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Frivolous thread: Who has the coldest temperatures and where do you live?

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There used to be a lady on the board from an airforce base in Alaska and she "won" everytime - that is she reported the lowest temps. I think she has moved. If you are still on the board, where do you live now and what is the temp?

Around here it's F32 during the day and drops to F 28-29 at night and it's snowing.

This report represents the conditions on the western slope of the Sierra Nevadas. :lol:

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Yesterday we hit -35 C which is -31F with the windchill factor (-26C with no wind), which makes today at -27 with windchill seem like a warm day. I am in Alberta, Canada. These temps we don't usually see until January, but on the flip side we had no snow until about 2 weeks ago when we usually start accumulating it on Halloween so I can't complain too much, though I really do hate the cold.

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Fort McMurray, Alberta here (northern) .....a few days ago, it was -44C (-47F) with the windchill, -39C or so without (I forget what the straight temp was)....that was kinda chilly....it's warmer today at only -28C (-18F) though.....but yeah, it gets rather cold here in the winter and pretty much stays that way. :)

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