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Who's going to tackle Wednesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good morning!

  • A quiet morning of bookish things here with kids. Getting them up now. 
  • Piano lessons in the afternoon.
  • Pick up milk and bagels in the am.  Forgot the bagels! 
  • Pick up things at SIL's   skipped this bc of traffic
  • Trader Joe's

Dinner is pulled pork BBQ, sweet corn, green beans, and salad.

Edited by ScoutTN
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Good morning! Busy day here.

  • ds3 to lesson
  • coffee/paper
  • pick up ds3
  • get house moving with kids who need to get things done
  • meeting with photographer for dd2's senior pictures
  • shopping with girls
  • ds1 is taking ds3 to doubles match
  • meet and watch doubles
  • not sure what is for dinner- nor when the doubles will be over

Have a great day!

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Good morning!

  • office work - finances & assorted odds and ends
  • figure out what we're eating for the rest of the week (feeling very weary of cooking these days)
  • errands - bank, post office, gas, hardware store
  • grocery store
  • place order with Stateline Tack
  • coffee date w/dh this afternoon
  • vacuum
  • dinner: ???
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Good morning!

Eating breakfast, having coffee, then...quilting. For real. 

My computer is misbehaving, again, so going to restart, again, and let it sit and hope that fixes it. This has been a real lemon of a laptop since day one, and I really wish we would have returned it immediately instead of DH limping it along. It has the oddest quirks. (today's issue: the mouse is possessed/has a mind of its own) (after a restart and a shut down/turn on, b/c it was not loading even the tiniest of documents). 

Between quilting: one more load of laundry, run some clothes to the kids resale place, pack for going to my mom's tomorrow

Dinner tonight is out, w/the in-laws, so they can say bye to DS18 before he goes to college (this cracks me up, honestly, b/c we see them only the occasional weekend, and he'll still be around for that, so it's not like they will see him any less, but....okay. It's sweet, I guess, that they want to recognize this milestone....)

DS21 may be able to come home tomorrow. With any luck, maybe before I have to leave. 

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Get kids up, dressed, fed - DONE

drive oldest to robotics class, pick up teacher’s preschooler - DONE 

Feed kids second breakfast - DONE 

deal with three tantrums, one lasting 25 minutes: youngest accidentally had citrus last night - citrus makes him profoundly angry. It’s so weird. So, or typical daily meltdown count triples or more. - DONE 

Deal with all his (and middle child’s) other meltdowns today: see above.  - DONE

Pick up oldest, return preschooler, take youngest to grandmother’s house (hopefully, she can handle the tantrums). - DONE

Edit the application for state aid for more therapies for middle child. This is The Most Important Thing today. DONE DONE DONE 🎉

Submit application  - DONE

2 hours of virtual assistant job - DONR

And really, that application Must Be Edited and Submitted TODAY. No matter how many meltdowns there are.  - DONE  Did I mention I finished this?? 

If time, go to library to pick up holds  - DONE

I suppose I should add a couple of loads of laundry  - NOPE

Also making dinner. And cleaning up. — DONE

And bedtime for the citrus boy  🙂 - DONE

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Books & Boys, my youngest had that reaction to corn-based cereals. It was so weird. He could eat other corn products just fine. He could eat other cereals with no problem. But corn based cereals......I could time when the meltdown would start. (oh, man, his were doozies, too.....)  You have my prayers & empathy today!


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Y'all, I took a 2 hour "nap".  Yikes. I feel better, more rested, but......I did not particularly have 2 hours to sleep today. 

Good news is, my computer is behaving again. And this still gives me 4.5 to 5 hrs to quilt. But....eesh, I did not mean to sleep that long (we got woken up at 4 by one of the dogs going crazy, and then it took me close to an hour to get back to sleep, and then got up for real just about 1.5 to 2 hrs later.....so I guess I needed it, but.....sheesh). 

Water, laundry in the wash, music ON, quilting. 

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Howdy, happy Wednesday.  Not super productive so far today ...


  • Slept in a bit.
  • Woke kids, made breakfasts & lunches.
  • Took out the garbage.
  • Drove kids to school.
  • Started week 3 of 46 for Invisalign.
  • Cleaned out part of the backyard & shed and took more junk to the garbage.
  • Opened and sorted a bunch of school supply deliveries.  Inventoried and organized the supplies.
  • Walked almost 2 miles, did my yoga and some other exercises.
  • Ate some leftovers.
  • Cleaned the kitchen, bathrooms, and some clutter.
  • A little reading.
  • Caught up on emails, social media, news.
  • Filed a bunch of emails.
  • Made plans for seeing a concert / fireworks tonight.

