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Geography - where would you start?


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My grandkids are very interested in Geography right now, so I’d like to start them with something, but I have no idea what. 1st/3rd grades, and I don’t want to do a “community helper” type program. They are really interested in the map, states they’ve traveled to, etc., so I’d just like something to give me some direction.

Also, is US or World preferable? They’ll be doing SOTW Volume 1.

I have large maps in my school room, but should I have a globe also? I just can’t remember the thinking on this. Geography was one of those things we really skimped on back in the day, but we’ve all gotten a lot more interested in it over the years, so I’d like to do something more thorough with the grandkids.

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I would start with a Tower Of Me idea.  It's easy and can be done so many different ways (we did stacking circles)  You start with the smallest unit: the child.  Name, height, weight, etc.
From there you move to family (other people who live with them)
Then the house (number, street)
Then the neighborhood
Then town

You add in little activities as you go along, like making a floor plan of the house, learning directions and making a homemade compass or doing orienteering with neighborhood, learn about city buildings and how cities are designed along with town history, visit different towns in your county to compare to yours, learn state landmarks, flower, bird, etc., start memorizing the 50 states in country and learn regional foods, dialects, national landmarks..
You can make each section as short or as long as needed, but it allows you to determine what you need for each stage and how to go about it.

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Yes, a globe! But also an atlas.

Also consider smaller individual maps:
- dry erase lapboard -- U.S.World
- place mat maps -- U.S.world, Africa, AsiaEurope... etc.
- puzzle maps -- magnetic or regular jigsaw, U.S., jigsaw, world

And a choice of workbook:
Evan-Moor Daily Geography practice --  grade 1, grade 3 -- or if preferring to work orally, split the difference and do them together with the grade 2 book
The MCP Maps series
Map Skills series

And some don't miss books -- many might be at your library:
Young Discoverers: Maps and Mapping (Taylor)
Me on the Map (Sweeney)
Maps and Globes (Knowlton)
As The Crow Flies (Hartman)
Kat's Maps (Scieszka)
There's A Map on My Lap! (Tish)
The Fly on the Ceiling (Glass) -- coordinates

Also, if you are a AAA member, consider getting some paper maps from them, and explore. Or get a road atlas book of maps and mark places the DC have gone, or where relatives live.

Edited by Lori D.
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Definitely a globe, helps to understand map warping.  

We love geopuzzles!!!

I always suggest you follow interests.  If they are interested in the states, then do that.  You can also do the map work from SOTW1 which is very easy.  I always show the map on the globe, then show the up-close map in the activity pages for SOTW.  It's important to constantly refer to larger and smaller scale or else the maps will never really join up in a person's mind.  


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We did the Evan Moor Elementary Geography book which is available as a PDF. It was appropriate. We are also doing the Draw the World and Draw the USA books and those have been awesome. The girls have had lots of good discussions. They also enjoy and learn from many apps. Stack the states/countries, various map puzzles, Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego, etc. You could also look into one of those subscription boxes that focus on geography. Little Passports, I think it is called.

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Thank you all for the ideas - lots of good ones!! I’m working on getting some stuff together and a good plan, and we will be starting formally after the 1st of the year. Right now they’re covering the basics (math, phonics, grammar/spelling) with mom or me, but I’m so excited to do more with them!

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3 minutes ago, Servant4Christ said:

Trailguide to Geography is something I have recently discovered and might work for you. Use this with an atlas, mapbook of outlines, and cookbook for what looks to be a fun curriculum. You can add art too, if you want. Geo Matters makes it and had recommended materials to go with it that are referenced by name frequently. The daily atlas drills, weekly map making, and cookbook are all we're planning to use. We also purchased Passport to Geography for fun since we're studying World Geography this year.

Children's books I remember that we liked around 2nd grade were Geography A-Z and Maps and Globes. 

Flat Stanley books are also fun.

I find that in addition to our wall maps and atlases, a globe has been well worth every penny. Every time we discuss or learn about any place, person, culture, animals, habitats, plant, ect, DS8 finds and points out where in the world it is on our globe.


Awesome - thank you! A globe is at the top of my list. I was actually just on Amazon looking.

Any particular one you all recommend?

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If you're doing world history, I really like "Children just like me" for bringing in culture.  (There's a book called "A Child through Time" which is similar but focuses on historical children that you can pair with it).     You can read a story about one of the children (sometimes a child from history and a modern child who lived in the same place if you're using both), and then look up the place on the map, see how far it is from other places you've studied, etc.  

You could do something similar with the 50 states.   Here's a list of kids books from all 50 states...you could read one and then find the states on the map.


You can also make a personalized map in google maps.   I started one for my kids where I plot places where different family members live, or used to live, or places we'd visited.  

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