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Well-Trained Bodies May


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Picture from our hike to the top of a peak in the Coast Range. Doesn't quite show up in the picture, but we could see five snow-capped peaks in the Cascades across the valley. Lovely day for a hike.

I'll do my bodyweight circuit x2 in a bit here, then walk with dd in the afternoon. Currently out of the Tuesday yoga habit--another thing to add back over the summer.


Hike3a (1).jpeg

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Singles tennis last evening was really fun, and I didn't play too badly. We're playing singles again next Monday.

I had a terrible time trying to get to sleep, though. I thought it was muscle/joint soreness, and I kept taking OTC pain meds, then finally realized that when I got up to go to the bathroom for more meds I wasn't sore, but as soon as I lay down my body was all "buzzy" and I couldn't settle. I took some allergy meds and finally fell asleep just fine. What's hat all about? I'll have to post this question in a separate thread and see if this is "a thing" with allergies. I'm suspecting it's related to inflammation overload, but who knows?

I have more tennis scheduled tonight, but it's doubles and much less tiring.

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@wintermom do you normally exercise at night? We play pickleball in the evenings and it takes so long for me to settle to go to sleep. Exercise, competition- it just gets me wired and then hard to fall asleep. 
The weather has been great here, so lots of long walks and hours of pickleball. I’m still pretty consistent with my weights/resistance training, although sometimes I think I could push myself harder. I’ve just been doing a hodge lodge type thing other than when I go once a week to a trainer. But I’m thinking I should find a YouTube channel and try that maybe. 

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I am back from my camping trip!  I did the three runs over the weekend which wrapped up last week's modified goals.  This week's goals are 4 CF, 4 one-hour-min runs, and 5 Pliability.  I did not do anything yesterday so I will be need to hit CF every weekday.  I'll probably save two runs for the weekend, with Sunday's being a longer run.  It is super hot for the first time this week and I have not acclimated yet, so I anticipate slower runs.

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I did my Pliability and CF yesterday, as planned, and have done my one hour run very early today with Pliability and CF later.  I don't anticipate any issue finishing it up aside from the HEAT.  It was 88 degrees when I arrived as last night's CF.  The gym has giant garage doors that open to the outdoors so there is no AC.  Luckily, the workout was very scalable so I was able to keep my activity within the bounds of what my heart rate will allow at 88 degrees.  What I had not considered a possibility is that every mosquito and black (biting) fly within the entire county was inside that gym.  It was even a game.  We got to add points to the workout "score" for each bug we killed.  There is no reason to assume they will not still be there waiting for me tonight so I need to decide if I should cover up, even though it is still upper 80s, put on deet, or just suffer again.  I probably got 20 bites last night!  

(and 15 more on my run this morning)

It's always something......


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On 5/30/2023 at 10:22 AM, Toocrazy!! said:

@wintermom do you normally exercise at night? We play pickleball in the evenings and it takes so long for me to settle to go to sleep. Exercise, competition- it just gets me wired and then hard to fall asleep. 

Good point! Yes, this is evening tennis. So I am really wired up and my muscles are sore. I remember feeling the same way years ago when I trained TaeKwan-Do in the evening and couldn't get to sleep.

I had another evening of tennis yesterday and had trouble sleeping. I'm going to have to space out my evening tennis better going forward. 

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I've been doing the elliptical every day for 30-60 minutes.  I definitely can feel it and it does seem to be helping my legs.   

Been eating lighter, lots of watermelon and fruit instead of sweets.   

I'm off work this week so its a little bit easier. 

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Just a quick check-in, since I have time and energy tonight.

I've managed to meet my step goal every day so far this week and to do at least a little something in terms of additional exercise. 

Today is the final day of this season's walking challenge, and I met that goal this morning.

I found a couple of free yoga events happening in my area in the next few weeks and signed up for those, which is nice since my regular teacher is out of town for the next two weeks.

Tomorrow evening, I may try out a running/walking group that meets one evening a month.

Otherwise, nothing new here.


Spring Start 2023 Challenge: 706.. of 700K
Activity Streak: 104 Days

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Did my final trip out of town Sun-Tues. It was good to see loved ones and celebrate graduations, but also brutal with the driving. Also spent time with a couple different people facing significant crises—I love each of these people, but also feeling/felt the weight of those heavy, hard talks and emotions.

No exercise at all during these days and very little sleep as well. Driving all the way home on Tuesday was tough—I was heavily caffeinated but simultaneously bone weary. Definitely too much travel the last six weeks.

Wednesday was recovery day. It was good to be home. I slept a ton and was in a stupor much of the day, lol.

Gyrotonics yesterday. Refreshing and healing and wonderful. The studio owner took pictures, which I felt terribly shy about but they assured me they would leave out my face. They are trying to show off staff in their promos, and I love my instructor dearly so I decided some faceless photos for her sake is no skin off my back. 

Heading to the gym this morning for weights and core, then hoping to walk with a friend later. 

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Checking in here to make sure I connect with the new thread for this month. (Also, I'm working from home today, meaning I have the freedom to pop onto my personal laptop on breaks.)

I tried out the run/walk club last night. I'm not sure it's for me, but I'll go back another time or two just to see if I can hook in. Basically, a bunch of people meet up in front of a brewery/restaurant and either run 3 miles or walk 2 before reconvening at the restaurant to chat, drink and mingle. 

I had a very good walk, and it was pleasant to be somewhere other than my own neighborhood and chat briefly with folks before we started. However, I don't drink and my limited diet makes eating out challenging. Plus, I didn't know anybody and was distinctly older than most of the participants. So, quite possibly not my crowd, but, again, I'll try another time or two and see how it goes. They meet only once a month, so it's not a big commitment. 

Started this morning with the usual 4K around the neighborhood followed by about 25 minutes of good strength and stretching on the patio surrounded by dog and cats. 

I'll get in another walk this evening to finish off the step count, and that will be it. I've decided to skip the Friday night yoga class I've been trying, because they tend to work me harder than I'm accustomed to, and I don't want to be sore before the 5K tomorrow morning.

I started the new seasonal challenge yesterday and decided to stick with a lower goal, since this season has fewer days in it than the spring one did (to make room for the Holiday Hustle at the end of the year). I can always bump it up like I did for spring if it turns out I am doing more than I anticipate.


Summer Splash 2023 Challenge: 140.0 of 550K
Activity Streak: 106 Days

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As the week winds down, my 4 CF / 4 Run / 5 Pliability goals are on track.  All I have left for the weekend is one Pliability today, another one some time this weekend, and one run, which I intend to go long on.  We are doing a ton of yard/house work tomorrow so I will save up the long run for Sunday and take a running break tomorrow.  Next week is short again due to the follow weekend's travel, so activity will be heavy on the early end of the week with overall reduced goals.  The travel is not at all compatible with any activity so those 4 days will be 100% off.


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