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January Frugalistas 2021


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55 minutes ago, Soror said:

Dh is going to buy a water heater. It was on the list of needing to be replaced soon. Today the element went out and the circuit panel in the bottom (or something like that). Dh could replace them both but we decided to go ahead and replace the whole thing. At 21 years it is only a matter of time and if we wait and it goes kaput and leaks all over the basement it will end up costing much more. The one we are getting is on sale $50 and is a fair amount cheaper than I had planned for so he is going to go ahead and get the PEX pipe equipment, he's been meaning to switch over for ages but it is more expensive to start and he has put it off. I told him might as well do it now, we should still come in under budget or close to it and it will be much less plumbing work for him. He's using my other new CC and that should meet my minimum spend for another $200 cash back(that will also go towards the vaca fund). I would have hit it by the end of the month anyway but that gets us there sooner.

I've decided I want to hold off on the bathroom basement vanity. I'd rather wait and shop around used. I think if I keep an eye out I could easily get it for about 1/2 the cost. It can wait until this summer when he is on school break again, that gives me a long time to find something.

I found some end tables and coffee tables on Marketplace and am waiting to hear the dimensions of them. They are on my list to replace as mine were cheap and are not holding together well (dh had to screw the coffee table back together after the bottom fell out). These are wood and in budget from my Christmas cash from my parents. We'll see.

Ugh sorry about your water heater.  Is he going to fix it today?  Our water heater died over summer and we didn't have hot water for about a week, while we waited for them to have an opening to come install it.  

What credit cards are you using? 

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1 hour ago, mommyoffive said:

Ugh sorry about your water heater.  Is he going to fix it today?  Our water heater died over summer and we didn't have hot water for about a week, while we waited for them to have an opening to come install it.  

What credit cards are you using? 

Yes, he's working on it now. These are Capital One and a Chase. 

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A humidifier that we just bought a month ago isn't working any more.  It was 30ish bucks to start with, but come on a month?  I am going to write the company and tell them about it. 

Spent the afternoon working on audition videos.  Ugh.  Painful.  I am glad most of the ballet intensives they are auditioning for have live zoom auditions.  Easier than putting a video together on  your own for the first time.  

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Am I crazy? We might be getting a puppy.  We have two senior dogs who most likely have a few years left at max.  The puppy is a german shepherd, which I love, and it is being offered to us for free. Really we would be completely ready for a new dog once one of our dogs dies.  But it is hard to pass the type of dog that I would happily get when the time was perfect since it is free now.  It was just an accidental pregnancy and they are looking to rehome the puppies to good homes.

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2 hours ago, Carrie12345 said:

I placed my grocery order for pick up tomorrow, and it’s about $60, including more ice melt. I generally budget $200/wk but try to stay closer to $150, so it’s kind of a big deal, lol.

WTG that is awesome. 

11 minutes ago, hjffkj said:

Am I crazy? We might be getting a puppy.  We have two senior dogs who most likely have a few years left at max.  The puppy is a german shepherd, which I love, and it is being offered to us for free. Really we would be completely ready for a new dog once one of our dogs dies.  But it is hard to pass the type of dog that I would happily get when the time was perfect since it is free now.  It was just an accidental pregnancy and they are looking to rehome the puppies to good homes.

Lol, a little crazy for sure 🙂 my question with pets is whether I feel like taking care of it. 

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11 minutes ago, Soror said:


Lol, a little crazy for sure 🙂 my question with pets is whether I feel like taking care of it. 

Well I already have 2 dogs so the only added work is training the dog, which I am very good at doing. So much so, people pay me to train their dogs. So, it is really only a few solid weeks of work before it is business as usual, assuming an average healthy dog. I have never had senior dogs and a puppy before though

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47 minutes ago, hjffkj said:

Am I crazy? We might be getting a puppy.  We have two senior dogs who most likely have a few years left at max.  The puppy is a german shepherd, which I love, and it is being offered to us for free. Really we would be completely ready for a new dog once one of our dogs dies.  But it is hard to pass the type of dog that I would happily get when the time was perfect since it is free now.  It was just an accidental pregnancy and they are looking to rehome the puppies to good homes.

