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My horrible, terrible, no good, very bad day

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So I made it through my first semester of my master's in theology program. It was grueling. I had one last research paper to write...15 pages on the use of the sign gifts in the New Testament (nothing "light" in that class!). I had already done all the research so I just needed to put it on paper. I spent all of Saturday writing it. I finally finished about 1 am. I was exhausted but excited to be finished. I attempted to email it to my professor and......


it was gone


I didn't panic at first. I woke up my dh (who is a computer whiz) and asked him to help me find the file. After watching him work for about an hour to retrieve it, the panic set in. I knew that if he hadn't found it yet, chances are it was lost forever.


At 2am I laid down on my bed and cried. My dh continued to work on it.


At 3am, when I was all cried out, I told him to stop and come to bed.


The paper was due by midnight today. It is worth a huge portion of my grade. I had two choices: rewrite it or fail the class.


So after about 4 hours of sleep, I woke up, drank about a pot of coffee and wrote it all over again. It took me all day today but I finished it. Because I am brain dead by now, it was not as good as what I wrote yesterday but at least it's done and a mediocre paper is better than failing the class.


The part that really bugs me is that I had an A going into it and now I will probably finish with a B. At least I will pull off an A in my other class. But I have 4 weeks off until my next semester starts which is a good thing since I am on the verge of a nervous breakdown today. :willy_nilly:


So anyways, I just felt like venting....

Edited by Heather in NC
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Oh no. Maybe, maybe the first one got sent to the professor and he'll be wondering why he got two? I'm proud of you for doing the hard thing and doing it over again.


:iagree: Also, I might consider sending another email to the professor explaining what happened, and asking him that, if he did somehow receive them both, to please grade the first one, as you think it was better.


So sorry this happened, and praising God that you managed to pull off the rescue in time!!!! :grouphug:

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Oh, Heather! I am so sorry. That is horrible, terrible, no good and very bad. I have had the same thing happen to me but that was way back in college. I really don't think that I have what it takes to rewrite a paper of that magnitude now. I would have just cried. I am so proud of you! I hope you get a good grade.


Next time, save early and often. :)

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