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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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You can’t start tackling Tuesday at 2 a.m! I call shenanigans! 

My first task is to go back to sleep. I don’t know why I woke up or why I even grabbed my phone, but both seem unwise. I wanted to play with power tools, but it’s supposed to rain all day so I may have to just do boring laundry instead. 

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45 minutes ago, KungFuPanda said:

You can’t start tackling Tuesday at 2 a.m! I call shenanigans! 

My first task is to go back to sleep. I don’t know why I woke up or why I even grabbed my phone, but both seem unwise. I wanted to play with power tools, but it’s supposed to rain all day so I may have to just do boring laundry instead. 

I always post my tackle thread at night before going to bed.  This is because many on different time zones start the day while I'm still snoozing.

I am up at 3 a.m. my time though.  I'm in uber pain and just had to eat a bite so that I could take my breakthrough pain meds.  I am glad that I was able to actually sleep before this but it is annoying that pain often doesn't hit me until hours after I do an activity - then wham. 

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I hope you were able to get dome relief and go back to sleep, Jean. 


  • Drop boy at school
  • Drop Dd at tutorial
  • Bible study in Zoom  Didn't make it today. Prep cooking and laundry instead. 
  • YNAB
  • tutoring prep
  • Clean a bathroom
  • Wash sheets
  • AHG things
  • Tutor 
  • CSA pickup
  • Pick up Dd
  • Dinner is Korean chx, rice, and some kind of veggies
Edited by ScoutTN
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Jean, I'm so sorry you are in pain and hope you rested. 

KungFuPanda, I've had times of waking up more during the night more recently. I hope you were able to get back to sleep. 

The usuals are done. 

  • lunch out, dinner
  • tutor a new elementary student here this morning
  • take ds to do his last two hours behind the wheel with his driving class
  • take some class prep to do while I wait on him
  • dinner
  • tutor a student online after dinner
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Good morning!

(((Jean))) I hope the rest of the night was better for you!

Tough morning here - FIL passed away a little while ago. We had been expecting it. He was quite ill for the past several years with dementia, diabetes, and heart problems, and then was diagnosed with cancer recently, too. So lots of mixed feelings and being sad he is gone while also glad that he is no longer suffering.

  • office work - end of the month things
  • declutter area around my computer
  • sweep or vacuum main floor & steps
  • soak Snorri's foot in epsom salts 2x (he has another abscess)
  • pay my whopping hay bill - happiness is two sheds full of hay!
  • farrier visit? waiting to hear from him
  • write a couple emails
  • read
  • dinner: I think it will be a fend for yourself night
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'morning. Still working on the "good" part of that....

I need to:

...probably nap, b/c migraine
...prep for 2nd grade tomorrow (finish figuring out the plan, print the stuff, file the stuff)
...fold laundry, see if any needs washing
...start the crockpot for dinner (it only has to go 4 hrs so can be started at lunch)
...school with DS -- study for biology test, finish history, do math, do language arts
...after dinner -- maybe TV, maybe not, depends on kids studying and such (ds19 has 2 tests tomorrow)
...anything else I'm forgetting


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I am sorry about your FIL, Selkie. When my dad passed (dementia and a head injury from a fall), it was that weird combination of grief and relief. Prayers for your dh and family.

I have been up early-cleaned the shelves in the refrigerator because everything is so bare- I must go to the store today! dh is home today- probably many calls- seems to be a crisis at work.

  • second cup of coffee
  • update calendar (mostly done)
  • checked in with dh with work being done today (installation of a garage door opener- dh is very excited), concrete guys coming to finish this afternoon. 
  • errand day: grocery store, bank, gas, library
  • ds3: school, gym, club tennis
  • jen things: read, crochet, some more cutting of fabric
  • update to-do list for yard
  • probably chicken something for dinner

Have a great day!

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Hi folks, happy Tuesday.

I'm kinda pi$$ed at myself.  I fell asleep last night without finishing my walking.  My total walking yesterday was less than 2 miles ... for the first time since March.  I mean, I guess it's good that I got some sleep, but ....  As for my pride, I guess I can still say I've walked every day, because I did some in the wee hours of 9/28 and some more in the evening.  Just not enough.  😕

And today is a weird day.  It is really unclear what the kids are supposed to be doing on this first day of "hybrid" school.  The way I interpret the written instructions, nowhere does it say my kids' "cohort" [based on last initial] has to log into any real-time class until at least Thursday.  They are supposed to be doing "independent learning" through Wednesday.  But during the school tour last night, the "deputy principal" said they need to follow the regular 8-period school day and log in starting at 7:50am, Tues-Fri.  I checked over and over and I don't see this ... my kids agree with me ... so if we're truant, we're truant.  Obviously I'm not smart enough for high school.

Work-wise, I got some good work out so far, so let's hope it continues.


  • Slept, and got up at 5:something, woo hoo.
  • Caught up on calendar, news, emails, and social media.
  • Working on coffee 2.
  • Sent out / reviewed several reports & a total of 14 client emails so far.
  • Some texts, technology issues, and woke the lazy kids up a couple times.

To do:

  • Lots more client work.  I have a few big investor reports due, which will take a lot of time, plus revising, reviewing, and explaining numbers for a major transaction that is supposed to happen today.  Also invoices etc.
  • Reading, walking, yoga, TKD practice.
  • Kids have music lesson at 4pm.
  • Will probably have to do some homework help later.
  • Whatever else gets done.


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okay, figured out what to do for 2nd grade, minus the math (I did find what I will use, just too migraine-brain to completely sort it right now) and science is going to need tweaking, but I have it decided on. 

Going to bed to hopefully kick the migraine to the curb. I can tell the medicine is working, now it's time for sleep to hopefully do the rest. 

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5 hours ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

I always post my tackle thread at night before going to bed.  This is because many on different time zones start the day while I'm still snoozing.

I am up at 3 a.m. my time though.  I'm in uber pain and just had to eat a bite so that I could take my breakthrough pain meds.  I am glad that I was able to actually sleep before this but it is annoying that pain often doesn't hit me until hours after I do an activity - then wham. 

Awwww, that sucks. I’m sorry the pain kept you up and glad you finally slept. 

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Dinner was good. Kitchen is clean. Chx stock is simmering in the crock pot. 

Tutoring bag packed and ready to go. 

Put some papers in binders. Answered an AHG phone call. Discussed 5-6 random things with Dd.

Next up: One AHG thing on the computer. 

Then read and go to bed. Ds has a 7:00 am orthodontist appt tomorrow. Ugh! Things I never did when we were just homeschooling!



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