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I need an online math program for grades 6-8

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What are some really good ones? I'm up for either live or recorded. I just need to know that it's going to do a thorough job of teaching as my strength is NOT math. I also would like high quality video. Thank you.


ETA: Probably not Teaching Textbooks, thanks.

Edited by Meadowlark
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My kids have used Mr. D. Math for Pre-Algebra through Algebra 2 and we love them.  You can do live online classes, live in-person classes through a co-op, or asynchronous.  They have live help sessions with teachers twice a week regardless of which delivery method you use.

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Can someone elaborate a bit on Mr. D? I have honestly never heard of it, which worries me a bit because I've been looking around for awhile. Is it crystal clear? How hands off are you? Is it engaging? Is the video quality good? Is the homework pretty independent?

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On 5/22/2019 at 11:38 PM, Meadowlark said:

Can someone elaborate a bit on Mr. D? I have honestly never heard of it, which worries me a bit because I've been looking around for awhile. Is it crystal clear? How hands off are you? Is it engaging? Is the video quality good? Is the homework pretty independent?


Our experience this year--


We LOVE it. I was very hesitant at first. My non math lover now really likes math and understands it. His explanations are wonderful. She has been incredibly independent for the most part and emails Mr. D when she has a problem. I have only helped her a handful of times all year.  A friend just listened to Mr D speak at a convention today and he was so engaging she is signing her son up for the live classes.  I found the interface to be incredible easy to use, and easy to check up on dd's work. It is working here. 

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14 minutes ago, DiannaKennedy said:


Can you tell me more about this? I'm trying to find a sample lesson, but I'm coming up empty. 

Go to their website and look under FAQ.  Look at the response to the How can I get a free video sampler question.  

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Not online, but have you considered CLE? It's very incremental and easy to follow. The Light Units are written to the student, so they are independent. The teacher's guide shows the work for each problem, so that really helps when a student runs into an issue, which wasn't often with my DD.

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Another vote for MrD. My dd just finished prealgebra and we are set for algebra in the fall. She took the live class - zoom classroom. She enjoyed the teacher (Mr Henderson) who was funny and taught well. The live class was one hour and recorded in case you had to miss a session. There are worksheets that she printed for the week and are self graded. Each week there are online quizzes for each chapter. There are online quarterly exams. Extra help is available M-R - these are live sessions as well (my dd did not find them necessary as the main course explained the material well.)  This was such a great course for my kiddo. She became more independent and much more excited about math. Good luck finding something that fits your needs! 

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I firmly believe that resources do not teach; humans do.  Even with the best resource in the world, most students will still need to interact with a human on occasion.  Because of this, I highly recommend Derek Owens for prealgebra and up.  Not only is he available to answer questions, his courses are excellent.


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