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Tackling Sunday


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@MooCowhope your baby feels better soon!! I have a lot to do today. Yesterday I was on the way home from shopping and working in my classroom, and mother in law called wanting to go to the emergency room with high blood pressure. She won't take her medication correctly, then reaches a crisis and want help. Hopefully I got through to her that it is a maintenance drug, not a rescue drug. This is the 3rd or 4th time I have spent hours with her in the hospital because she "don't like to take pills." It gets old. I said I would let her out at the door and drive away, but i couldn't do it when the time came. Here is the list of what I hope to get done:

Church x 2

Clean the floors

Clean the bathrooms

work on the mail-done


wash my hair-done


call my parents

finish up some decorating

work on some school work at home

empty the dishwasher and load it again-done

drink more coffee-done

put stuff I bought yesterday in the stockings

deep clean my face

get some needle and thread to take to school tomorrow

Try to stay awake!!

Edited by math teacher
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Enjoyed the party  last night and then we went home and finished watching Squid Games. That made lf supet tired and I don't know if I slept through the alarm for 5 am or I hadn't set it but without that dose of pain med, snx sleeping until 7 am. I was right back ti excruciating pain. Ir started getting better by a bit sfter 8 but still not good.  

 I want to go to church but have only less than an hour to get everything done and I'm not walking yet well yet and haven't had breakfast and I'm not at all ready.     Our new music director keeps keeps bringing in great groups oops or individuals  to play music at our church along with our organist and regular choir choir.  And  since she brings him so much great music, the church has decided to have music in the 15 minutes before the service. The service is at 10 o'clock.

Brass band concert 



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Good morning! 

Sorry for the sick toddler, @MooCow!

I am up and doing. Enjoying a less rushed Sunday morning now that we are doing Sunday school then late service. (No early worship with teens!)

After church, Dd and I are headed to a nearby Dickens/Victorian Christmas festival. ✔️ 

Drop something at my mom’s Nope, not today.

Dinner is leftovers. Need to meal plan for this week.


Read and relax

Think through tutoring lessons

Double check calendar

Make sure Ds edits his paper and works on a display board.

Edited by ScoutTN
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Howdie, I'm back to trainings - 2 at a time.

I made new appointments for my kids and me at urgent care for PCR tests on Thursday evening.  Already had appointments at both CVS and Walgreens, but those are for Friday, and I am not comfortable with the timing for a Sunday evening flight.  We couldn't access Thursday appointments at urgent care until today.

Well I was happy to say I got them all scheduled (while listening to 2 simultaneous trainings), but then someone reminded me that Chicago time means the appointments need to be later than 6:20, not 5:20.  Ugh.  So I made changes and hopefully it will all work out.  (I am usually not dumb about time zones ... I blame it on my morning uncoffeed brain.)

Today I have high hopes of getting certain things done - it's my last realistic chance for certain things.  So ....


  • Trainings (ordered many, completed some, updated log) in the wee hours.
  • Slept maybe 6 hours?
  • Woke up!  Working on coffee 2.  Various conversations.
  • Made appointments for PCR tests at urgent care.  Then changed them.
  • Woke kid to do homework.
  • Completed 2 one-hour trainings.
  • Caught up on emails, news, calendar, social media.

To do:

  • Shower with hair wash.
  • Another training while hair dries?
  • Get folks' Christmas gifts ready.
  • Hair cut.
  • Drive to parents' house and drop off Christmas gifts.
  • More trainings in the evening.
  • Laundry.
  • Client work.
  • Pup stuff.
  • Whatever else gets done.


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Her parents picked up my little peanut! I have never seen such a good baby even when she's sick she's such a good little girl! Even though all she wanted was her auntie LOL. 

Dh has an upset tummy, he went all gung ho and went back to low carb in two days...smh...he was more trouble than dgd 

Will probably put up Christmas tree tonight, so I'll have to brave dh's office closet.

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Took the dog out so she could run around in the snow.

Looking for new cleats for my boots. I have the ones that are rubber but they pull the sides of the boot too tight. I think I found some at LLBean but will need to keep looking. 

Laundry. I have a blanket that can't go in the dryer and am deciding if it will get dry enough outside or just freeze. 

Sorted through mail. Already getting gardening catalogues.

Need to continue working on my declutter projects.

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Well, I went through quite a bit in the office closet, but did not get out any ornaments or stuff to decorate except for the nativity scene. 

I did get everything wrapped, well really I just put everything in gift bags and some t-shirt boxes. Did bags for stocking stuffers. 

Youngest is at a bonfire. Dh will go get him @8pm. He also has the day off from school tomorrow. Only half a dozen schools get the day off in our school district. Tornado damage 😟 

Dh made taco meat so I'm totally cheating and having nachos w/dd. 

Not sure if I'm going to walk. I think I last walked on Thursday but I'm still in my PJs.

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I finished the new Christmas stockings!! I will have to take a pic. 

DH  and I went for a short walk for a breath of fresh air. Sunny, snowy and 34. 

Cleaned up my sewing stuff and brought a bunch of stuff downstairs.

Helped the big one with a presentation.  They have been sick for a couple of weeks in the past month and missed a bunch of school so we are trying to play catch up.  Hard to do with two college classes and six regular high school classes ( Believe me I would lighten the high school load if I could).  I pushed them pretty hard today,  The last task of the day is to read a chapter for a quiz tomorrow.  I'm hopeful we'll get everything caught up before winter break.  Then there are just two weeks of school after the new year before the semester ends. 

Just had some dinner and now we are going to watch a movie.  I may work on addressing Christmas cards, we'll see.

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Good evening!

Ds and I are back from our trip. It was so very nice to see friends! I got to spend all day yesterday with my best friend, and it was her birthday, too. So nice!

I started working on my lesson plans for this week. Wednesday is my last day of math classes, and I'll only meet on Thursday with one or two if they need it. 


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Downloaded visas and updated travel info while completing trainings in early afternoon.

Wrapped my folks' Christmas gifts.

Went to the haircut place, but they were too booked up, so we will have to try another day.

Bought dog food and some candies for my nieces' Christmas gift bags.

Drove to another city to buy theater gift cards for my nieces.  Assembled Christmas gift bags for that family.

While driving to sister's house, had a bit of drama as there was a dog running aroundon the highway while his human family was chasing him.  He seemed to have doggy dementia or something.  My kids and I, as well as many others on the road, joined the chase.  I had about a dozen heart attacks thinking either the dog or a human was going to get run over.  Including one kid who darted in front of my car.  Finally the dog turned and went into a parking lot away from the road, so we moved on.  My kid broke her phone in the middle of all this.  And I am probably going to have nightmares about car accidents.

Anyhoo ... dropped off my sister's family's gifts and then went to my folks' house to drop off their gifts.  My dad is not feeling well at all.  Seems his head and neck are hurting a lot since he had his Moderna booster.  We weren't planning on hanging out long anyway, so we left ASAP so he could rest.

Grabbed pizza on the way home.

And now I'm back to training.  I have two 6-hour trainings going.  Not sure if this is a good idea or not.  I feel sleepy.  I wonder if I can take a break without having to re-do the whole training.

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