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Twisted knee/ possible torn miniscus--when to go to orthopedist?


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DD12 twisted her knee 4 days a go geting off the school bus. Since then she twisted it twice more. I took her to urgent care today, xray shows nothing broken. PA there said it might be a torn miniscus but we could just wait and see if it heals with a brace and Motrin.  DD can't bend her knee and is in significant pain. 

I don't know if I should just go ahead and get her into a specialist right away....or wait a bit.  We are well insured so that isn't an issue, but I will have to take time off work and that is an issue. (I have 10 days scheduled off work this fall already for doctors appointments between the 2 girls). One concern is that while she is 12yo, she weighs 250lbs. She is a kid and plays like a kid, but with the weight of an adult which I am sure is not easy on joint healing.  Any suggestions?

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There are walk in orthopedic clinics here, run by the bigger orthopedic center. They have more convenient hours and could get her in ASAP. I absolutely would not take an urgent care doctor's opinion as worth much of anything when it comes to the complexities of the knee. So many ligaments, tendons, etc that could be badly damaged and wouldn't show on an X-ray. If the bone isn't hugely displaced they even miss broken bones on a regular basis. Great for strep throat, lousy at orthopedic stuff. 

Get into an actual orthopediest right away. Using it might be making it worse and causing more damage. 

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3 hours ago, Ktgrok said:

There are walk in orthopedic clinics here, run by the bigger orthopedic center. They have more convenient hours and could get her in ASAP. I absolutely would not take an urgent care doctor's opinion as worth much of anything when it comes to the complexities of the knee. So many ligaments, tendons, etc that could be badly damaged and wouldn't show on an X-ray. If the bone isn't hugely displaced they even miss broken bones on a regular basis. Great for strep throat, lousy at orthopedic stuff. 

Get into an actual orthopediest right away. Using it might be making it worse and causing more damage. 

Darn, I know your right.....I just don't wanna. LOL  I took her to the urgent care because  I figured they would say it was sprained, put her in a brace and send us on our way.  The PA explained why it my be the meniscus and when I look online, it matches.  She told me the xray wouldn't likely show anything, but I know my insurance will want one before they pay for an MRI, so I had them do one while we were there.  And, just incase something did show up, I would feel like a horrible parent for sending her to school with  a broken leg or patella. Xray is clear but they couldn't do all the positions due to her not being able to bend it. 

This same kid has appointments this fall to for an EEG to be checked for siezures, a GI specialist for year long issues, an OB/GYN for severe cramps, an neurologist for siezures/tics, and a urologist because she has mystry pains and has blood in her urine. I really, really don't want her to need knee surgery. OY!!!  But....of course, we will :0)  Thanks for the nudge 😎

Hope Dorian dies down this weekend and you are all safe !🌈

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go get it checked out by someone who knows what they're doing.  I went to a sports medicine guy/partner of my pcp, who insisted my knee was my "meniscus"...…  it was SIX WEEKS before he finally ordered a MRI.  six weeks post injury - it was a 2nd degree tear of the MCL.  he still didn't treat it adequately.  I should have started out with the orthopod...

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When you say she twisted it twice more, what does that mean?  (Like is it doing it on its own or is she hurting it while playing or whatever.) 

I injured my knee a few years ago and an Urgent Care told me it was meniscus; after a couple more "twists" within the month, I went to the ER, who told me it was just a sprain...but they were willing to schedule an MRI and refer to orthopedic. Turns out it was actually a torn ACL. The subsequent "twisting" I was experiencing was more like knee/leg buckling from lack of support in there. It would just sporadically do it when walking or standing.  Hopefully your DD's problem is easily treated!

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I would go to the ortho ASAP.

BUT, also know that many meniscus injuries respond well to rest and physical therapy.  But it is definitely better to have it followed than not.  

My DH has an appointment with an ortho surgeon coming up for a meniscus issue after an MRI with a sports medicine doc.  

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1 hour ago, gardenmom5 said:

go get it checked out by someone who knows what they're doing.  I went to a sports medicine guy/partner of my pcp, who insisted my knee was my "meniscus"...…  it was SIX WEEKS before he finally ordered a MRI.  six weeks post injury - it was a 2nd degree tear of the MCL.  he still didn't treat it adequately.  I should have started out with the orthopod...

