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Monday, Monday! Who’s Tackling It?


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Good morning!

We were up really late, so I slept in. Dd ended up staying and sleeping here, so it's nice to have both kids in the house. They stayed up even later and are still sleeping.  

The game was not as hard as I thought it would be, but we played for about 10 hours! 

  • coffee
  • devotion
  • meals
  • laundry
  • organize my office 
  • organize pantry
  • work on review work for next year's students
  • contact a couple families about tutoring schedule
  • not sure what else today
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Good morning!

Today I have:

....renew our Costco membership, go shopping
....I should inventory the freezer before we go
....send some work emails
....work on laundry/keep it moving
....meal plan (after Costco)

....some sewing?
....remind DS he needs to finish up math/help as needed
....cook, eat, veg out
...whatever I'm forgetting

Edited by TheReader
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Happy Monday!

I'm working on setting up my latest new work computer.  So far I've partly succeeded and partly failed.  (But I blame Microsoft for the part that failed.)  Still more to do later.

I also have to complete a few client things in order to not be in trouble work-wise.

Still having sinus stuff.  Still not sure if it's an illness or an allergy.


  • Woke Kid1 up to get ready for work.
  • Wordle (4), nerdle (3), quordle (8).
  • Took the pup out.
  • Got my coffee and kid's breakfast & lunch ready.  (I know this is spoiling her but she's not used to the routine yet.)
  • Drove Kid1 to work.  Got partway home before she realized she forgot her lunch in the car.  Yes I am a sucker ... but not forever ....
  • Ate fruit, veggies, took vitamins, did a little walking.
  • More pup stuff, more coffee, set up for work.
  • Caught up on emails, news, calendar, electronic school stuff, and social media.
  • Installed some stuff on my new work computer, purchased some stuff that wouldn't install ....
  • Got my bedroom's portable air conditioner going.
  • A little bit of client work.

To do:

  • Lots more client work.
  • Pick up Kid1 from work.
  • Take Kid2 to driving school.
  • Whatever else gets done.
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We're over a week into summer vacation, and I really should be making everyone get going on summer expectations that I supposedly set.  For example:

  • House cleaning - taking over the maids' job.
  • Laundry - each person does their own (vs. mom doing it for all 3 of us).
  • One meal planned and prepped by each person each week.
  • More frequent grooming, exercising, and training of our pup.
  • Learning accounting.
  • Getting back to taekwondo at least weekly.
  • Algebra II prep class (online).
  • SAT bootcamp (online).
  • Summer reading & writing (assigned by 11th grade English teacher).
  • The kids' bedrooms completely cleaned out.
  • Etc. etc. etc. etc.

These are in addition to the things we have started:

  • Kids' jobs - got work permits and started work.
  • Kids' driving - Kid1 is about 1/3 done with the 50 hours of driving with me, and has 3 of her 4 in-cars scheduled.  Kid2 is enrolled and will hopefully be half done with the classroom part of her course today.
  • Health stuff - lots of appointments coming up; got several done last week.
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The first half of my list is done.

Dinner this week is going to be pulled pork sandwiches with corn on the cob, twice baked potatoes, watermelon, apple cole slaw.  It's portable for those taking it to work and relaxed enough for ds to eat while he's running around the neighborhood.  I am making about 12 potato boats up ahead of time so they can be thrown in toaster ovens at work.  I found pork roast on sale for $1.77/lb (YAY) which made up the menu.  I plan on supplementing every night with things that need to be eaten before we go on vacation: green salad, pasta salad...

However, I also took ds to the grocery store with me.  He is now happily making a cake for after dinner after begging for a box of mix and frosting. 

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Dd ended up staying a big part of the day, so I don't much done. That is fine, though! 

We watched Ms. Marvel and really enjoyed it. 

I contacted a couple of families. 

I meant to share this recipe. I scored this brand of sausages at our grocery outlet for 1/4 of the price of the stores, and this topping was delicious! 

I have an arts council board meeting tonight on Zoom. 

I'm about to go cook an early dinner so ds can eat before he goes to work. 

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Did math with DS; we spent awhile doing review of things so I could help -- "if you have a secant segment and a tangent segment, and they intersect outside the circle, then the product of the whole  & the exterior portion of one is equal to the product of the whole & exterior of the other...."  Oye. Geometry is not my strong suit. Thank heavens for Teaching Textbooks ready hints, show solution, etc. 

Did some sewing -- got 2 more blocks done on the current project. yay! 

Time to prep dinner, then I can goof off while it bakes. Roughly "french onion" sliders, but subbing swiss cheese for the gruyere. 

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2 hours ago, mom31257 said:

Dd ended up staying a big part of the day, so I don't much done. That is fine, though! 

We watched Ms. Marvel and really enjoyed it. 

I contacted a couple of families. 

I meant to share this recipe. I scored this brand of sausages at our grocery outlet for 1/4 of the price of the stores, and this topping was delicious! 

I have an arts council board meeting tonight on Zoom. 

I'm about to go cook an early dinner so ds can eat before he goes to work. 

We've been on the fence about Ms. Marvel, but you're the 2nd person I trust who said it was good, so I'll suggest we give it a try. 

Also, printed the recipe - I also picked up some (similar, but different brand) chicken sausage, and that topping sounds great! I even have all of that stuff on hand. We did sausages last night, so won't be for today, but a good one for when I want to use those sausages. Thanks! 

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Spent some time after dinner prep cooking and organizing the fridge. Took some food to a neighbor who is having a slow recovery from covid. 

Quick grocery trip for Gatorade and sunscreen for Ds for tomorrow’s swim meet. He’ll only be there for an hour or so, swimming two events, but it will be HOT. 🥵

Got a little budgeting and banking done, but not logging tutoring sessions. Will try to catch up on those tomorrow morning. 

Did some general tidying, laundry, took recycling and compost out.  

Going to finish a podcast, then read for a bit. 

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