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Tackling Thursday Together!


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Good morning!

I have four students today. 

Other than that:

  • Call insurance company if they do not reply to my email.
  • Buy new readers. Forgot yesterday. 
  • Check in with Dd
  • AHG meeting tonight with Dd

Dinner is ?? Something easy and fast because of the meeting. Maybe chx quesadillas and a salad. 

What’s on your list today?!

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Good morning! 

We have a thunderstorm right now, so I'm waiting until that passes to get in the shower. 

We all four go to lunch with Daddy today to celebrate his birthday, so I know he will enjoy that. 

My BIL is still in the hospital. They were able to save his toe, but he will go home with a PICC line for antibiotics for up to six weeks. He does a lot of regular things outside of the house that keep him happy, and he is depressed being in the hospital this long. I'm not sure how long he'll be off the foot from the surgery. My sister is stressed about how it's going to go because she has her own health issues that won't make the situation easier. Praying it goes better than they think and quicker, too!

  • medicine
  • coffee
  • get ready to go out
  • lunch with Daddy
  • work on master list items
  • dinner 
  • watch something and relax
  • calcium pill
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Good morning, everyone. Today's plan:

Take care of fruit and vegetables on the cabinet

Reading Academy


Work in my classroom after dentist appt-done

Order curtains

Work in the living room


Short list, but everything on it is time consuming, so that will be enough for today.

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Good morning! Prayers for your BIL and Sister, Amy. 

My day today:
...find the missing DC plans, finalize all of that (we leave tomorrow night)
...go tutor
...stop at Kohl's on the way home (didn't yesterday)

...work on school stuff
...cook dinner (pitas)
...go with DH to fencing - possibly try to fence left handed, otherwise just hang out
...***don't forget to check-in online for our Southwest flight, so we get A boarding group***
...come home, go to bed

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Good morning. I am trying to really get myself back in the school year groove. We are past our week off for cleaning, past most of our travel, past most of our visitors, and back into math, reading, and Bible. 


Breakfast ✔ (egg and cheese croissants and fruit salad)


Read aloud ✔ (The Family Under the Bridge)

Math lessons✔

Grocery shop✔

Work 1.5 hours✔

Lunch✔ (pizzas)



Unpack Chewy order✔

Clean back porch✔

Check mail✔



Dinner✔(prepped chicken salad and watermelon before appt)

PT appt✔


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Good morning!

Off to hit a new park this morning! Invited friends to join us.  Older girls hitting the trails to get ready for hiking.  It's gorgeous out!

Finish reconciling AHG's books
Work on language arts lesson plans
Salmon for supper with quinoa/rice & cabbage

I love summer.......

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1 hour ago, mom31257 said:

Good morning! 

We have a thunderstorm right now, so I'm waiting until that passes to get in the shower. 

We all four go to lunch with Daddy today to celebrate his birthday, so I know he will enjoy that. 

My BIL is still in the hospital. They were able to save his toe, but he will go home with a PICC line for antibiotics for up to six weeks. He does a lot of regular things outside of the house that keep him happy, and he is depressed being in the hospital this long. I'm not sure how long he'll be off the foot from the surgery. My sister is stressed about how it's going to go because she has her own health issues that won't make the situation easier. Praying it goes better than they think and quicker, too!

Poor guy! If he can get some stick saran wrap it helps a ton and a shower chair might be worth looking into if it would work in their house! (I had a PICC for about 8 weeks.)  If a shower chair won't work, we found a shower bench works well - half in the tub and half out for easier getting into a shower/bath pre-renovation.  Might help.  We found one cheap on FB Marketplace.

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found the DC list, revised it for skipping the fencing tournament, looked up what routes to take via metro, etc. to get places

unloaded dishwasher

pitas DH wants for tomorrow, so picking something different for tonight (have chicken thawing though) -- okay, had printed a recipe for oven "spiced chicken" that we have all the ingredients already, just gets tossed in the oven, easy perfect for tonight


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Dd has a red eye and a rash around the eye area and on her cheek. Pink eye? She hadn’t had any possible contact with poison ivy. No fever or headache or other symptoms. Headed to Urgent Care with her when I get home from tutoring. 

