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It's hot out. Let's talk about...


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...body odor, LOL!   

I have an extremely sensitive nose, so summer is extra stressful in the scent department when people come in all hot from being outside.  I don't know why that smell is worse than all the others, but it is, even if they are clean and just walked across the street.  Is there a dietary change or something that can improve natural body odor?  Or a way to get over hating the smell people give off when they are hot?  How do you or others you know deal with this?  I can't make everyone who walks in the house bathe immediately, KWIM?  Thanks for any tips!

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I’ve heard Coronavirus can delete your sense of smell. Maybe try that! 😉😆 

Sorry; I hope you will find that funny! Deodorant helped with my kids. I had my youngest start wearing it really early. I think he was around 7. He would go outside on the trampoline and come in instantly stinking. So we instituted underarm deodorant after showering. Seemed to work well. 

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Are these people wearing antiperspirant? My DD started needing it around age 9 or so. Totally took care of the problem.

ETA: In our family, if you're outside and get dirty or super sweaty all over, you take a shower when you come in. I understand that's easier for us than most, since we only have three in our family. 

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This isn't an underarm smell.  That's not pleasant, either, but it's a different smell that can be taken care of with good personal hygiene, antiperspirant, and laundry care. 

I'm talking about the smell people give off after having been outside, even if they didn't get particularly hot, and which gets even worse when it's warm out.  They can have just taken a shower and smelled fine, but then went outside, and upon coming back in have the dreaded "outside" smell.  Once they cool down, it's mostly gone.

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6 minutes ago, Dreamergal said:

I come from a hot country where we perspire a lot. We used to use a lot of body powder, not much lotion. I have continued that here. Body powder has issues with cancer related to talcum, I have never heard of it in my native country, but in the US, jury is out on that. But why risk anything, so I use talcum free powder. It absorbs the odor. People from my native country don't use a lot of deodorant or even sprays, but even men use body powder.

I stay out a lot during summer, swim, workout, perspire. Layer of body powder and it absorbs odors, sweat and keeps me feeling fresh. Hope this helps.

Baby powder with corn starch rather than talc is considered safer.

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11 minutes ago, Seasider too said:

It’s what we call the puppy-breath smell. 

Apt description, LOL!  I wish it were just on younger kids!  I smell this on everyone when they've been outside.  As I said, I have a very sensitive nose.  

3 minutes ago, Dreamergal said:

People from my native country don't use a lot of deodorant or even sprays, but even men use body powder.

Thanks for the suggestion.  I can't make people outside my family use it, but everyone here could try it.  Maybe it will help.


Any ideas for getting less sensitive to smells?  

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