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Who's going to tackle Saturday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good morning!

We are keeping an eye on the weather, as there is a winter storm headed our way. Road conditions are supposed to be terrible tomorrow, so my boys will probably have to wait until Monday morning to drive back up to school. Their dorm is closed until noon tomorrow, so they're not able to go back today before the storm hits.

  • get outside Christmas lights up 
  • dh and boys will work some more on our sauna
  • clean out hay boxes
  • get hay steamer up and running now that outlets are fixed
  • maybe go to farm supply store to pick up some grain
  • hound my kids for their Christmas lists (no clue what to get them)
  • change batteries in smoke detectors
  • dinner: Buddha bowls
  • watch hockey tonight
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Good morning!  I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  We had a good time up in SC and saw several houses/neighborhoods that we really liked.  We are putting in some new vanities in the kids bathrooms these next two weeks and then our house here will go on the market.  Lots to do, this is my list for the weekend

-dry cleaning
-pick up dog from kennel
-plan school for the week
-make sure DS14 is moving along on his Lit paper due soon (I know for a fact he has done nothing, sigh)
-see about signing DS17 up for Spanish III on FLVS (he finished Spanish II last year, SC requires three years of foreign language, FL only 2 so he has to start after a 6 month break, ugh)
-make sure DH teaches DS14 how to scan in documents on the scanner
-keep running list of questions to ask DS17's new school
-make sure DS17 has filled out his exam exemption requests
-keep working on scrubbing in between wood planks on kitchen floor (ugh)
-help DH go through and destroy what seems like 137 million computers in the library closet that are old and no longer useful
-style all bookcases and book shelves

-take inventory of what light bulbs need to be replaced and do it
-mulch beds in pool cage and get new palm tree for planter
-watch Clemson football
-eat properly to counteract the 5 lbs I surely gained while travelling (asking DH if we could go out to breakfast today is probably not the wisest decision)


Edited by Pink and Green Mom
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Good morning! Hosting my mom for a Thanksgiving feast today, so mostly house cleaning and kitchen work for the first half of the day. I have lots already done, so only the dressing, gravy, and veggies to actually cook. We'll eat in the early afternoon, so the evening will hopefully be very relaxed with no cooking for me!

  • Get kids and dh to help clean and tidy the house, set the table etc.
  • Cook! 
  • Keep dd on track with some school work. 
  • Check Redbox for a movie?
  • Library - get dh to take kids.
  • Watch the Vols play football, even though they are terrible. Bball season will be much better. They lost to Kansas last night in OT. 
  • Think about next week and make some lists. 
  • Talk about calendar with Dh. 


Edited by ScoutTN
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Morning, all!

Woke up with sore throat today, been coming on for a few days.  Might take some antibiotics to ward off something just in case.

To do:

watch football, park myself on the couch with a blanket, think about doing some school work


have dh or kids vacuum the downstairs, stairs, upstairs landing

Find a laptop bag or backpack online or maybe venture out for one.  I didn't mention it, but my car was broken into while attending dd's play.  They stole my backpack, books, MacBook, etc.  Apparently I parked in the one area where school security cameras were too grainy.  I was able to replace the MacBook ($$ouch), but losing the personal stuff like books, etc. really hurts. I like to think the best of everyone, but not so much now.  

Anyways, hope everyone has a good, productive day.  

Have a great day!


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Howdy.  This is the last really relaxed day for my kids, and hopefully a productive work day for me.

  • Slept in but not well - woke many times due to hot/cold flashes.
  • Kid woke me up to take her to horse riding.
  • Took a nice long shower / hair wash.
  • Washed some dishes.
  • Brought kid back home.
  • Lunch at home - hoping to use up a lot of food we have in the fridge this weekend.
  • A little reading.
  • Gave the kids a short list of expectations for today.  (Practice instrument, TKD form & clean up their messes.)
  • Caught up on social media, emails, news.
  • A little Christmas-related shopping online.

To do:

  • Lots of "work" work.
  • A little more housework.
  • Maybe some forms and calendar work for the kids / school / sports....
  • Maybe pay some bills.

We leave for vacation in 31 days.  I need to work in so many things in order to have a restful break.

Wondering if I should bother with Christmas cards this year.  Some of my usual recipients have died since I last sent cards.  Some have no real ongoing connection with me.  Some aren't even Christian.  For close family, I can give the cards when I hand off Christmas presents.  So I dunno.  I hardly get cards any more, so maybe nobody really cares anyway?  Maybe I should do the online card thing like some of my friends?

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