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"The Impossible" movie


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My mom recommended this movie for my older dc down to my 10yod. I read the reviews on IMDB and am wondering who in their right mind (HA!) would recommend this movie for any child? I am disturbed just reading the reviews and parent guide (severe violence/gore, disturbing content/images, etc.).

My mom is saying the reviews are not accurate, that the movie is just fine.

For those who have seen it (hopefully someone here has!), what is your opinion? Please keep in mind that PG-13 doesn't often fly here, at least not today's PG-13 movies. Lol, we watched "The Manchurian Candidate" (1962) which is rated PG-13 - so refreshing to see that kind of "violence" and intensity.

Parent Guide

ETA: I realize the movie highlights a horrifying natural disaster and hence will not be sugar-coated. My question is if the reviews are accurate (according to my mom there is NO swearing, for example, so either she can't hear or the review is a lie).

Edited by BakersDozen
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I haven’t seen it, aren’t interested, and wouldn’t let anyone under 10 see it either. 10-14 it would depend on how sensitive they were but I would lean towards no. I watched a lot of things as a kid that I wouldn’t let my kids watch until high school; I wouldn’t trust my mother’s judgment on such things.  I don’t think I was particularly sensitive but some things bothered me for years. 

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I saw this years ago when it was in the theater. It was excellent but very much like you are in the middle of a horrific disaster. I have no memory of the language but I'm sure it's there- it certainly seems appropriate to the event. I remember the nudity, which is meant to show the power of the tsunami. It's an excellent movie, but I think probably too intense for a 10 year old. I would let a mature 12yo watch it. 

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We watched it when it was available for streaming, so my dc would have been around 11 and 13. We all thought it was a great movie. It’s definitely intense but I don’t remember anything that would have bothered me about my kids those ages watching. 

ETA: I just now read the parents guide and it did seem off from what I remember. I really don’t think the nudity was like it’s described there. Maybe, but any of it was definitely about the disaster.  I also don’t remember any swearing but I’m sure there was some due to what was happening. Nudity and swearing definitely weren’t what was memorable in this particular movie.

Edited by Joker2
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2 hours ago, Katy said:

I haven’t seen it, aren’t interested, and wouldn’t let anyone under 10 see it either. 10-14 it would depend on how sensitive they were but I would lean towards no. I watched a lot of things as a kid that I wouldn’t let my kids watch until high school; I wouldn’t trust my mother’s judgment on such things.  I don’t think I was particularly sensitive but some things bothered me for years. 

I feel the same way. I’ve only seen the trailers but that’s been enough to let me know I do not want to see it. Frankly it looks trauma inducing and would probably give me nightmares. I’ve had family of friends too close to a devastating tsunami and have dreamt of it before. This probably colors my opinion but still, just reading survivor accounts and viewing short news video was quite sufficient for me. 

Edited by Grace Hopper
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 It's an old movie. The tsunami itself was only a very short part of it, but intense. The mom barfs up a vine, they show dead bodies and bloody people. Afterwards many scenes are in the makeshift hospital, so more injuries. The children were great. But to be honest, it seemed like just a run of the mill natural catastrophe movie while at the same time having a Hallmark movie essence. I do not remember foul language.  I didn't realize it was based on a real family, and then felt guilty for being a bit bored by it, thinking it just another money maker for people who crave gore.

If your kids arent allowed pg13 now, then it's not for them. 

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16 hours ago, BakersDozen said:

My mom recommended this movie for my older dc  .... who in their right mind (HA!) would recommend this movie for any child?   

My mom is saying the reviews are not accurate, that the movie is just fine.

I didn't know we were sisters!

The movies my mom took me too . . . . twitch twitch,  and took my kids to without my knowledge!  


eta: OK - I saw it years ago.  It's a survivor's story based on real events.  It's intense, and no way would I allow a 10 yo to watch it.  I doubt I'd allow a 13 yo to watch it either - just because of the intensity.   


Edited by gardenmom5
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8 hours ago, gardenmom5 said:

The movies my mom took me too . . . . twitch twitch,  and took my kids to without my knowledge! 

We were allowed to watch movies that were to the max horrifying. But then my mom read us Stephen King as an afternoon "treat"after school (we're talking 3rd-5th grade here). She knows she's not allowed to show the kids movies or read them stories but she continues to send suggestions our way.

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4 hours ago, BakersDozen said:

We were allowed to watch movies that were to the max horrifying. But then my mom read us Stephen King as an afternoon "treat"after school (we're talking 3rd-5th grade here). She knows she's not allowed to show the kids movies or read them stories but she continues to send suggestions our way.

Okay- we were much less concerned about a lot of stuff than many parents.  But no, we did not have our 3rd to 5th graders listening to Stephen King or watching the movies.   Stuff like James Bond, yes.  Stephen King was for older children.  I know I didn't read any till I was in jr. high. Probably I was 13- cause that was when the movie 'Carrie' came out and I and a few of my friends were reading that.  I know the first PG movie I saw was The Burglars when I was 9 and then I saw Live and Let Die, my first James Bond movie, when I was 10.  (They didn't have PG 13 back then, just PG and then R).  But those were action movies, not disaster ones, and not anything that would give anyone nightmares.

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