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Wasn't planning on homeschooling high school, but here we are. Need geometry suggestions.

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My 14 daughter was going to attend a charter school, but last minute our plans changed and we find ourselves homeschooling high school. It's been over ten years since I homeschooled a high schooler and there are so many more options now I am a bit overwhelmed. And apparently the SAT has changed.  Although my husband and I are both fairly capable of teaching math, I work full-time from home right now and my husband struggles with multiple chronic health issues, so it's just not an ideal situation for a parent intensive math program. We are leaning towards something that she can do mostly without us, but not "live" classes due to the cost and the fact most classes have started already. She's good at math, but doesn't enjoy it. Personally, I think it's because she's been doing Saxon for the last few years. She is self-motivated and always gets her work done. She's college bound, so a solid foundation is important. However, I would be surprised if she were to pursue a STEM degree. But she's young, so who knows. 

She has done very well with Saxon through Algebra, but not sure how much she is retaining. She prefers to stick with Saxon, as it's the method she knows. I am concerned this route won't prepare her well for the SAT, but not really sure. I've read the Saxon videos for Geometry are pretty useless, Art Reed doesn't appear to do videos for the Geometry specific course, and we don't want religious videos. So that seems to leave Nicole the Math Lady and My Math Assistant. Neither of which look that impressive to me. Anyone use these? Or any other Saxon options I am missing?

Other options I am considering are Derek Owens, Thinkwell, and Mr D. DO uses the geometry text I homeschooled an older sibling with, and I remember those math lessons took us forever. Anyone have thoughts on how long DO Geometry takes an average ability math kid? Thinkwell seems to have mixed reviews ad I'm concerned Mr D isn't rigorous enough. Ugh. 

I have tried to read through the geometry threads and watched several sample lessons, but still unclear what geometry makes the most sense for her. Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated. Basically, I need a solid math program that she can mostly complete without us, doesn't take more than 1-1.5 hours a day, and won't be too frustrating/difficult for kids that doesn't love math right now. 

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51 minutes ago, morgan said:

Basically, I need a solid math program that she can mostly complete without us, doesn't take more than 1-1.5 hours a day, and won't be too frustrating/difficult for kids that doesn't love math right now.

My wife's course is live and highly interactive. — Students attend two classes per week, beginning August 31:

  • Tuesdays 11:00 am – 12:00 pm EDT
  • Fridays 10:30 – 11:30 Am EDT


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1 hour ago, morgan said:

Anyone have thoughts on how long DO Geometry takes an average ability math kid?

I have an average-decentish student in DO Geometry, and it’s just right. I don’t know how long he spends each day, but it’s not onerous at all. It has taken him longer than 9 months, but that’s due to periods of time when he slacked when he had more work in other classes. He’s still about to finish in under a year (10 or 11 months). 

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My daughter used teaching textbooks for geometry and did very well with it.  She did do the proofs on paper instead of on the computer and worked them out.  She went on to algebra 2 the following year with thinkwell and preferred thinkwell to TT, but we were impressed with how much she learned with TT.  🙂 


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re: Math and the newer SAT test
Prep Maven on what Geometry topics are on the SAT <-- helpful article (written last year, about the current SAT). Geometry now makes up less than 10% of the current SAT test. Note: even if wanting to study just those Geometry topics for testing, colleges still require Geometry as one of the 3-4 math credits required for admission eligibility, so you will need to accomplish a credit of Geometry in some way, since she is planning on heading to college... 😉

re: how "rigorous" of a Geometry course does DD need
Geometry is also the higher math that is the least "foundational" for other high school higher maths or for most college STEM fields. (Algebra 1 & 2 are hugely foundational.) So if just needing a "get 'er done" credit for math this year, Geometry is definitely the one to do, and there few downsides to going "light".

re: which Geometry program?

If she clicks well with Saxon, then you might stick with that, and make use of the video tutorial helps available in the DIVE CD -- but, you mention you aren't impressed with those. And, if DD is burning out on math because of previous Saxon overkill, then I suggest taking a break and go with something lighter this year. 😉 Geometry is the year that would be okay to do that.

