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S/O - Experience with early menopause


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I went from being very regular to full stop. I didn’t have a period for about seven months except one episode of spotting for two days. I’m 44.

 Part of me wonders if this is due to the disease - ALS is hyper metabolic.  It consumes so voraciously that you’ll often be exceedingly low in vitamins, mineral, etc. If I don’t supplement protein, my hair falls out. 

More recently, my blood tests indicate a healthier me - a return to normal MCV, normal iron, normal B12, normal liver function. This is great but…

My period returned this last week, completely normal, five days, etc.?!

 Part of me is pleased, if it returned due to increased nutritional status, that’sa good thing. The other part of me? Ugh. It is so hard to do the extra cleaning and work with failing limbs. So I wondered - did anyone else have a menopause that was just a full STOP then a random period? I’d really be so grateful to be done with all that, kwim?

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Well, kind of?

I'm undergoing investigations for early menopause. My cycle stopped for about 18 months when I was 36, then I had one period randomly, then nothing for 6 months again. My endocrinologist thinks it's a prolactinoma which is apparently very common. 

There are so many things that can stop/start it. The incredible stress you've had over the last year could certainly contribute.

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This didn't happen to me, but it did to many of my friends.  They were hopeful that they were done and then...bam, another period and they had to start the clock all over again.  I'm sorry about the additional struggles for you.  


My periods stopped when I was 47 and I assumed it was menopause until last year when my doctor ran some bloodwork and discovered my hypothalamus wasn't working at all - that was what caused my periods to stop and not menopause.  My hormone levels aren't menopausal.  My gyn was pretty shocked about the lab results and ordered them again and they were even worse.  She said I'm a "mystery" which is not what I want to hear from my doctor.







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6 hours ago, LMD said:

Well, kind of?

I'm undergoing investigations for early menopause. My cycle stopped for about 18 months when I was 36, then I had one period randomly, then nothing for 6 months again. My endocrinologist thinks it's a prolactinoma which is apparently very common. 

There are so many things that can stop/start it. The incredible stress you've had over the last year could certainly contribute.

I had to look that up. That is interesting because I had to have imaging done five years ago because my pituitary gland was enlarged. 🤔 

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26 minutes ago, BlsdMama said:

I had to look that up. That is interesting because I had to have imaging done five years ago because my pituitary gland was enlarged. 🤔 

I had a contrast mri and they still couldn't see it, it’s apparently a micro prolactinoma but seems to be responding to medication so far. A friend of mine has the exact same thing, but hers is bigger so they could see it on an mri and even a ct scan. A key symptom was lots of lactation well after breastfeeding finished. Combined with pcos its just a mess lol 

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13 hours ago, LMD said:


I'm undergoing investigations for early menopause. My cycle stopped for about 18 months when I was 36, then I had one period randomly, then nothing for 6 months again. My endocrinologist thinks it's a prolactinoma which is apparently very common. 



6 hours ago, BlsdMama said:

I had to look that up. That is interesting because I had to have imaging done five years ago because my pituitary gland was enlarged. 🤔 


6 hours ago, LMD said:

I had a contrast mri and they still couldn't see it, it’s apparently a micro prolactinoma but seems to be responding to medication so far. A friend of mine has the exact same thing, but hers is bigger so they could see it on an mri and even a ct scan. A key symptom was lots of lactation well after breastfeeding finished. Combined with pcos its just a mess lol 

My doctors pushed me to have an MRI to look for a pituitary tumor when they figured out that I wasn't actually in menopause and my periods stopped due to hypothalamus dysfunction.  They were sure there was a pituitary tumor, but there wasn't.  



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23 minutes ago, Kassia said:



My doctors pushed me to have an MRI to look for a pituitary tumor when they figured out that I wasn't actually in menopause and my periods stopped due to hypothalamus dysfunction.  They were sure there was a pituitary tumor, but there wasn't.  



If you don't mind me asking, how did they diagnose hypothalamus dysfunction?

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9 hours ago, LMD said:

I had a contrast mri and they still couldn't see it, it’s apparently a micro prolactinoma but seems to be responding to medication so far. A friend of mine has the exact same thing, but hers is bigger so they could see it on an mri and even a ct scan. A key symptom was lots of lactation well after breastfeeding finished. Combined with pcos its just a mess lol 

This whole thing is fascinating to me.  I mean maybe you know my backstory but maybe you don't.  I got the MND diagnosis here, went to Mayo and they said, "Yep, looks like that buuuuut we're going to test you for random antibodies (and any other weird thing that could be mimic) while you're here." So a few months go by and a test for "glycine receptor antibody" comes back as positive.  So they rename this Stiff Person Syndrome - PERM.  Nasty little disease.  So I'm told we've discovered some treatments and they work *or* you don't have it.  Did it all and it was extensive.  Nothing worked thus the wand was waved and I was told, "Yes, you are the freak few who have the antibody and you look like Stiff Person, and that would make you this crazy unicorn to have PERM but you didn't respond, thus MND, but you're mostly upper motor neuron so you're this other freakish unicorn of PLS (ALS' ugly baby sister). Ba dum dum."

In the meantime had to have a PET scan to look for cancer - nope.  Had MRIs.  Had CT scan.  They found that enlargement.  Is benign growth.

But here's the quacky part is that people have fixed issues with Stiff Person and Myasthenia with thymectomies and the thymus gland is connected to this glycine receptor/SPS.  How can people have rare oddities and someone doesn't say, "Hey... NOT a unicorn.  Just all of them are logically connected." I SWEAR to you people are so enamored with the concept of unicorn they fail to recognize the thing in front of them is nothing but a darn cow.  Because if you google prolactinoma they are also tied with thymus dysfunction.  

Rant over.

So @LMD - what med and what tests have they done? Because I've asked for a thymectomy in the past and been told it's a no go but I'm not above asking again.  My neurologist does likely think I have the craziest requests, lol, but we have a good relationship and he finds me amusing.

Edited by BlsdMama
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