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Marley & Me

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We just got home from a special advance showing of Marley & Me.


I really, really enjoyed it. For all of you who

* are SAHMoms,

* dog lovers,

* Owen Wilson fans,

* and/or corporate relocation "victims,"


I predict you will enjoy this flick. I laughed, I cried, and more than anything else, I totally identified with these characters. This film may not win critic raves or garner any Academy Awards, but it went way beyond my expectations. Worth the price of admission (well, we were guests, but I would have felt my $ well spent if I had paid full price). I wanted to return the favor of advance passes by circulating some good buzz, and I am happy to do so.


Your mileage may vary, but we sure did like it!

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though I had seen the ads. I have not read the book, but now I might.


We took our almost 12 twins, because the passes came from the parents of one of their classmates and the other kids were going. Honestly, there were some sticky parts, because the couple is wanting to have children. But it's not what I consider raunchy, if you know what I mean. I would probably have preferred to preview it, and had I done so, would perhaps have elected to have them wait a couple of years to see it, but that's me. There are few instances of bad language (I think cr*p is used twice and s**t just once). I sometimes have a little trouble deciding what other parents are comfortable with their kids seeing in this area, just know that the topic of lovemaking definitely arises, but it is appropriately in the context of the marriage relationship. Was my answer clear as mud for you?:glare:


I think it would be most *appreciated* by adults, particularly 30- and 40-somethings with kids. I think I loved it because I have experienced much of what this couple experiences in the story. And the characters are very endearing. Owen Wilson is a bit aloof, but that's just Owen Wilson (and I luv him!).

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One question. Does it end sad? Dc want to go see it Christmas day, but if the dog dies, I don't want to go!


I eagerly await this answer as well. We had a beloved yellow lab for 15 years - Jeremiah. I believe the book reflects the dog in this story's death. If the movie does, too, I'm afraid my heart just couldn't take it. :-{


Please do "spoil" this for those of us who are asking (PM if you need to) 'cause I, for one, really need the answer to determine if this is a movie our family could enjoy....

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I can't wait for it to come out. We own a 125 pound dog that looks just like Marley. He is 10 now but in his "younger days" he was quite a stinker. Once he broke free from the huge chain we had him hooked to outside. It was supposed to be the strongest you could get for a dog. He was only 5 months old at the time but very big already. I saw him loose and started to run after him. After several minutes I was finally able to grab his collar but my hand got stuck between his collar and his neck. I wasn't able to get it loose and I lost my footing. He dragged me several feet through mud before my neighbor was finally able to get a hold of him. When I got up I was covered head to toe in mud and had ripped my new jeans.


He's a great dog though and has always been very good with the kids. He settled down a bit after "the operation" when he was about a year or so old. Now that he is 10 he is just a big baby with a funny personality. I swear he laughs at us sometimes. Oh like last year when he ate half of the candy canes off the Christmas tree. He had never bothered them before but for some reason he must have had a taste for candy. We didn't see him eating the candy but when he came into the other room with the freshest breath we knew something was up. This year all of the candy canes are high in the tree. :D

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