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Prayers for you DD, @ScoutTN; hopefully it's nothing major. 


I am home from tutoring - it went well. 

Stopped at Kohl's, got a little more than I intended but some really great deals, and still within budget, so it's all good. I hit the clearance rack and got a very cute, flirty little skirt for $5, a super soft amazing cardigan/hoodie/sweater/thing for $7, and a perfect summer sundress for $10.  Then I found some on sale, but not clearance, nightwear for our upcoming trip. 

I need to look at my list and see what else I'm supposed to be doing today....next up is eat lunch, and then whatever is on the list.

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@ScoutTN, I've not heard of a rash with pink eye but maybe. Praying it is nothing! 

We had such a good time with Daddy. He is feeling great and amazes me all the time. I think he really enjoyed getting to be with all  four of us since it doesn't happen often anymore. 

Ds and I went to the bank. He goes to work soon, so I'll make him something to eat before he goes. Probably a chicken quesadilla with sides. 


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Hi guys!  Happy Thursday!

I hate to say this ... but we only have about a month before school is back in session!  Soooo much to do!  Half of me loves that my housemates are on board with getting the house in order (especially the hoarding areas, e.g., basement, garage, etc.).  The other half of me is overwhelmed just thinking about it!  I need to do some kind of realistic list that I'll actually follow ... though that's hard to do when a lot depends on others' cooperation / whims.

Just brainstorming things I need to fit in by August 19 (the day before our houseguests come):

  • Work stuff:
    • Annual government deadline - just one client still has stuff to assemble.
    • Migrate to upgraded accounting software.
    • Train Kid2 in accounting.
    • Q2 and H1 financial reporting for about 50 entities.
    • Resolve old billing/collections issues.
    • Various day to day stuff.
  • Health stuff:
    • Lots of forms to fill out.
    • Kids' dental checkup/cleaning.
    • Kids' vision checkup / buy contacts/glasses for the next year.
    • Kid1 test for lactose intolerance & follow-up.
    • Kid1 getting started with therapist for OCD.
    • My colonoscopy.
    • Various ongoing stuff.
    • Oh, and we should all be doing daily exercise etc., shouldn't we?
  • Kid stuff:
    • School / learning:
      • Summer English assignments (both kids).  Needs to be ready to submit by 8/19.
      • Summer math review (both kids).
      • Start SAT review if we get to it.
      • Kid2 learn trombone.
      • Band camp (both kids 9am-3pm for at least 2 weeks in August).
        • Also they have their first game/gig on August 19.
      • Driver's ed, Kid2's temps test, driving practice (hoped to complete about 75 hours before summer ends?  It's getting unlikely ....)
      • Mom's teaching - study skills, geography, physics, whatever else ....
      • Confirm 2022-23 schedule, school supplies, buy any needed clothes (probably need bras if nothing else)....
      • Clean out & restock backpacks.
      • Clear kids' old school emails etc. and review all recent messages from teachers etc.
      • Document summer volunteer work.
      • Kid1 REALLY needs to practice measuring, cooking, etc. to be ready for school labs.
    • House (kid version):
      • Both kids' rooms need serious purging!  And they need to learn how to keep them clean!
      • Ditto their bathroom.
    • Other:
      • Keep up with their jobs, sports, friend stuff etc. - calendar, driving, etc.
  • House (other than the kids' rooms):
    • Purge and clean the garage.
      • Donations to various organizations.
      • Work stuff to office.
      • Garbage.
      • Clean and organize what's left.
      • Should fix the 3 bikes so the kids (mine and guests) can use them!
    • Purge and clean the basement.
      • Donations to various organizations.
      • Work stuff to office.
      • Shredding / computer disposal etc.
      • Garbage.
      • Clean and organize what's left.
    • At least 2 adults' bedrooms have clothes, books, etc. to be donated.
    • Basement ceiling replaced.  (A guy is scheduled for this.)
    • Hole in 1st floor ceiling made by plumber filled in.  (Basement ceiling guy promised to do this.)
    • Big dog stuff removed from yard (kennel, doghouse, beds etc.).  (We have people scheduled to come and get the stuff.)
    • New smoke and CO2 detectors installed.
    • Replace lost / damaged cabinet handles, tighten various screws, etc.
    • Kitchen and bathroom cupboards purged and cleaned.
      • Expired / nearly expired / things we'll never use (donate or dump).
      • Neatly organize the rest ... maybe install shelves etc.
    • New homes found for the many coats, shoes, boots, etc. taking up common space.
    • Deep clean (maids scheduled) and ongoing upkeep.
  • Car - cleaned inside & out, esp. the dog mud and hair and food nast from the kids....
  • Dog - take him to the Dog Whisperer at times when we'll have workers in the house & before our houseguests arrive.  May also need a trip to the vet.  And the usual stuff.
  • Volunteer work - CERT training, frog watch, other things with the kids.
  • I feel like I'm forgetting things!

