--- gently with bodyweight only and so far I've been fine. Maybe I've finally healed enough.

I'm glad you are starting to be able to do lower body work again. It's been a long haul.

16 hours ago, Soror said:

I'm happy to hear you are feeling a bit better. Best wishes for a full recovery soon and for your body to stop falling apart!

Ugh, thankfully no one is waking me in the middle of the night, that's rough.


Walk + strength yesterday; Today just walked as I had to go to a doctor's appt early and had to fast so I didn't want anything too strenuous. I probably won't get anything else done today as I have to catch up on housework. I like to get all caught up on the weekend but that didn't happen this weekend. Lots of ferrying children around. 

I had my biometric screening this am- bp 126/74- that's on the high side for me but it usually is at the doctor 

total cholesterol - 119- hdl 56 ldl didn't register- triglycerides 45 ; fasting glucose 88

So, I passed bloodwork with flying colors but my weight is up a few poiunds again. I have to stay vigilant which will hopefully be easier as we get in the swing of things. 

Good bloodwork is great, given all the things you have been juggling. 

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Tennis this morning was really fun! Lots of good rallies and solid hitting. I have tomorrow to rest, and then more tennis on Thursday.

I had to sleep during the morning dog walk again. Puppy's first 2 late-night potty breaks are fine, but after the 3rd time outside I am completely toast! I don't even have to change a diaper or burp a baby, just dress, bring his outside to pee/poo, then back into the crate and me into bed. I'm just far older than the baby years and my body doesn't fall to sleep like the young days. 😉 

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