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S/O S/O Is travel photography obnoxious?


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When we were in Niagara this past fall there were tourists walking around with selfie sticks and talking like they were do Instagram or you tube or something..  Most people were mindlessly taking pictures not watching were they were going to staying way to long in the perfect photo op spot.   We waited our turn and had people try to bully their way in to where we were standing I spoke up and told them we were almost done.     I don't have a problem taking photos but I prefer not to be in them,  I would love if more people put down their phones really take in their surroundings rather than their phone being in their face where they can't see where they are going and missing out on the true beauty of the moment.    Please take you photos you are not one of those annoying people.    I for one would love to see some of the photos you take of places you have been.

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I take horrible pictures.  No matter how I look, that picture is going to come out with me looking 10x worse.  Everyone who knows me agrees with this.  We laugh about it.  I lack the grace, the pose-ability, the whatever it is that naturally comes to apparently everyone else.  Seriously my best friend tried so hard on our vacation bc she felt bad for taking bad pics of me.  She was like, okay, move your arm this way, your head that way, and shift to the left and the picture was still horrible.  lol I finally told her to knock it off and just make sure I didn't somehow have boob showing and call it good enough.  I just want the memory and have given up on ever having a good photo of myself.  Hopefully my loved ones will remember I didn't really look that awful irl.

I take all kinds of pictures.  The "pet" wild iguana I shared crackers with every morning.  Pretty flowers.  Scenes of each beach.  There's one of me with the local priest.  Our favorite places store fronts so I can remember to give them a good recommendation later.  Funny things that caught our attention.  Like every time a TSA agent felt the need to give an extra thorough search or pat down to my friend, who happens to blush furiously if you even say the word underpants.  So of course my other friend and I yelled, "She's a problem passenger!! Sane people don't pack a suitcase of snacks!  Whered she put her other stuff? Better do a cavity search is warranted just to be sure!!"

I would never have done that 20 years ago because pictures are expensive.  But thanks to smart phones, who cares.  I can delete them later and only print the ones I really love.

If I had my heart set on seeing the Mona Lisa and I found out it was packed in nuts to where no one can actually get close and just enjoy it,  I'd decide to set my heart as far away from the Mona Lisa as I could get.  


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1 hour ago, lynn said:

When we were in Niagara this past fall there were tourists walking around with selfie sticks and talking like they were do Instagram or you tube or something..  Most people were mindlessly taking pictures not watching were they were going to staying way to long in the perfect photo op spot.   We waited our turn and had people try to bully their way in to where we were standing I spoke up and told them we were almost done.     I don't have a problem taking photos but I prefer not to be in them,  I would love if more people put down their phones really take in their surroundings rather than their phone being in their face where they can't see where they are going and missing out on the true beauty of the moment.    Please take you photos you are not one of those annoying people.    I for one would love to see some of the photos you take of places you have been.

Aww thanks! 

I have been trying to get on my laptop to post some pretty pictures, but I’m having slow internet issues at the moment. (My college boy is home and he’s hogging all my bandwidth on Spotify and Alexa! 🙄) But I mean to put up a few of the pictures I love. 

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55 minutes ago, Quill said:

Aww thanks! 

I have been trying to get on my laptop to post some pretty pictures, but I’m having slow internet issues at the moment. (My college boy is home and he’s hogging all my bandwidth on Spotify and Alexa! 🙄) But I mean to put up a few of the pictures I love. 

We should start a thread of pretty pictures!

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I think selfie sticks are anti social and a sad statement of society.

I’d wonder if myself and my friends are the only people who stop and offer to take their picture for them, but we often have people stop and offer to take ours as well when they see the obvious attempt to stretch the phone hand out and manage a not ridiculous facial expression.

Put the stick away and ask someone and then return the favor.  

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41 minutes ago, Murphy101 said:

I think selfie sticks are anti social and a sad statement of society.

I’d wonder if myself and my friends are the only people who stop and offer to take their picture for them, but we often have people stop and offer to take ours as well when they see the obvious attempt to stretch the phone hand out and manage a not ridiculous facial expression.

Put the stick away and ask someone and then return the favor.  

I agree with this, but I am still hesitant to hand my DSLR to someone. I went through this several times while traveling. 

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On 1/15/2020 at 6:09 PM, Quill said:

Yeah I know. But I think that’s rather a base goal. 

But also I think...unless you are a good photographer, there isn't much point in just taking a picture of a landmark. I can buy a much better photo than any I could take. I would, however, like to have a photo of a memory of myself and my husband or family at any given landmark we visit.

Sorry, the thread is probably way beyond this by now, but just to say...I buy professional prints of landmarks and scenery if I'm interested in having a nice photo of it. But I take selfies of me with my family too for mementos, not to be narcissistic.

And, yeah before I take a ton of pictures, we do walk around and just try to soak things up. But you might see us later and think we're only going for photo ops.

