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Tackling Tuesday Together 4.18.23


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I have packed a lunch, made coffee, had b’fast, and dropped Ds at school.


Make quiche ✔️ 
Take quiche to Dd’s tutorial
Maybe hang out and visit? 

Pick up Ds after school and take him to practice. 
Homework list

Dinner is pork chops, potatoes, green peas, and salad.

Edited by ScoutTN
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I think I'm going to cry.  I checked our bank account balance and it is below $200 because the damn state of MD processed our tax payment twice.  I'm gonna be on hold all freaking day trying to get this straightened up.  I had the bank stop payment but according to dh it likely won't work since it has already started processing and isn't viewed as a fraudulent transaction. I'm so angry right now

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@hjffkj, that is awful! I'm so sorry and pray you can get it resolved quickly!

I met a friend to walk at the community center and then we had breakfast together. I have a lighter week for my extra tutoring, so it's nice to enjoy some free time. 

  • dh's breakfast and lunch
  • walk
  • breakfast
  • bank
  • bible/quiet time
  • 2 Zoom sessions
  • 1 in-person student
  • pay bills/update checking
  • do some organizing with my school supplies/manipulatives
  • prep for classes tomorrow
  • dinner
  • maybe walk again or do some exercise videos
  • find a series to start watching
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Well the woman in the comptrollers office lied to me about how something like that could happen. She said I gave permission on my taxes and put my account info on my tax forms, which I confirmed I didn't because I was staring at them when she told me that. When I told her I was looking at them and what she was saying wasn't accurate she double downed and said she was looking at them too. But could not give me the page number the info was on because it was a photocopy of my forms and couldn't immediately recite my account number when she claimed she was staring at it!

She did say that I'll get a refund because it was an overpayment but couldn't tell me how long it would be. My only hope is that my bank account was able to put in a stop payment soon enough. 

It could be weeks or months before I see that money again.

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My day today:

Already done -- took my car for my brakes to get looked at; they aren't bad enough to need fixing yet, so we will wait a little bit. 

Still to do -- 

...more coffee
...prep for 2nd grade for tomorrow

...school with DS
...pick out something/crock pot for dinner, get that going ASAP
...nap at some point
...keep checking in with my sister re: grandma as needed (trying to let her reach out w/updates, so she doesn't feel I'm checking up on her)
...make sure I have everything ready for the open house event thing tonight for my classes
...go to the open house thing 
...come home, veg out, go to bed

I should also see what other laundry needs putting away. Not sure what else besides that. 

Edited by TheReader
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Hi guys, happy Tuesday!

Apparently I have at least 3 client conference calls again today.  UGH!  One down, 2 to go.  I will probably skip the 3rd one because (a) I'm not needed and (b) I have to take my kid to the doctor.

Yesterday I promised some reports to my client "by today."  So I need to get motivated.  Rah rah rah.

My work inbox is up to 550+ items after deleting all the dumb stuff.

Need to leave work about 2:30pm to pick up my kid and end up at the doctor on time.

Also it's tax day.  You all know that, but you all probably finished all your tax stuff before now, didn't you?  I will be extending everything, but I need to file the extension forms and make extension payments.  I also need to finally send out those other things I keep talking about.  I'm the worst!

Other than that ... need to force my kids to act responsible about being a good housemate, getting a job, etc....


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I will say that we have plenty in savings that this isn't a real major issue.  I did have to stop some auto payments so we wouldn't overdraft but in a few days money will be back in that account coming from savings and we'll be good again.  It is just so frustrating, especially since she blatantly lied. 

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11 minutes ago, SKL said:


Also it's tax day.  You all know that, but you all probably finished all your tax stuff before now, didn't you?  I will be extending everything, but I need to file the extension forms and make extension payments.  I also need to finally send out those other things I keep talking about.  I'm the worst!



We had to help my grandma file an extension on hers (she owns her own business, and always does her own), since she'd put them off, but then with the fall, fracture in her neck, in a neck brace, etc., she can't look down long enough to finish filing. She was going to guess an amount to send, but she & my sister did get it in the mail yesterday. Fingers crossed she guessed roughly correct &/or can appeal any penalties if it ends up being wrong. 