This is kind of what I am afraid of. If I wait and see what happens, we may  miss opprotunities to get it fixed or possibly even miss that window all together and end up with a permanent injury.

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1 hour ago, Ktgrok said:

Sorry! And seriously, google and see if you have any orthopedic walk in clinics in your area. They call them Convenient Care Clinics here. 

I wish we did, but none in our area. We do have a good orthopedic clinic here tho, so I will call and see if it would be better to get the MRI before or after I make an appointment. I  know from my own back injury, that there is often very little they can do until they see imaging.  Acccckkkkkk. 

I seriously just need this kid admitted to the hospitial for a week so they can run all her tests, have all the doctors see her and then make one cohesive game plan.  There is something going on with her and seeing all these specialists separately is not working. What I haven't mentioned is that she rarely went to the doctor in her first 11 years (less than once per year). In 9 months she has been to the ER 5 times for GI issues. And been to the Urgent Care 7 times (for a sprained her foot once, wrist twice, skin issue, GI issue, sinus infection, and now this).  She has had a CT both  with and without contrast, 2 ultrasounds, 6 xrays (sprains and belly) and had full sedation once. All in 8 months!  Even before all this I was wondering if she was suddenly having balance issues to lead to so many sprains in one year....now I  am convinced it is a symptom of what ever is going on with her.  She is my kid who is 12yo 5'10" and 250+lbs.  Maybe it is a spacial awareness issue, but I think it is more than that since she never had problems before.  Sorry for the vent, It has just been a long year!!

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1 hour ago, alisoncooks said:

When you say she twisted it twice more, what does that mean?  (Like is it doing it on its own or is she hurting it while playing or whatever.) 

I injured my knee a few years ago and an Urgent Care told me it was meniscus; after a couple more "twists" within the month, I went to the ER, who told me it was just a sprain...but they were willing to schedule an MRI and refer to orthopedic. Turns out it was actually a torn ACL. The subsequent "twisting" I was experiencing was more like knee/leg buckling from lack of support in there. It would just sporadically do it when walking or standing.  Hopefully your DD's problem is easily treated!

I don't know, it is just what she says.  The doctor asked her too, but she didn't remember, just that she 'twisted it, it hurt and she stumbled" a couple times at school.  

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6 hours ago, Tap said:

I don't know, it is just what she says.  The doctor asked her too, but she didn't remember, just that she 'twisted it, it hurt and she stumbled" a couple times at school.  

With a text rn meniscus my knee would just give out on me.

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When I had a similar knee injury, I was sent for an MRI before being sent to a specialist for a suspected torn meniscus. This was after an x-Ray did not show any obvious injury. Turned out that I actually had a bone bruise at the joint from the bone in my thigh banging into the lower bones. Since it was a bone bruise, it just took time to heal. For a very long time it would hurt whenever I tried to pivot on that knee, but as long as I was walking straight it was fine.

I tripped over a uneven sidewalk and never actually fell down, but hopped hard on to that one leg to avoid falling and I was 225+ pounds at that time. 

Edited by City Mouse
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15 hours ago, Ottakee said:

With a text rn meniscus my knee would just give out on me.

I was most worried when she said she did it a 3rd time. Once seemed normal, twice could be coincidence....the third time, made me think the same thing. I was wondering if it is just giving out under her. Bummer, SHe is supposed to start volleyball classes next week to get ready for winder season.  :(. 

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11 hours ago, City Mouse said:

When I had a similar knee injury, I was sent for an MRI before being sent to a specialist for a suspected torn meniscus. This was after an x-Ray did not show any obvious injury. Turned out that I actually had a bone bruise at the joint from the bone in my thigh banging into the lower bones. Since it was a bone bruise, it just took time to heal. For a very long time it would hurt whenever I tried to pivot on that knee, but as long as I was walking straight it was fine.

I tripped over a uneven sidewalk and never actually fell down, but hopped hard on to that one leg to avoid falling and I was 225+ pounds at that time. 

I hear bone bruises are very painful! I hope it finally healed! It is so frustrating how one small mistep can leave you in such pain. I hope her pediatrician will just order the MRI  and not ask to see her first. He is pretty heavily booked so he does quite a bit for me just over the phone. 

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