I think if anyone is going to do it you are perfectly suited with all your animal experience.   Our senior dog is not enjoying having the puppy around.  She is fine when they are just napping but other than that I don't think she enjoys having her.    That being said 2 of my kids love having the puppy because she wants to do things with them that our senior dog never has.  Play and catch and just really fun.  

But I also think now is a good time to have a dog.  You are home a lot.   You have a lot of kids that will play or walk the puppy.  I mean come on everyone is doing it.  Have you even been through a pandemic if you don't get a puppy?   🙂

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Currently waiting to have some questions answered about the puppies. Things like how long they were with the mom/are they still? Have they seen a vet? What both parents' breeds are? Etc. The answers will determine if I go see the pups tomorrow. Right now it is a yes

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Menu made:

Sun- leftovers

Mon- spaghetti (I'll be having lentils and veggies)

Tuesday- Chicken tacos w no fat refried beans

Wed: salmon with cauliflower and rice/sweet potato

thurs; venison stew

friday; grilled cheese and tomato soup (baked fish and soup for me)

saturday; chicken chili

Working on grocery list. Need to go through cabinets and frig as I'm sure I'm missing things.

Today is ds HOPEFULLY LAST root canal. All your thoughts, prayers, and fingers crossed it goes off without a hitch. I'm worried they won't be able to do it, he has had terrible trouble with that tooth, it might end up having to be pulled (dentist will have to do that). Will be paying with HSA card, so no OOP.

I'm taking ds out to eat w a Crowdtap gc beforehand (so nice not to have to pack lunch when going 1.5 hrs away).

Will be returning comforter and tshirt to Kohl's, I'll have about $40 in Kohl's cash I need to spend or I'll lose and about $30 refund. I'll see if they have any comforters big enough but I didn't see any online. 

After returning those things I think I just have 1 thing left to return, I'll drop it at the UPS store this week.

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On 12/31/2020 at 4:10 AM, DawnM said:

We had a nice chunk in our savings money market account and then took out enough to buy a used car when my 16 year old got his license.  So, our first goal is to reimburse ourselves for that.    Then, both boys have some student debt and we will start helping with that.

I too am going to stop eating out as much.   We were spending too much eating out AND I want to focus on some health goals this year, which will mean healthier foods.   

I did just buy a very nice spin bike.    I tried to find used for several weeks but the one I want/need is very hard to find as people tend to keep them.   So, I ordered new yesterday.

ETA:   I have cancelled the bike.   I just can't justify the cost.  I will wait to find used.


  • Funds for used car back into account
  • Set up autopay for student loans
  • continue all savings and retirement accounts as they are already set up (auto pay so I don't even think of them.)

And just so you know......right now I would pay ANY amount of money to have someone else finish writing my National Boards.....it is like a noose around my neck right now.

Wanted to say: I found a great indoor recumbent bike on Craig's List for just $50. I've had it three years now and it works really well.

On 1/1/2021 at 1:42 PM, mommyoffive said:

Thank you!

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5 hours ago, Alicia64 said:


Wanted to say: I found a great indoor recumbent bike on Craig's List for just $50. I've had it three years now and it works really well.

Thank you!


I ended up finding a used bike on CL.   I wanted a spin bike, but honestly, I am good with an upright for now.   I am so out of shape.  If I really use it and love it, I will upgrade later.   I got a Nordictrack Grand tour bike.

I have a hard time finding bikes because my legs are so short.

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1 hour ago, DawnM said:


I ended up finding a used bike on CL.   I wanted a spin bike, but honestly, I am good with an upright for now.   I am so out of shape.  If I really use it and love it, I will upgrade later.   I got a Nordictrack Grand tour bike.

I have a hard time finding bikes because my legs are so short.