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Everything is prepped for 2nd grade, had more coffee, DH solved a paper jam for me (yay), re-organized the deep freeze after I smashed  my finger b/w 2 frozen solid briskets DH had just thrown in there on top of all the "real" food (boo), rage-cleaned & folded/put away all the laundry that was waiting (yay), and now heading for a nap. 


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I've spent the day just reading and playing outside with the kids for the most part. I'm mostly better emotionally from that wrench that was thrown into my day.  I did get the dishes done and laundry done.  I'll make dinner in an hour or so and then continue the relaxing.  At some point today I do have to alter the costume piece for the show that I keep putting off

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Spent several hours at Dd’s tutorial, watching international day festivities and visiting. Yummy food, too! 

Catching up on texts and email.

Ds is skipping practice. I said ok, but he has to do hw before any screens this afternoon. State testing tomorrow, but hw due Thurs and Fri.

MUST go get Rxs! 

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Spent this early afternoon at our vets again, 3 days in a row at a vet. Hopefully she will turn the corner. She got more meds and fluids.

went to the store to pick up more rice and chicken breasts, for dog 🐕.  Cooking that now

I will keep an eye on her today and maybe try a nap since I was up most night



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folded more towels that finished up in the dryer

had a call from my sister -- grandma insisted on showering, solo, and came out hurting more (she also refused her pain pill last night and this morning, b/c her good friend from church said since the swelling is down, she ought to be able to go w/o it soon - need to figure out what to say to him about that); sister got her to take a pain pill finally since it had been a while since the tylenol, and will try to get her to take one at bedtime as well (although that's not 12 hrs, so.....??? maybe I'll text her and say give her a half pill at bedtime???) 

reviewing my stuff to take, and rearranging things b/c of the less space I'll have at this location

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Everything is ready, dinner is in the oven, I'll have to have one of the kids get it out of the oven as I need to leave before it comes out (I didn't read ahead, and thought it needed 30 mins but it needs 45 mins....dang). 

Grabbing something to eat myself before I go, and then changing, etc, and taking off. 

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Not sure whether to feel annoyed or glad.  My kid's algebra test was postponed until tomorrow ... but she didn't tell the kids until today.  I was expecting the test to be behind us this evening as my kid is in pain from a medical procedure.  😕  But, my kid says she's glad, so I guess I should be glad she has another day to study.  Hopefully she uses it well.  And now I will be glad she shouldn't have homework tomorrow evening - so she can enjoy her track meet if her pain is better, or she can focus on catching up other homework.

Doctor visit accomplished.

Tax extensions / extension payments are submitted, yay!  I still didn't mail out the other 2 things I needed to mail, so hopefully tomorrow ....

Really didn't do much client work today.  Will probably rest a bit and then try to focus again.

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6 kiddos earned lunch detention for throwing paper airplanes during art class today. 

I had to make some phone calls regarding a health insurance matter. I hate how twisted the US system is. 

I had a phone screening for an Admin role. Could be good. Work from home most days. Supporting some senior level staff. Over the weekend I sent out several applications including a few to different schools. I am also considering as a back up getting my masters in SPED. If I were to enroll in a program, I could apply (and get because they are short staffed) a position for the next school year. 

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Tidied the kitchen and started the dishwasher.

Started the dog blanket in the wash. 

Sorted papers in Ds’ backpack. Keep, recycle, re-do for a better grade. I don’t know if I can make it through three more years of high school with this kid. 😢🙁😠🙄😐🙁

Gonna get some water and read.

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3 hours ago, ScoutTN said:

 I don’t know if I can make it through three more years of high school with this kid. 😢🙁😠🙄😐🙁

This is where I'm so glad we only have about a year to go!

Of course then my kid aspires to go to college ... nothing fancy, but still college.  I hope she has the motivation to plod through that, because I don't fancy continuing my current role past 12th grade ....

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