Teaching Textbooks
Or, you might switch to Teaching Textbooks for the year. It is fairly similar to Saxon in presentation/perspective -- traditional, and somewhat "spiral", but fewer problems, so less "drill and kill." 😉 Video teaching for each lesson, and every problem from the exercises worked out on video, if needed. This one can be done pretty independently by the student. The "4.0" version is designed for use with a phone or tablet app.

Self-paced, self-grading, all online, per month fee. You move to the next unit once you pass the current one, so she could possibly complete the course in less than a year.

SUPER light and easy to do mostly independently. Covers the standard geometry concepts, and is very light on proofs. DS#2 here knocked it out in 1 semester (did not do the additional optional honors problems). Video lesson each week. While the video lessons demonstrate with manipulatives, by high school, the student does NOT need to purchase those manipulatives to use at home. Watching the videos was fine.

Otherwise, since parent ability to help with the Geometry is going to be very limited you might consider outsourcing. These are all solid course providers:
- Derek Owens: Geometry -- self-paced; uses Jacobs Geometry 3rd ed. which is proof-heavy
- Mr. D Math: Geometry -- self-paced video tutorials; uses their own online curriculum
(also the option of live classes for an additional $29/month -- these started this week; the Wed. & Fri. classes have not yet met)
- My Homeschool Math Class -- live classes, recorded for students to review later in the week; doesn't start until Sept. 8; uses Holt Geometry (teacher is very helpful if needing extra help; run by Jann Perkins, who is also a WTM board 😄 )

Edited by Lori D.
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We also use Derek Owens, for what I would say is an average-ability Math kid. He doesn’t find it hard and I like that it has a lot of Algebra review built in. 

I will say compared to Algebra with DO, he and I both found the assignments/schedule with Geometry a little confusing. It’s a bit of back and forth between things (videos/book homework/homework to turn in/etc). My son has ADHD and it was a little hard for him to remember what to do. So I had to provide some scaffolding at first and help him with that. But the geometry itself he is finding fairly easy. 

ETA:  I don’t know how long he spends exactly but I’m guessing about an hour a day average. 

Edited by Alice
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On 8/24/2021 at 10:16 AM, morgan said:

Anyone have thoughts on how long DO Geometry takes an average ability math kid?

I used DO with an advanced kid but at a young age.  I found that I had to supplement heavily with the 2nd edition of the Jacobs text because the problem sets built on themselves better (more like his algebra book) and there were lots more proof problems, which my son needed to be successful.

I also ended up watching the videos myself and then teaching the material to my son because I prefer to spend instructional time with the student actively engaged in problem solving rather than passively watching videos.

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  • 5 months later...
On 8/24/2021 at 3:35 PM, kristin0713 said:

My daughter is taking geometry through https://myhomeschoolmathclass.com/index.html 

The instructor is board member Jann in TX.  There is a lot of great feedback here regarding her classes and she has almost 20 years experience teaching math online.  Her classes start September 8th. 

Can you comment on how your year in Geometry has gone? I know there are LOADS of positive reviews for MHMC here on the boards, but they seem to be older. I'd love a current experience before I pull the trigger. 


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5 hours ago, MagistraKennedy said:

Can you comment on how your year in Geometry has gone? I know there are LOADS of positive reviews for MHMC here on the boards, but they seem to be older. I'd love a current experience before I pull the trigger. 


I'll message you. She's doing ok, but she's had some bumps in the road. 

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I used Math-U-See with all my 4 boys from K to 12th. They did very well on ACT scores in math.  I would not call it very light. I wish I would have been taught math with MUS when I was in school. I would have done so much better in math.  All my boys really liked MUS. You do not need the manipulatives for geometry.


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Shormann Math is an online self-paced curriculum, that uses Saxon, but  the program is Algebra 1 and 2 with integrated geometry.  The student will end up with 2 algebra credits and 1 geometry credit when completed. The course can take 3 years to complete.  It didn't work for my son, but many do like it.  We ended up with MUS  geometry and that worked well.

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