I will join you in the out of shape group.  I got a mini trampoline for Christmas that I am using to get some exercise this winter.   I can't stand jumping on it (motion sickness), but running on it is getting my heart going.  

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Well, ds has to go back to the endodontist as they couldn't finish his root canal today. He's had an infection/abscess there are it is not cleared enough so they put medicine in it and a temp filling. We go back in 3 weeks. It will not cost any more, just the gas to and from and the time. At least they can do it.

I didn't have much luck at Kohl's I ended up just getting some nice socks and base layer leggings for me, not exciting but they will get used.

Our meal out ended up $1.36 over my gift card amount and we were both nice and full, ds even had leftovers.

Gotta finish my grocery list.

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4 hours ago, DawnM said:


I ended up finding a used bike on CL.   I wanted a spin bike, but honestly, I am good with an upright for now.   I am so out of shape.  If I really use it and love it, I will upgrade later.   I got a Nordictrack Grand tour bike.

I have a hard time finding bikes because my legs are so short.

Congratulations on finding a deal!! Best feeling.

One of the things that's helped me stick with it is a daily log of my workouts. I use a program called One Note, but I've heard Ever Note is great too. I started back in Aug. 8, 2019. I've found that almost everything I log keeps me on track. I'm pretty sure it's the color that makes this whole log thing work.   -- Wendy

Th -- 12-31-20 -- Level 6, 20 mins. on bike. (I'm back since I fixed terrible dry eye problem.)

F -- 1-1-21 --  Level 5, 35 mins. on bike.

S -- 1-2-21 --   Level 5, 25 mins. on bike.

S -- 1-3-21 --  Level 5, 35 minutes on bike.

M -- 1-4-21 -- Level 5, 35 minutes on bike.

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9 hours ago, Alicia64 said:

Congratulations on finding a deal!! Best feeling.

One of the things that's helped me stick with it is a daily log of my workouts. I use a program called One Note, but I've heard Ever Note is great too. I started back in Aug. 8, 2019. I've found that almost everything I log keeps me on track. I'm pretty sure it's the color that makes this whole log thing work.   -- Wendy

Th -- 12-31-20 -- Level 6, 20 mins. on bike. (I'm back since I fixed terrible dry eye problem.)

F -- 1-1-21 --  Level 5, 35 mins. on bike.

S -- 1-2-21 --   Level 5, 25 mins. on bike.

S -- 1-3-21 --  Level 5, 35 minutes on bike.

M -- 1-4-21 -- Level 5, 35 minutes on bike.


thanks.   I have opened a 30 day temp subscription to iFit on the bike itself and it logs your progress if you keep the subscription (cheap on eBay to get codes).   

this bike isn't a reg. bike I have been on before.   Even the level 1 is a bit of a challenge.   there is quite a bit of resistance.

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My grocery order came to $52.61 last night because there were a few things out of stock.

I did splurge on about $50 of nail stuff on Amazon after letting it sit in my cart for about a month.  I almost never put on make up these days, do anything with my hair, or wear real pants, but keeping my nails nice makes me feel like a real human being who hasn’t been locked away for almost a year doing little more than cleaning and schooling. But that cleaning takes a toll on the nails!  I ordered multi colored poly gel and I’m really hoping I can manage it.  I used to do my own tips with acrylics when I was a teenager and this stuff at least appears to be much easier. I guess we’ll see!

(FTR, I never did hair, make up, etc. all that often before, but going to almost never has been stranger than I imagined it might be!)

I have to drive an hour each way this afternoon to finally get my permanent crown put in. I’ve had multiple delays due to the lab, the holidays, and COVID exposure, so I’m really eager to just be done with it! It’ll be the most gas I’ve used in ages, lol.

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We have been able to get WIC benefits for our foster child.   this was the first month we had gotten them and used them.   there was some trial and error involved and one of my grocery trip involved getting about 5 employees around to discuss why it wasn't scanning properly.   I felt like shouting, 'Hey, lady in isle 5, did you hear I am on government assistance?  Pretty sure you are the only one who doesn't know yet!"   aRGH!

