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foster dog went to new home and I'm a wreck :(


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I had no idea it would be this hard to let her go. She's doing well, but she will be across the country and I'm never going to see her again. My dog misses her, my kids and husband miss her, and I miss her. I know she's going to have an AMAZING new home, but man this is hard. I keep crying!

And somehow I got suckered into taking in a another foster when I dropped the last one off! She was in a boarding situation at the vet for lack of a foster home, and not doing well at all. They had to give her anxiety meds, she was barking, etc. So I felt bad and said I'd take her. But she's a handful, and my heart is broken, and I'm so exhausted emotionally. I don't want her here, really. But I don't want her boarding either. Sigh. They have a potential home for her way up in Ohio (last dog is on her way to Seattle!) but they want to be sure she is good with other dogs first as these people want to adopt two weimaraners from the rescue. She had a history of food aggression with other dogs, and I'm working with her on that and it is going to be fine. I think she had to compete for food before, and is doing well here. She's not dog aggressive in general and loves to play with my dogs. But I don't want her here. I just can't bear to send her to boarding either. Sigh. I'm really hoping this adoption moves fast. 

Also, Golden Retriever rescue approved us to adopt. And they even called with a potential dog for us, a doodle mix, but because we had the foster dog I said we couldn't yet, and they put us on hold. I thought I'd be telling them to take us back to active today, instead I have another foster. And then we are going on vacation June 5-8th so even if this one is gone by then I wouldn't adopt a few days before leaving, that wouldn't be right. So that dog will probably be gone. 

And I'm sad. And tired. And I spent the past 10 days installing an irrigation system in scorching heat so I'm physically tired too. But mostly my heart hurts. 

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awwww.  This was the Great Dane, right?

Is it pretty common for a foster to go across the country without the family meeting them?   I know it is pretty common for dogs from the south to end up north, I guess I just thought the families met the dogs first.  

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6 minutes ago, ZiMom said:

awwww.  This was the Great Dane, right?

Is it pretty common for a foster to go across the country without the family meeting them?   I know it is pretty common for dogs from the south to end up north, I guess I just thought the families met the dogs first.  

No, the great dane was a dog I was just pet sitting for a weekend. This was a weimaraner, a pretty blue one. I did get to meet the woman adopting her, she drove with her other dog (a lab weim mix just a few months older than the one I was fostering) all the way across country from Bellevue, WA, near Seattle, to meet her! If it hadn't gone well there were other dogs fo r her to adopt, but it did go well. So now they are on their way back. It's a wonderful placement, and the woman is obviously dedicated to drive so far! But man, I just want to curl up in bed and cry. 


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4 hours ago, Ktgrok said:

No, the great dane was a dog I was just pet sitting for a weekend. This was a weimaraner, a pretty blue one. I did get to meet the woman adopting her, she drove with her other dog (a lab weim mix just a few months older than the one I was fostering) all the way across country from Bellevue, WA, near Seattle, to meet her! If it hadn't gone well there were other dogs fo r her to adopt, but it did go well. So now they are on their way back. It's a wonderful placement, and the woman is obviously dedicated to drive so far! But man, I just want to curl up in bed and cry. 



Sorry I had them confused.  That is AMAZING that she drove all the way to meet the weim.  Yes, I would say it is definitely going to be a great home :)   I have a friend that lives in Bellevue, or the next town over.  

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Thanks all. I only cried a few times today. I took my hound to the dog park, leaving the new foster home with my adult son. He finally perked up when we got there and he saw his favorite human friend, was doing a doggy smile and wagging his tail, so that warmed my heart. Being sad for me is terrible, but seeing my poor doggy so sad has been even worse...I took his "sister" away from him as far as he is concerned 😞

He still won't play with the new foster. He did eat though, after the park, so that's good at least. 

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Aww.  Sending you some hugs.  That would be so hard to let them go after you get attached.   That is amazing that she drove all that way for her.   I am so happy you are doing this.  You are amazing for doing it.   Sending some hugs to your dog too. That has to be hard for them too. 

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so....Golden Retriever Rescue just called. The dog they offered me before is still available. The people that were interested in her declined because she is too big, and was too exuberant when they went to meet her. They said they can hold her for me until we get back from vacation, if we want her. But that means I need to get Stella the current foster out of here by then. I emailed the weimaraner rescue woman to tell her what was up - actually I emailed her BEFORE I got the call, telling her that we'd already turned down a dog, and wanted to be ready for the next one, and that between that situation and my son's PANDAS flaring up I just wasn't in a place to keep Stella much longer, and I need her to go to another situation ASAP. Meanwhile, I kept clicking on this dog's profile on the website, to see if they changed her from adoptable to pending. Then I got the call. 

I have no idea what is going to happen. I need to find another place for Stella no matter what. She's obsessed with food and stealing food and with a 2 yr old in the house that's a bad situation, as it is too hard to keep it away from her. And hard to police a food thieving overactive weimaraner and deal with life. She's also a bit food aggressive with other dogs, not people, not crate trained fully (working on that), has sutures on her neck so I can't really walk her much on a leash, she pulls me with harness, etc etc. She needs to move on. But then I still have to meet Blue, the golden mix, have my dogs meet her, my husband, etc and see if she's even a good fit. But I feel like if I don't at least meet her, if I just keep giving Golden Rescue the run around due to foster situations they are going to drop me entirely. (they are notoriously picky about homes). 

Oh, and on top of everything, my husband has a potential new job, and expects an offer letter tomorrow. And we are going on a vacation with my parents, my sister, and her kids next week. 

And I need to be writing like crazy to make my deadline next month. 

And I'm int he middle of a lawn renovation project. 

But she's so cute! That's her photo, she's a doodle mix. 


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I got a wonderful photo today of the adopter with both Arya and her other dog, in front of a tiny little chapel in the middle of nowhere South Dakota 🙂 It was very obvious in the photo that ARya was happy, which made me happy. 

And...in other news, we can go meet the golden doodle dog tomorrow afternoon - if we like her we will sign the contract and pay the adoption fee then, and they will keep her until we get back from our vacation on the 8th. Which means Stella, our foster dog, needs to be somewhere else by then. I've emailed and messaged the rescue coordinator for the weimaraner rescue but haven't heard back from her yet. 

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