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School Supply thread


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What school supplies have you gotten to purchase lately?  I got several 25 cent notebooks, a few folders, and that's it.  😞  Dd is in college and doesn't need much.  I replenished our highlighters and sharpies and ticonderoga pencils and liquid magnus pens last year.  Tell me what you bought so I can live vicariously through you.

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8 minutes ago, OKBud said:

We were recently talking about this on one of the education forums 😄 [cooooome, come to the education forums, chat ppl!]

I sprung for some thematic Decompostion books. They are literally JUST composition books with pretty covers 🙂 but, so pretty. 

I also got a big fancy tablet. I put it off almost until high school!

I do come to the education forums.  How did I miss it?  What's the name of the thread?

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DS15 bought a spare headset since his current $20 headset might kaput soon. He needs it for his Japanese class.
DS15 and I need a new laptop, if we get a suitable one for him then I use his current one. Else I would get one for myself. It really depends on models and price point whether we get a new laptop for him or me first. 
Stationary wise we have ample supply so no need to top up any.

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Bought lands end backpacks with laptop pockets.   Otherwise I am putting it off until we clean the school/art room.  Which I have been putting of all summer.  It's a complete disaster MDD has been creating fur suits down there all quarantine.  Since school starts in a week and half its happening this weekend.  

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I ended up buying a bunch of notebooks and pads of paper for DH.  It had not occurred to me that he might need some general office supplies since he is working at home now!

Of course, after I bought this stuff, I found a stash of notebooks and paper in a cabinet. We are set for a long, long time. 


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