To do:

  • Send out some client work.
  • Pick up the kids.
  • Make the kids do some writing, music practice.
  • Kid 2 to horse riding.
  • Kid 1 to trumpet lesson.
  • Probably eat some quick sit-down food like Chipotle.
  • Hopefully attend evening concert (orchestra).
  • Whatever else gets done.

I should really make a new list of bigger to-dos.  Only 2 more weeks until school ... I am still holding out hope of getting things done so we can make a good start.  The problem is that every day comes and goes without getting much done.  Of course there is usually a good reason, but still.  I keep thinking "well this won't happen tomorrow."  😕

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  • dentist  
  • unpack 6 boxes stacked up in my bedroom  
  • Wash bedding for guests coming   
  • fold and put away linens in guest room
  • make a list of everything that needs to be done between now and Sun when guests come
  • Colonoscopy prep.......BLECH!  
Edited by DawnM
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DONE with the quilting except for the border!!!! Whew. Thank.Goodness. I am pausing for a snack/refuel break (Triscuits, mango, and goat cheese....), indulge in an episode of ER, and then will do the basic quilting on the border. If I then still have gobs of time and motivation, I will cut/make the binding and get that sewn on the front so I can handstitch it while sitting with my mom at the hospital. Maybe. 

I am adding a quote (via fusible applique, held down w/free motion quilting) into the border, but that part is a surprise, and I'll work on it while he's at Fish Camp next week, that's why go ahead and bind if possible, so he won't suspect/worry it won't get done. 

Also hung the laundry from the dryer, so the boys can put away, and got a load in the wash, so after that goes into the dryer, I'm caught up enough to leave tomorrow. 

We won't discuss the school stuff I still need to do....that's all going with me, for sure, to do at Mom's. 

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4 hours ago, TheReader said:

Books & Boys, my youngest had that reaction to corn-based cereals. It was so weird. He could eat other corn products just fine. He could eat other cereals with no problem. But corn based cereals......I could time when the meltdown would start. (oh, man, his were doozies, too.....)  You have my prayers & empathy today!


That’s so strange. Thanks for sharing! It helps to hear about other people’s weird situations. 

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Finished the quilting and got the quilt trimmed & ready for binding. Yay!!!! 

Got the laundry in the dryer, out & folded, and half put away. One load of sheets into the dryer, 2nd in the wash. 

Heading to dinner, will rotate laundry/sheets when I get home, and I am done. 

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3 hours ago, TheReader said:

 and I'll work on it while he's at Fish Camp next week, that's why go ahead and bind if possible, so he won't suspect/worry it won't get done. 

What is Fish Camp?! My ds thinks that sounds way fun! 

Edited by ScoutTN
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A small parenting success

My kids each get the mail 3 days a week. Yes, they are 12 and 14 and still think that is fun.  :tongue:

I recently added "Do dishes for at least one meal on the days on which you get the mail." to their chore lists. I expected trouble, whining at the very least.  Ds complains some, but is doing it,  and both of them are definitely getting better at it. Still requiring supervision, but making progress. 


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13 hours ago, ScoutTN said:

What is Fish Camp?! My ds thinks that sounds way fun! 

Oh, ha! Not as fun as probably he thinks. It's the sort of "come learn about this college you're going to" camp for freshmen. His school actually calls it Cub Camp, but I used the generic for Freshmen Camp (other DS's school calls theirs Fish Camp &/or T-Camp for Transfer students and Howdy Camp for Spring Semester entrants). 

Anyway, he goes Monday to Weds, the college buses them to an actual camp place/retreat center, and they do all the goofy "summer camp" type things, learn the traditions of the college, school song, get to know each other, etc. They place the students in small groups for the 2 days with upper classmen for leaders/counselors/mentors, and if it's like our other son's school, their specific small group will stay in touch through the semester, have activities, get-togethers, what have you. They're all in one big "GroupMe" chat together right now, and then once there, the camp will I'm sure split them into GroupMes for their specific small group, so they sort of get instant....if not friends, but at least faces they recognize on campus. It's a way to help them transition to the school (and is optional, and thus at a fee, but it was a huge help for our older son w/his school, and this DS really wanted/hoped they'd have something similar, so we signed him up as soon as we found out about it). 

Then he comes home Weds afternoon and we actually move him to his dorm Thursday afternoon. Time is ticking away much too quickly (luckily, he's staying local-ish and will be pretty nearby). 

An actual Fish Camp likely would be great fun, though! Hope this isn't too much of a disappointment 🙂

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