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Who’s going to tackle Wednesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good morning! 

Dh, the cats, and my need for coffee are taken care of.

To Do:

  • breakfast and lunch (dinner at church)
  • tutor 2 students                  one down, one to go
  • school with ds                     some done, some to go
  • some work on co-op classes  
  • grocery list and shop (after church)  
  • pay bills
  • laundry
  • church
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Good morning! Cloudy and gray here, blah! Since Ds was sick last night, we won't go to piano or church this afternoon/evening. He seems better today. I have a few close to home errands that I can do without kids.

  • School - Dd's WHA class begins today.
  • Pick up milk and bagels
  • Bank
  • Library 
  • Laundry
  • Figure out dinner. 
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Good morning! Today is late start for the kids, it poured last night (after we dragged ourselves away from the Nadal match), so ds3's private lesson is canceled. dd2 had morning practice and then is coming home for a quick nap, I think. 

  • Coffee/paper- extra coffee- this is Nadal's fault
  • write
  • kitchen chores/daily chores
  • note for dd2
  • kids off to school (dd2 has a call with a coach -first one! in her off block)
  • depending on weather/court conditions-tennis may be canceled
  • jen things
  • dinner- pasta? 

Have a great day!

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Good morning!

Got my morning chores done early and closed the haysheds up tight, since we're going to get hit with more heavy rain today. We've had days and days of this, and everything is soggy!

My horse seems to be all better. He is cranky at me for taking his temp multiple times over the past few days, and gives me a look any time I go near his backside.

The boys headed off to school with a bit of trepidation today, since they are facing their first three hour chemistry lab.? 

  • office work (bills)
  • post office run
  • dust & vacuum basement
  • put away laundry
  • last day of giving medicine to new kitty - hurray!
  • make plans with dd for redecorating her room (first, it needs to be shoveled out?)
  • dd Music Club & violin lesson
  • get evening chores done before dd's violin lesson, so I don't have to do them by myself
  • dinner: pink beet fusilli with cashew crema
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Adult sons #1 and #2 are at work. Living room is picked up. One teen is making breakfast. 2nd grader is sitting next to me and working on phonics. 8th grader is on her grammar and composition. My 12th grader needs to get up. My 5th grader has a ton of attitude. Yesterday was our first day of the school year and it went well. Basically, I will just sit here and work with each kid in turn. 

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Hi guys.  Today I am trying to figure out what conflicts are on my kids' various schedules and what to do about it.  (In between the usual work, etc.)

For the most part, there isn't too much overlap.  That I have noticed so far.  The following each have a weekly or bi-weekly schedule in addition to school / church / confirmation classes:

  • School volleyball
  • School youth group
  • AHG
  • Horse riding
  • 2 gyms
  • Running races - various organizations
  • TKD

This Saturday they have, at the same time, a volleyball tournament, youth group rummage sale, AHG car wash, regular horse riding class, regular gymnastics class, and possibly a TKD step test (though I don't think they are ready for the step test yet).  Needless to say we are busy arranging make-ups and work-arounds ....  Next weekend one kid has an AHG campout as well as volleyball games, gymnastics, confirmation class, a running race ....  Plus, I am not sure but I might be asked to attend the AHG campout (things are a bit chaotic with AHG right now), and if so, what am I supposed to do with my other kid, who has volleyball and horse riding and hates camping ....

Well anyway ... back to the present ....

  • Slept OK.
  • Got the kids up & out on time.  The bus was not running so I got to drive them again.  We started The Secret Garden audiobook.
  • Feeling more alive today than yesterday.  I think maybe I was recovering from all those people I had to talk to on Monday.
  • Coffeeing up.
  • Got one big work thing out.
  • Made final arrangements for the kids' transportation this evening.  (1- Horse riding; 2- gymnastics)
  • Caught up on social media etc.
  • Some calendar work.
  • Sent an email about a volleyball / youth group conflict since most of the participants are in both activities.

To do:

  • Lots of "work" work.
  • Yoga & some other exercise.
  • A little reading.
  • Some housework.
  • More calendar work.
  • Pay bills.
  • Organizing paperwork / filing.
  • If I'm home alone, maybe play some piano, maybe practice my TKD form ....
  • Help kids with homework, pack gym / volleyball stuff for tomorrow.
  • Walk??
  • Start a new read-aloud.
  • Kids to bed.
  • Take out the garbage.
  • Whatever I'm forgetting.
  • Work / sleep.
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Fall must be on the way - I've seen several big, hairy spiders in my laundry room this week.?️

I got a few loads of laundry done, cleaned a bathroom, cleaned the kitchen & wiped down the cabinets.

Got several pressing items done in the office, but need to do more this afternoon.

Dd and I drove down to the post office in the pouring rain. Kinda bummed because I realized that my only kid who's home during the day doesn't have her license yet, so I have to run all my own errands now.

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