But it is about $50 worth of food per month.   and today we are going to the doctor to see about getting him to sign a paper saying it would be beneficial for him to get pediasure added to his plan, which will save us an additional $40/mo.

Not sure when the adoption will go through, so we will take what we can get until then.  We had him for 5 months before we got any help at all financially, which we were fine with, but we now get the foster care subsidy, but no childcare included.   and we get medicaid for him and now WIC.   thankfully, the church preschool. has given us a 50% discount for 3 days a week.   

Now to somehow earn back the $1,500 I lost by paying for the national boards I am dropping.   I think between just simply not spending, not eating out (other than gift cards I already have), etc....I can do it.


update:   I was able to withdraw from national boards and they are refunding me the full $1,500......whoohoo!!!


update 2: doctor said he won't prescribe pediasure as he doesn't like it as a supplement.   He recommends adding an instant breakfast to whole milk.   It's fine, we can switch and it is cheaper anyway.

Edited by DawnM
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1 hour ago, Carrie12345 said:

My grocery order came to $52.61 last night because there were a few things out of stock.

I did splurge on about $50 of nail stuff on Amazon after letting it sit in my cart for about a month.  I almost never put on make up these days, do anything with my hair, or wear real pants, but keeping my nails nice makes me feel like a real human being who hasn’t been locked away for almost a year doing little more than cleaning and schooling. But that cleaning takes a toll on the nails!  I ordered multi colored poly gel and I’m really hoping I can manage it.  I used to do my own tips with acrylics when I was a teenager and this stuff at least appears to be much easier. I guess we’ll see!

(FTR, I never did hair, make up, etc. all that often before, but going to almost never has been stranger than I imagined it might be!)

I have to drive an hour each way this afternoon to finally get my permanent crown put in. I’ve had multiple delays due to the lab, the holidays, and COVID exposure, so I’m really eager to just be done with it! It’ll be the most gas I’ve used in ages, lol.

I know my nails are always a wreck but I hate the feel of anything on them. I bought some mascara the other day, I briefly considered some tinted lip gloss and realized that was stupid with wearing masks. 

20 minutes ago, DawnM said:

We have been able to get WIC benefits for our foster child.   this was the first month we had gotten them and used them.   there was some trial and error involved and one of my grocery trip involved getting about 5 employees around to discuss why it wasn't scanning properly.   I felt like shouting, 'Hey, lady in isle 5, did you hear I am on government assistance?  Pretty sure you are the only one who doesn't know yet!"   aRGH!

But it is about $50 worth of food per month.   and today we are going to the doctor to see about getting him to sign a paper saying it would be beneficial for him to get pediasure added to his plan, which will save us an additional $40/mo.

Not sure when the adoption will go through, so we will take what we can get until then.  We had him for 5 months before we got any help at all financially, which we were fine with, but we now get the foster care subsidy, but no childcare included.   and we get medicaid for him and now WIC.   thankfully, the church preschool. has given us a 50% discount for 3 days a week.   

Now to somehow earn back the $1,500 I lost by paying for the national boards I am dropping.   I think between just simply not spending, not eating out (other than gift cards I already have), etc....I can do it.

You guys deserve anything you can get to help him, I hope it goes smoothly with the WIC from here on out.

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Worked on grocery list more, have to finalize that.

Ordered dd a new rc car to replace the one that broke that we had to return.

Reconciled budget and all accounts.

Changed billing for internet and phone to take advantage of 5% back this quarter.

Cancelled HBOMax so I don't get charged. We just ordered the month for WW and got it free with credits.

Finally listed my old juicer for sale. I haven't used it regularly for a few years and meant to list it before new years.

Dh is trying to get some people at work to sign up for CC's and told them he'd split the $100 sign up bonus, we'll see.

Edited by Soror
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45 minutes ago, Soror said:

Worked on grocery list more, have to finalize that.

Ordered dd a new rc car to replace the one that broke that we had to return.

