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Dr. Hive, pulled back/neck?


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Oww! I did something to my upper back, between shoulder blades, and neck. I think. I woke up sore and it's been getting stiffer all day. It's better when I walk around. It hurts to turn my neck side to side, and hurts to look up. Looking down is the only way it feels OK. I did some "weight lifting" yesterday, aka 2 minutes of lifting 5 lb weights. I also picked up sticks in the yard. It feels like the pain radiates to my shoulders and down my arms sometimes. 

Lifting the weights probably wasn't the smartest. I've got some arthritis in my hands, and there's one spot on my neck that's sore if I push on it. It's been that way for years. I haven't been to the doc for the joint stuff in forever, because all the tests are always negative, and super expensive. Xrays show nothing wrong. 

OR I'm just so out of shape that 5 lb weights are too much. That's pretty lame. 

Is this a situation where I add heat? I have a hot water bottle but no heated pad.

THanks for any help!!

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Stay active. Heat might make it feel better from time to time. So might a massage from your husband.  Doesn’t sound like you need to see a doctor. Stay active. I hurt myself a year ago doing weights. I know others would have told me to see a physical therapist or chiropractor. Just stay active but don’t overdo it.  

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Well I'd go to the chiro, because that sore spot on your neck is easily fixable. But the reason you're sore right now is probably not the 5 pound weights. That picking up sticks would be murder, lots of bending over. Your own body weight and weak back would do it to you.

You can try things like bromelain (enzyme that breaks down lactic acid that you make when working out, ie what makes your muscles sore), nsaids, take an epsom salts bath, etc. Also try doing some really basic cardio like walking on a treadmill for 10 minutes or walking up and down the stairs gently then STRETCH very gently but thoroughly. Try this (which someone else here mentioned and I liked) https://www.doyogawithme.com/content/office-yoga-neck-and-shoulders  

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12 hours ago, PeterPan said:

Well I'd go to the chiro, because that sore spot on your neck is easily fixable. But the reason you're sore right now is probably not the 5 pound weights. That picking up sticks would be murder, lots of bending over. Your own body weight and weak back would do it to you.

You can try things like bromelain (enzyme that breaks down lactic acid that you make when working out, ie what makes your muscles sore), nsaids, take an epsom salts bath, etc. Also try doing some really basic cardio like walking on a treadmill for 10 minutes or walking up and down the stairs gently then STRETCH very gently but thoroughly. Try this (which someone else here mentioned and I liked) https://www.doyogawithme.com/content/office-yoga-neck-and-shoulders  

Thanks for the video, I'll try that later today. I never realized how heavy my head is until I have to think about holding it up! I actually got some sleep last night -seems about the same today but hopefully it'll loosen up as the day goes on. 

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14 hours ago, Mainer said:

Oww! I did something to my upper back, between shoulder blades, and neck. I think. I woke up sore and it's been getting stiffer all day. It's better when I walk around. It hurts to turn my neck side to side, and hurts to look up. Looking down is the only way it feels OK. I did some "weight lifting" yesterday, aka 2 minutes of lifting 5 lb weights. I also picked up sticks in the yard. It feels like the pain radiates to my shoulders and down my arms sometimes. 

Lifting the weights probably wasn't the smartest. I've got some arthritis in my hands, and there's one spot on my neck that's sore if I push on it. It's been that way for years. I haven't been to the doc for the joint stuff in forever, because all the tests are always negative, and super expensive. Xrays show nothing wrong. 

OR I'm just so out of shape that 5 lb weights are too much. That's pretty lame. 

Is this a situation where I add heat? I have a hot water bottle but no heated pad.

THanks for any help!!

My sis swears by ibuprofen.  If you get it fast enough it seems to speed recovery not just mask pain.  

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47 minutes ago, Ausmumof3 said:

My sis swears by ibuprofen.  If you get it fast enough it seems to speed recovery not just mask pain.  

Thanks! I'm taking ibuprofen. I hope your sis is right about speeding recovery 🙂


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My guess would be that all that repetitive bending down, lifting and looking down while picking up sticks was the cause of the noticeable pain. The upper back pain could also have been building up from using a computer more during these lockdown weeks.

I've been experiencing neck and upper back pain, and have received treatment from a dr and physiotherapist (massage therapist as well). Ibuprophin or Naproxin (NSAID) is good for pain relief, as well as heat. You can use a heating pad or soak in a warm bath. Gentle stretching and eventually gentle massage will help relieve pain as well.

If your upper back pain persists, you can do specific stretches and strengthening exercises. You can PM me if you wish.

Hope you're feeling better soon! Yard work can be really hard on the body! I did my own yard work yesterday and my neck is sore. 

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1 hour ago, wintermom said:

My guess would be that all that repetitive bending down, lifting and looking down while picking up sticks was the cause of the noticeable pain. The upper back pain could also have been building up from using a computer more during these lockdown weeks.

I've been experiencing neck and upper back pain, and have received treatment from a dr and physiotherapist (massage therapist as well). Ibuprophin or Naproxin (NSAID) is good for pain relief, as well as heat. You can use a heating pad or soak in a warm bath. Gentle stretching and eventually gentle massage will help relieve pain as well.

If your upper back pain persists, you can do specific stretches and strengthening exercises. You can PM me if you wish.

Hope you're feeling better soon! Yard work can be really hard on the body! I did my own yard work yesterday and my neck is sore. 

Thanks so much! I never had to worry about yard work being strenuous until I Started Getting Old. Oy. You're definitely right about the hunching in front of a computer. I need to be deliberate about standing up and stretching during the day. Hope your pain gets better soon  🙂 

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50 minutes ago, Mainer said:

Thanks so much! I never had to worry about yard work being strenuous until I Started Getting Old. Oy. You're definitely right about the hunching in front of a computer. I need to be deliberate about standing up and stretching during the day. Hope your pain gets better soon  🙂 

I also notice my neck gets more sore if the computer screen height causes me be look down or up. If you can get the screen at a height where you look straight forward it may also help reduce stress on the neck. 

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