Today I have had the house essentially to myself for a couple hours, which was nice.  I was able to clean and organize in peace.  🙂


  • Kid2 to the horse barn & back.
  • Kid1 to her zoo job.
  • Wordle (4), nerdle (3), quordle (fail! I knew the words but ran out of turns).
  • Cleaned out my car (the junk, not the dirt and hair).
  • Pup duty.
  • Cleaned the kitchen (except for the floor - will do that later).
  • Cleaned/reorganized 1.5 kitchen cupboard shelves.
  • Ate fruit, took vitamins, drank water.
  • Phone conversation re kid1's upcoming medical test.
  • 3 loads of laundry so far.
  • A bit of cleaning in 2 bathrooms, 3 bedrooms, and the laundry room.
  • Caught up on emails, news, calendar, and social media.
  • Got gas.
  • A little reading.
  • A little client work.

To do:

  • More client work.
  • Yoga etc.
  • Clear some crap out of the basement.  (Probably 2 or 3 iterations of this today.)
  • Pick up Kid1 from zoo job.
  • Help Kid1 sign up for a work thing.
  • Finish the laundry - next load is dog stuff, then tub clean and filter clean, declutter, wipe down, and generally leave the room nice.
  • Kid1 should cook something?  I will need to push her to do it (or let it go today).
  • Cleaning in the garage.
  • Night pup duty.
  • Sweep the floors, maybe mop.  Someone should vacuum - the kids?
  • Pay bills.
  • Choose clothes from my closet to donate (business suits mainly).
  • Whatever else gets done.
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Well, Dd’s rash is so faint, I had to look carefully in the bright light to see it. Teenager myopia about appearance. I had her use some benadryl cream and called it good. Definitely no urgent care! 

Last student cancelled. 
Having some tea and a rest before going to the grocery. 

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Well, I looked at the list, decided I was too tired/it was too late to do "work on school stuff" so instead I played my solo video game for a bit. Now I am waiting on DH to get home, will throw chicken in the oven, and veg out until time to go not-fence.  I may try left handed....we'll see. 

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Dinner was flatbreads with white sauce and various toppings. 

I misunderstood the nature of the AHG meeting. (Should read my emails more carefully!) Hmmm. Nothing to do for an hour or so. Didn’t bring a book. Dd could have come here by herself, now that she’s got her license. Next time….


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I found a handful of things at the thrift store, a few shirts, a wall hanging for my classroom, a vera Bradley laptop case which I think I will put embroidery in. Picked up groceries and had lunch. Let the oldest drive me to school. First time on real roads. We all survived the 3 mile trip. Got some of the paints rearranged at school and old things tossed. 

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I worked my boo tay off this evening.  I cleared one clutter area and disassembled the shelving unit to make room to carry stuff through that area.  Then did a bunch of cleaning and sweeping in the garage.  Designated areas for donations vs. garbage (garbage day is Tuesday).  Brought up at least 50 boxes / bags / equivalent from the basement and lined them up on the two sides of the garage.  Load 5 of laundry is in the washer, and the laundry room is mostly clean; I'll do one more load before bed.  I'm sore, but I had a shower and hope to sleep well tonight.  I hope I'm not sore tomorrow.

I also gave Kid1 a long driving lesson, did a bit more client work, and some other minor things.


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