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I take lots of pics while traveling.  I like pics of my people interacting with the environment - joy and wonder of kids at the very first ocean beach they ever visited, engagement/wonder while looking something interesting the guide has pointed out, concentration while playing a game of giant chess in a public city square, looking at books at the local public library (in a language they can't understand, but the picture books and graphic novels were interesting to them none the less),  trying new food, fatigue at the end of a long day sitting under a shady tree,  etc.

I also like pics of weird details that I'm not going to find in any tourist book.  I have pics of a handful of sand, each photographed at a different beach.   Wildlife footprints in the sand.  Loads of close-ups of rocks.  Or grass, or bark, or shells, or bones (we found a small whale skeleton at a beach we visited), other natural detail that captures my interest. 

I think it's possible to take these kinds of photos without being obnoxious or offending local sensibilities.

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I can give you one example of “travel photography” that drives me absolutely batpoop crazy - people stopping their cars to take pictures of deer.

It happens ALL THE TIME here.  To a certain degree, I understand the excitement. Before moving here, I probably didn’t ever see more than 2 or 3 deer at a time standing around in a field, never mind 6 chilling on the road shoulder.  But all those people need to do is finish driving to their rental house, where they have a 98% chance of being swarmed by an enormous herd accustomed to being hand-fed breakfast by vacation renters.  I don’t feed deer, and yet I have multiple herds come through the front yard or bed down in the back woods every day.  No one is going to miss out on the chance to get a picture of deer around here!

I get slightly less annoyed by people stopping for bears. While they’re not unusual, you aren’t guaranteed to see one every trip.  And we do have some of the biggest black bears that exist.

But I still have appointments to get to and errands to run!

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7 hours ago, happysmileylady said:

Omg that’s crazy.  I just can’t imagine stopping on the side of the road to take pics of wildlife.  

So we visit my grandparents cabin in the mountains several times a year and we often see wildlife especially in one particular area on the way. While I may not take a picture, we definitely have to stop and watch because it's especially exciting for the littles in the back. I make no apologies for stopping and gawking when it makes my kids' day. 

** we are careful not to impede traffic

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7 hours ago, happysmileylady said:

Omg that’s crazy.  I just can’t imagine stopping on the side of the road to take pics of wildlife.  

That happens on Assateague with the wild ponies. People go nuts like they’ve never seen a horse before. 😂

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8 hours ago, happysmileylady said:

Omg that’s crazy.  I just can’t imagine stopping on the side of the road to take pics of wildlife.  

I've done it, but this only happens when I am in such a remote area that there isn't any traffic to interfere with.

I too have herds of deer coming into my yard on a regular basis.  It fascinates our visitors from other places.  But they can take their photos from the back door.  😛

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11 hours ago, Quill said:

That happens on Assateague with the wild ponies. People go nuts like they’ve never seen a horse before. 😂

Have to share.

On my trip to Chincoteague as a kid, we went on one of those “see the ponies” trail hikes.  It was probably a mile or two, but it felt like 10 to a kid who didn’t see one dang pony in the woods!  We got back to the parking lot, and there were all the ponies, standing around on the pavement!  One tried to get into our car when my dad opened the trunk.

Loved that trip.
Hated the man-eating flies!

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1 minute ago, Carrie12345 said:

Have to share.

On my trip to Chincoteague as a kid, we went on one of those “see the ponies” trail hikes.  It was probably a mile or two, but it felt like 10 to a kid who didn’t see one dang pony in the woods!  We got back to the parking lot, and there were all the ponies, standing around on the pavement!  One tried to get into our car when my dad opened the trunk.

Loved that trip.
Hated the man-eating flies!

I hear ya on the flies. We were there in August once and were going to go on a hiking trail, as opposed to the beach which is where we usually spend our time. Literally the minute we stepped on the trailhead, we were instantly covered, head to toe, with mosquitoes. Literally thousands of mosquitoes were landing on us all. We abandoned the hike and went to the beach where - the prevailing winds, I guess? - keep mosquitoes at bay. 

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9 hours ago, SKL said:

I've done it, but this only happens when I am in such a remote area that there isn't any traffic to interfere with.

I too have herds of deer coming into my yard on a regular basis.  It fascinates our visitors from other places.  But they can take their photos from the back door.  😛

Same as us on the deer. 

Funny tangent: once, when my mom was staying here after surgery, she made a “deal” with God about seeing a “sign” for something. (I don’t remember exactly but it was like, “God, if you want me to do X, you will make Y appear.”) Her “sign” was to see a deer. 😄 Apparently God must have wanted her to do the thing because of course she saw a deer! I thought, “Well if you really want to be certain tell God to show you a tiger!” 

I know when I first moved here, I was so fascinated by the deer everywhere but it’s certainly less of a big deal now I’ve lived her 17 years. 

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