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Dd had a follow up at her regular Dr. today. I saw the student doctor at first and I had him fairly convinced she had Lyme disease (or some tick related thing) Her regular Dr. was not convinced. I broke down crying and he agreed to write a prescription of amoxicillin for 14 more days. He would only write it for twice per day rather than 3 times per day. What do you all think? Is this going to ok?

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37 minutes ago, Elizabeth86 said:

Her regular Dr. was not convinced.

I have no answer, but I am giving a resounding, heartful, sympathetic, "Good grief! Is this the Dark Ages?" on your behalf. Ugh! I hope he never gets called for jury duty if he can't parse the kind of evidence you showed him, lol!!! 

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12 minutes ago, kbutton said:

I have no answer, but I am giving a resounding, heartful, sympathetic, "Good grief! Is this the Dark Ages?" on your behalf. Ugh! I hope he never gets called for jury duty if he can't parse the kind of evidence you showed him, lol!!! 

No kidding! He thought it looked like eczema. 

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34 minutes ago, Elizabeth86 said:

You have been so reassuring. ❤️

I’ve had it, DH has had it, some of our kids have had it, most recently a niece had it. Everyone is fine and your DD will be too. You did the right thing. 

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We all saw that bull's eye. 

The CDC has a page of a ton of examples of the rash (and then a tab that has ones that are not). It does not look just one way. Your doctor is nuts. He's not the only one, of course. Lots of doctors think Lyme is imaginary and rare. They are also nuts.

When my son had it, his rash was very classic - just a little more classic looking than the pic you posted. The doctor told us that nothing else can make that rash and that it's considered enough for diagnosis. That they would not be bothering to run any tests.

But like I said, the shorter course of antibiotics we did at the time (so long ago it was before they upped the recommendation) was fine. It's fine in most cases. The original plus the 14 more days should be fine. Really, it's absolute crap to be gaslit by a physician like that, but she almost certainly got the treatment she needs.

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27 minutes ago, Farrar said:

We all saw that bull's eye. 

The CDC has a page of a ton of examples of the rash (and then a tab that has ones that are not). It does not look just one way. Your doctor is nuts. He's not the only one, of course. Lots of doctors think Lyme is imaginary and rare. They are also nuts.

When my son had it, his rash was very classic - just a little more classic looking than the pic you posted. The doctor told us that nothing else can make that rash and that it's considered enough for diagnosis. That they would not be bothering to run any tests.

But like I said, the shorter course of antibiotics we did at the time (so long ago it was before they upped the recommendation) was fine. It's fine in most cases. The original plus the 14 more days should be fine. Really, it's absolute crap to be gaslit by a physician like that, but she almost certainly got the treatment she needs.

Thank you. I asked him if it was tick related why would she have a fever for 5 days and the other 5 of us did not get a fever. If it wasn't tick related, she was having some sort of problem. He had no suggestions as to why she had a fever 5 days.

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I’m sending hugs and hopes for fast recovery. 
 My dad recently had a tick, rash, fever and joint pain. Went to his doctor, his doctor said 1) the embedded tick was too small to be a tick 2) the rash was infection from the bite and suggested topical antibiotic.  Wth??!! Why can we not educate our doctors better? 

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1 hour ago, Acorn said:

I’m sending hugs and hopes for fast recovery. 
 My dad recently had a tick, rash, fever and joint pain. Went to his doctor, his doctor said 1) the embedded tick was too small to be a tick 2) the rash was infection from the bite and suggested topical antibiotic.  Wth??!! Why can we not educate our doctors better? 

If you still have the tick, send it off for testing. I’d see another doc, especially if there’s a rash.

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He found another doctor to prescribe antibiotics, but not for as long as the internet would recommend. It was clearly a deer tick, yes they are smaller than dog ticks. This was his second illness after a deer tick bite. 

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4 hours ago, Elizabeth86 said:

No kidding! He thought it looked like eczema. 

There is a type of eczema called nummular eczema that can look a lot like a Lyme rash. I would think a doctor would be able to easily tell the two apart though, because nummular eczema is itchy as heck. I’m glad you got the antibiotics!

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