Reconciled budget and all accounts.

Changed billing for internet and phone to take advantage of 5% back this quarter.

Cancelled HBOMax so I don't get charged. We just ordered the month for WW and got it free with credits.

Finally listed my old juicer for sale. I haven't used it regularly for a few years and meant to list it before new years.

Dh is trying to get some people at work to sign up for CC's and told them he'd split the $100 sign up bonus, we'll see.

Just so you are aware, the last I read on that is that money is taxable unlike the bonus that the credit card companies give you for signing up for the card.

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I decided to go ahead and pay all our bills today for the month, minus electric which we haven't gotten yet.  This way ALL of dh's paycheck on Friday can go straight into our financial goals.

It is already the 4th and we've spent too much money (by we I mean dh.)  When he went out with the boys they went out to eat.  He also bought himself a few playstation games.  The man never gets anything for himself so I don't really mind it and thankfully it can be deducted from our Christmas money that his grandmother gave us.  We always spend that on fun or wants so we spent it well!  It is just so funny to mean when you feel like you've got the month all planned out and within the first few days you realize it isn't as easy as putting it down on paper, ha.

on a brighter note, made $40 selling something to my brother.  This month, as I continue our deep clean, I think I want to aim for making $200 selling things.  With my trips to Goodwill recently I've realized that it is a goldmine again almost every time because tons of people are clearing out their houses but few people are shopping.  So, I'm thinking I may want to start flipping goodwill stuff again.  for I'll flip the things in my house

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28 minutes ago, hjffkj said:

I decided to go ahead and pay all our bills today for the month, minus electric which we haven't gotten yet.  This way ALL of dh's paycheck on Friday can go straight into our financial goals.

It is already the 4th and we've spent too much money (by we I mean dh.)  When he went out with the boys they went out to eat.  He also bought himself a few playstation games.  The man never gets anything for himself so I don't really mind it and thankfully it can be deducted from our Christmas money that his grandmother gave us.  We always spend that on fun or wants so we spent it well!  It is just so funny to mean when you feel like you've got the month all planned out and within the first few days you realize it isn't as easy as putting it down on paper, ha.

on a brighter note, made $40 selling something to my brother.  This month, as I continue our deep clean, I think I want to aim for making $200 selling things.  With my trips to Goodwill recently I've realized that it is a goldmine again almost every time because tons of people are clearing out their houses but few people are shopping.  So, I'm thinking I may want to start flipping goodwill stuff again.  for I'll flip the things in my house

I am sure there are lots of good deals at Goodwill because everyone is spending so much time at home and they just want to declutter. 

Did you end up getting the puppy?

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1 hour ago, mommyoffive said:

I am sure there are lots of good deals at Goodwill because everyone is spending so much time at home and they just want to declutter. 

Did you end up getting the puppy?

No. We haven't ruled it out but are currently waiting to hear back from the owner a second time. I had some questions, which they answered but they haven't gotten back to schedule a time to meet the pup. I'm hoping they are jsut busy but if not oh well

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18 hours ago, mommyoffive said:

Just so you are aware, the last I read on that is that money is taxable unlike the bonus that the credit card companies give you for signing up for the card.

Thanks for the heads up!


Groceries were $80 but I am working on a pick-up order too to stock up on a few things./

Win some, lose some./ Shipping the shoes back cost me $20, they only cost me $30 in the first place. I should have kept them and tried to sell them, I wasn't thinking.

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I have a really detailed budget system and it’s been driving me nuts that my scheduled Chewy orders don’t line up to my other time frames.  I do a 4-week bills/2-week spending situation, but our most logical Chewy situation is on a 6-week cycle. 😕. So I’ve finally decided to sit down and write it into my 6-month plan as a scheduled bill instead of lying to myself that I’m going to remember to “set it aside” from my regular spending budget.

I’m not going to pretend that it’s guaranteed to save me any extra money, but I’m going to stop feeling guilty for forgetting it’s an upcoming expense!

