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17yo and Covid vaccine question


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I signed my whole family up for every vaccine waiting list within a two hour drive of our home.  Our state will be opening vaccines for everyone within a couple of weeks so I wanted to make sure we were on the lists.  My dd is 17.  She turns 18 in late summer.  We had to complete bday information to sign up for the lists.  Some sites are grabbing people off the waiting list now because they have excess supply.  Dd and I got an email that we have an appointment next week for the Moderna vaccine, despite the fact that they know her birthdate.  That vaccine is indicated for 18+.  Dd will not be 18 for 4 more months.  The site is a two hour drive away.  None of the sites in our area have the Pfizer, which is the only vaccine for 16+.  Do I bother to drag dd to this appointment?  Is there any chance they would give it to her despite not quite being 18?  It could be some time before she would have access to the Pfizer vaccine.  Dd has to fly on a multi-leg trip in mid-June.  If she could get this vaccine now, we would all breathe a little easier.  She could also see her grandmothers, which she has not seen in over a year.  We had planned to leave her at home when we traveled to see them because we assumed she would not be able to get the vaccine.  This would mean not seeing them for another year.  But if she gets it, she can go too.

I know if I call, they will say no.  So, I am more inclined to just show up and hope for the best.  Anyone know if they ever overlook age when it is close?  Or is this a hard no?  I'd just do it anyway, but the 5 hour round-trip means missing classes, which we won't do if there is no way they'd let her have it.  I also don't want her appointment and dose to be wasted if we show up and get denied.  

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I would call and ask.  Maybe because she is so close to 18, it will fit within the rules.  Can't hurt to ask, right?

Is there any chance at all that they could also have Pfizer on hand for your daughter?  Another thing to ask.

Or you could drag her all the way there and risk her being rejected if you prefer.  No harm done IMO, as long as you all know the risk going in.

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I called.  It's a hard no.  Luckily, they did let me swap her for dh so at least he can use her slot.  There is no Pfizer available within two hours.  Apparently our whole state is short on those.  The nurse I talked to said they had no idea when or if they would be getting more.  It was too good to be true.  I wish we had not got our hopes up about visiting her grandmothers.  Back to plan A.

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Yeah, I work as a vaccinator and that's a definite no. But this is a good example of how mistakes happen sometimes. At one of our mass vaccine sites, someone under 18 got Moderna and nobody caught it until she came in for her second dose. People were assuming that if they got the appointment, they had already been screened and when you have a site vaccinating 6k+ people a day, things can get lax.

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