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Blood in kitty's urine - maybe?


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I'm worried that my sweet Maggie is sick. I found a few drops of what looked like a drop of pasta sauce that fell on the floor, next to her food dish when I got home today. Then, I saw some streaks of blood on her blanket on the couch, and on further investigation, saw some watery blood-is looking spots on the edge of her litter box. On one clump of urine, a single dark spot of blood. I don't think it's a cut on her paw.

Ahh! All the vets are closed, except for the emergency vet. I'm not sure this is an emergency, anyway - she's drinking water just fine. I put a white sheet under the litter box to catch any drops, and put light colored sheets on the couches to cover my bases. 

I can call in sick to work if necessary tomorrow, and get an appointment for the morning. Do you think I can watch and wait overnight? She's purring, cuddling, doing all the normal cat things.



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Our young male cat recently had blood in his urine. In his case, he had two crystals blocking his urethra. It became very serious very quickly. My DH thought I was being paranoid for taking the cat in, but both vets that worked on him said we ended up with best case scenario bc I took him in so fast. 

Males are more prone to urinary crystals than females are. Also, our cat was vomiting and lethargic. But we were told that cats generally tend to hide symptoms until it is too late. 

Our regular vet worked with the emergency vet as it was over the weekend. Both were around the same price. 

Best wishes! And hugs. It is always a hard decision on what to do! 

Edited by GoVanGogh
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Our female cat had blood in her urine which we discovered because she began peeing in our white bathroom sink. She never acted sick at all. We took her in the next day and it was a kidney stone. She was treated with antibiotics and I think a steroid shot( it's been a couple of years). They offered a choice of surgery to remove or trying a special prescription food that sometimes dissolves the stones. We tried the food and it worked! She is on it as her regular diet from now on.

 I would think Maggie could wait overnight unless things get worse. Hope she feels better soon!

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As long as she's acting relatively okay and you know she has urinated recently then waiting until tomorrow should be fine. Females can get blocked, but it's more common in males. And if that happens it's an emergency.

She's a beautiful kitty!

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Thanks for the support. She just peed, and I didn't see anything amiss. She also ate a bunch of food. 

On the (fingers crossed) chance that I don't notice anything further, should I still take her in tomorrow?

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19 minutes ago, Mainer said:

Thanks for the support. She just peed, and I didn't see anything amiss. She also ate a bunch of food. 

On the (fingers crossed) chance that I don't notice anything further, should I still take her in tomorrow?

If she were mind I'd want to get her checked out.

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Cats are masters at hiding pain.  In fact, one of their coping techniques is purring, so don't let that fool you.  I can guarantee you she's got a uti at the very least.  Son's cat was peeing blood, ( and at that point it's bad, usually I can tell if one of mine has an infection long before that) and it took two rounds of antibiotics to clear it up.  Take her in first thing tomorrow.

ETA- what a sweetheart of a cat.  Let us know how she's doing.

Edited by MaBelle
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6 hours ago, kand said:

While you wait, increase her water intake however you can. We feed only wet food and stir in a little more water for our cat prone to crystals. We took her to the emergency vet the first time, as she was incredibly uncomfortable and peeing blood. It cleared up with us pushing the fluids heavily—watered down turkey baby food (no onion or garlic powder variety), lots of water mixed in her cat food, which we divided into small amounts fed hourly (so she had constant water going through). She has had two recurrences due to letting her have dry food for one reason or another, and the same measures resolved it. That all said, I would take her in tomorrow, as it could be something else, and if it’s bad, she deserves pain medication.  

This is a good idea. I'm just waiting for the office to open in 2 minutes so I can call 🙂 She's been running around playing, and peeing fine (as far as I can tell... but it's just a guess!), so I'm wondering if she passed a crystal or something? Ouch. I definitely want her to have pain meds if she needs them.

I actually just got her some plain turkey baby food, since that's what she'll always eat when she's not feeling well. I never thought to water it down, though - I'll do that right now. Thank you!

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Alrighty, back from the vet. Maggie's got a little blood in her urine, but not enough to be seriously alarming. No elevated white cell count, and a quick ultrasound didn't show any problems with her bladder. The vet says it could be a UTI, so we're doing a culture, but thinks it's more likely that it's something called idiopathic feline something...? basically just inflammation for no known cause. She said cats are very susceptible to stress, and my husband's been away for a few days, so maybe that's it? Maggie's got a few days of antibiotics while we wait for the culture results. If blood happens again, we can do an x-ray and more testing next week.

Said she's looking pretty good for 14 years old 😊

Now off to watch her like a hawk... 

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