(I don’t change the order schedule because it’s what works best for us with rotating pet food and limits the number of opportunities for the delivery people to murder me for ordering heavy cat litter.)

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13 minutes ago, Carrie12345 said:

I have a really detailed budget system and it’s been driving me nuts that my scheduled Chewy orders don’t line up to my other time frames.  I do a 4-week bills/2-week spending situation, but our most logical Chewy situation is on a 6-week cycle. 😕. So I’ve finally decided to sit down and write it into my 6-month plan as a scheduled bill instead of lying to myself that I’m going to remember to “set it aside” from my regular spending budget.

I’m not going to pretend that it’s guaranteed to save me any extra money, but I’m going to stop feeling guilty for forgetting it’s an upcoming expense!

(I don’t change the order schedule because it’s what works best for us with rotating pet food and limits the number of opportunities for the delivery people to murder me for ordering heavy cat litter.)

You mentioned sinking funds earlier and I keep forgetting to mention. YNAB is EXCELLENT at this. Last January, I started a thread asking about sinking funds and I stupidly decided to go back to Mint, it would work this time. But it doesn't work very well for that, at all. And yet again I didn't set aside for sinking funds properly. Finally in October I signed up for YNAB doing sinking funds is a part of the main steps and it excels at helping set up for those expenses. So, you don't have to worry about remembering that, you just put it in the budget with a goal. Before I'd just work on setting money aside but without having a good system to keep track of what money is for what it is easy to double dip or assign money more than once. This way I know what I have coming up and when. I love it, I tried it years ago but couldn't wrap my brain around it but it clicked this time. 

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1 minute ago, Soror said:

You mentioned sinking funds earlier and I keep forgetting to mention. YNAB is EXCELLENT at this. Last January, I started a thread asking about sinking funds and I stupidly decided to go back to Mint, it would work this time. But it doesn't work very well for that, at all. And yet again I didn't set aside for sinking funds properly. Finally in October I signed up for YNAB doing sinking funds is a part of the main steps and it excels at helping set up for those expenses. So, you don't have to worry about remembering that, you just put it in the budget with a goal. Before I'd just work on setting money aside but without having a good system to keep track of what money is for what it is easy to double dip or assign money more than once. This way I know what I have coming up and when. I love it, I tried it years ago but couldn't wrap my brain around it but it clicked this time. 

I’m going to continue trying to get myself to that place, but my hopes aren’t very high.  I’ve played a little with YNAB, but what I really want is for YNAB to literally move my accessible money to tons of little bank accounts, lol.
We do have multiple bank accounts, but not enough to satisfy my ridiculous desires.

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49 minutes ago, Carrie12345 said:

I’m going to continue trying to get myself to that place, but my hopes aren’t very high.  I’ve played a little with YNAB, but what I really want is for YNAB to literally move my accessible money to tons of little bank accounts, lol.
We do have multiple bank accounts, but not enough to satisfy my ridiculous desires.

I tell you I wanted the same thing, honest to goodness, but once you get in the groove with YNAB you don't need all the accounts. I know it sounds cheesy but you can more easily separate out and account for your money with the budget you don't have to move money so much. I had our shed fund in a separate account so we wouldn't end up spending it after a couple of months using YNAB I went ahead and moved it back to my regular account. I was no longer worried it would be inadvertently spent and I can get more interest out of it.

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3 hours ago, Soror said:

Thanks for the heads up!


Groceries were $80 but I am working on a pick-up order too to stock up on a few things./

Win some, lose some./ Shipping the shoes back cost me $20, they only cost me $30 in the first place. I should have kept them and tried to sell them, I wasn't thinking.

Ugh that really stinks.  Shipping charges are so high right now.  I had the same thing happen last month, and it is the reason I hate shopping for shoes online.   It only works for dh who buys from one brand and it is always right.   I bought my oldest some shoes and they were to small.  They were 31 bucks or something like that.  No free shipping back.  So I just gave them to the next dd inline.  They almost fit her.  Actually 2 of my kids got 2 new pairs of shoes and 1 pair of boots for Christmas in the bigger size for when they grow.  To big now, but they always seem to grow overnight and then you don't have the right size on hand. 

