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Bee Levels....Points....other such extras

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It's really not that great of a term to use for this board given that there are a lot of individualists here, but it stuck anyway and carried over into the new board. The term frankly sends shivers down my back, but maybe I've read too much science fiction. :001_smile:

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It's really not that great of a term to use for this board given that there are a lot of individualists here, but it stuck anyway and carried over into the new board. The term frankly sends shivers down my back, but maybe I've read too much science fiction. :001_smile:


that is one thing that really bothers me (not enough to stop participating) on this forum. The whole hive thing really irritates me and I couldn't figure out WHY it was used. I'm so glad this thread was started so I could see it was a joke and hopefully now my irritation will decrease.

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I know where it came from, but I like to think of it a different way. We are all busy little bees, scurrying around to provide good educations and lives for our families. We come here, to the hive, to get fed some good information for doing that, and to share the info we've acquired while away. It's a nicer visual image for me to remember. :)

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I know where it came from, but I like to think of it a different way. We are all busy little bees, scurrying around to provide good educations and lives for our families. We come here, to the hive, to get fed some good information for doing that, and to share the info we've acquired while away. It's a nicer visual image for me to remember. :)




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  • 3 years later...
I know where it came from, but I like to think of it a different way. We are all busy little bees, scurrying around to provide good educations and lives for our families. We come here, to the hive, to get fed some good information for doing that, and to share the info we've acquired while away. It's a nicer visual image for me to remember. :)


:iagree: funny, I found this thread which is old while trying to figure out the answer to the OP's question which I myself was wondering.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Found the list:


Just Visiting for the first 10 posts

Hive Mind Larvae for 11- 40

Hive Mind Worker Bee for 41-100

Hive Mind Level 2 Worker: Nurse Bee 101

Hive Mind Level 3 Worker: Honey Maker Bee at 161

Hive Mind Level 4 Worker: Builder Bee at 210

Hive Mind Level 5 worker: Forager Bee at 310

Hive Mind Level 6 Worker: Scout Bee at 410

Hive Mind Royal Larvae at 550

Hive Mind Queen Bee at 750

Empress Bee at 2500

Amateur Bee Keeper at 3500

Apprentice Bee Keeper at 5000

Qualified Bee Keeper at 7500

Beekeeping Professor at 10,000

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You are all talking about levels and how there are no prizes.


Well, I've been really impressed when I notice that some of you have posted thousands of posts. That seems like alot to me. But perhaps it accumulates fastL:)


It adds up over the years. :)

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