Would they have fit one of your kiddos? 

Yeah next time sell them locally.  Sorry that stinks. 

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1 hour ago, Soror said:

UGH. My phone consultations were $75, now I see they have charged me $150 for the one today. Not happy!!!! I will be calling them this morning.

That stinks.  Is this for health stuff?  I had a phone appointment for a doctors apt and was charged the same as an in person visit.  A little frustrating because it sure is not the same as going to get checked out.   I feel like they should be a bit cheaper.   But nobody asked me.  

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14 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

Ugh that really stinks.  Shipping charges are so high right now.  I had the same thing happen last month, and it is the reason I hate shopping for shoes online.   It only works for dh who buys from one brand and it is always right.   I bought my oldest some shoes and they were to small.  They were 31 bucks or something like that.  No free shipping back.  So I just gave them to the next dd inline.  They almost fit her.  Actually 2 of my kids got 2 new pairs of shoes and 1 pair of boots for Christmas in the bigger size for when they grow.  To big now, but they always seem to grow overnight and then you don't have the right size on hand. 

Would they have fit one of your kiddos? 

Yeah next time sell them locally.  Sorry that stinks. 

Ya, I tried a new brand, lesson learned. They would be too big for my oldest and entirely not her style. My mom would have liked them but too big for her too. 

8 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

That stinks.  Is this for health stuff?  I had a phone appointment for a doctors apt and was charged the same as an in person visit.  A little frustrating because it sure is not the same as going to get checked out.   I feel like they should be a bit cheaper.   But nobody asked me.  

Yes, I've done phone consultations for a few years, they always charged a reduced rate for phone consults because it is not the same as a regular visit. I'm guessing since they are doing almost all visits as phone consults they changed the costs to the same. Yet again, COVID increasing my medical costs, ya.

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16 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

That stinks.  Is this for health stuff?  I had a phone appointment for a doctors apt and was charged the same as an in person visit.  A little frustrating because it sure is not the same as going to get checked out.   I feel like they should be a bit cheaper.   But nobody asked me.  

Ours were free due to COVID for a few months. Awesome! Then, without warning, they became regular price. They probably had too many people doing it and wanted the cash. Very irksome. 

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5 minutes ago, historically accurate said:

Ours were free due to COVID for a few months. Awesome! Then, without warning, they became regular price. They probably had too many people doing it and wanted the cash. Very irksome. 

That isn't nice at all.  They should have let people know.

Are you back from  your trip?   

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1 minute ago, mommyoffive said:

That isn't nice at all.  They should have let people know.

Are you back from  your trip?   

Yes, I got back yesterday. Great driving except I had to stop because of freezing fog Monday night. Got DD's room all set -- DH had taken her down in August and I didn't go because of the COVID surge. DH didn't help her decorate or organize (which is definitely not her strong suit). So, we hung pictures, cleaned up the floor, shoved the wardrobe sideways where it fit better, and made it look a little homier. 

Now, I'm just sitting around waiting until I can get a COVID test. 

We did get our stimulus $ while I was gone, but the water softener sprung a leak while I was gone, so we'll have to decide if we want to replace that right away. It's always something. 

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1 minute ago, historically accurate said:

Yes, I got back yesterday. Great driving except I had to stop because of freezing fog Monday night. Got DD's room all set -- DH had taken her down in August and I didn't go because of the COVID surge. DH didn't help her decorate or organize (which is definitely not her strong suit). So, we hung pictures, cleaned up the floor, shoved the wardrobe sideways where it fit better, and made it look a little homier. 

Now, I'm just sitting around waiting until I can get a COVID test. 

We did get our stimulus $ while I was gone, but the water softener sprung a leak while I was gone, so we'll have to decide if we want to replace that right away. It's always something. 

Glad you had a safe trip.   Aww that is so nice that you made her room homier.  I bet that makes a huge difference.  

Glad you got the stimulus, boo on the water softener.  It is always something.  I am tired of being an adult.  😞

We have had days of fog and freezing fog up here too.  I am over it.  I need to see some sun.  It has been awhile.  

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Wal-Mart pickup order made. $44 total, I should have about $19 coming back from Ibotta. Fingers crossed things are in stock. I'm going to have ds pick it up on his way home from school. He drives right by neighborhood market so it will be easy for him to get it. Ibotta had a $5 rebate on a online order, plus another 50c if I ordered through their app and a mid-week bonus for $1. Dd2 will be well-stocked on gf bread, nice to get that with a rebate since it is so high. Ordered other odds and ends. Today I noticed they added a few more any items so I got some pb, panty liners, and frozen fruit, you only save 10c on those but I was going to order them anyway and they count towards bonuses. I already have $14 in my Ibotta account, once this order comes through I'll cash out again. I used my gift card reward from the survey I did.

$209 Credit already available for Capital One 🙂 Filling that vaca fund.

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2 hours ago, Soror said:

Wal-Mart pickup order made. $44 total, I should have about $19 coming back from Ibotta. Fingers crossed things are in stock. I'm going to have ds pick it up on his way home from school. He drives right by neighborhood market so it will be easy for him to get it. Ibotta had a $5 rebate on a online order, plus another 50c if I ordered through their app and a mid-week bonus for $1. Dd2 will be well-stocked on gf bread, nice to get that with a rebate since it is so high. Ordered other odds and ends. Today I noticed they added a few more any items so I got some pb, panty liners, and frozen fruit, you only save 10c on those but I was going to order them anyway and they count towards bonuses. I already have $14 in my Ibotta account, once this order comes through I'll cash out again. I used my gift card reward from the survey I did.

$209 Credit already available for Capital One 🙂 Filling that vaca fund.

Nice on Ibotta and Capital One.  I should do both.  I haven't done credit cards bonuses since last summer (2019). 



I picked up free lunch and breakfast.  They are giving such large portions of stuff it is crazy.   Even after my kids ate lunch today the pantry, fridge, and freezer are totally filled.  This was just one day of food.  

Walmart grocery order was picked up last night.  They said a lot of things were out of stock, when they really are not.  Dh ended up going into the store. 

Paid for some of ballet for the kids out of one school.  They currently attend 3 schools.    Ballet is so expensive. Sigh   I miss park and rec dance.    Anyway their school is going to make a second semester payment for 4 kids.  Already did for 1.    Added some more classes in for 2 kids at one school.  

Need to pay my cc today.


Really annoyed that I haven't heard from the humidifier company yet.  The air is so dry and I don't want to have to go buy another one.   UGRGHHH


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Earned another $5 from Crowdtap, putting that towards Amazon, will probably use it to help dd1 replace her phone.

My Chase bonus is supposed to post today. I'm thinking I should hit 50% on the vaca fund by March.

I wish I could think of more things to sell to fill it sooner. I have had no nibbles on the 2 things I do have for sell. The downsides of aiming towards minimalism.

Ordered yearbooks for kids in school-$90.

Dh signed up for the student discount of Hulu, Spotify, and Showtime. This month is free, then it is $4.99. He is excited to get to watch some shows he likes while he is still on break.

Dh took apart my washer last night as we found 1 of dd's earings in the dryer and he was afraid it was stuck in the drum/pump (which can totally mess them up). He didn't find anything so who knows where it is. He noticed the hinges on my lid have rusted through. I know it doesn't shut right. We are hoping to limp it along until I have the fund for it filled up. Technically I could pull from other funds but would rather wait and get as much life out of it as I can. My dishwasher is also not in the best shape, hopefully it lasts longer than the washer 🙂 Both of them are 13 yrs old, which sadly seems like a long time for appliances these days, it wouldn't be anywhere near that if not for dh replacing little parts through the years.

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