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6th grade planning thread


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I asked back in January but haven't seen anything recent as we head back into another school year. What is everyone planning on for 6th. I love these threads because it helps to see what people like enough to buy/try. So far this is what I have.

Math - CLE6

Language - Essentials in Writing 6

Vocabulary - Vocabulary from Classical Roots 6

History - Civil War to present using Everything you need to know to ace American History, various videos and other books

Science - Science corner using Everything You Need to Know to Ace Science, Science magazines, books, videos (I haven't loved any Science curriculum so I'm trying Science Time this year where I have a time where my son reads anything science. I have lots of books and magazines as well to use.

Handwriting - Pentime

Reading - Just lots of books 



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I have a sixth grader, though he's all over the place:

math - CLE 5

spelling - AAS 4 & 5

writing - killgallon sentences and then paragraphs, plus writing across the curriculum a la WTM

history - wtm history.  finish ancients and start middle ages in February.  Contemplating History Odyssey at that point

science - finish elemental biology 2 and start elemental earth science 2 in February

typing.com, intermediate

reading - mostly historical fiction tied in with history studies, plus "not to miss" and other classics I think would appeal to him

French - French for Children A


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My 6th grader will be doing

CLE math 5

Essentials in Writing 6

Apples and Pears Spelling

Worldly Wise

Reading will most likely be just reading from a yet to be made book list, but I'll probably add in a low-key lit guide or two.  

History and Science are both yet to be determined.   We need to up our game in these two areas this year as ds had/has learning issues (language processing disorder) we've been addressing over elementary. We spent lots (and lots!) of time on therapy and just getting him reading fluently and keeping math solidly progressing. As a result, history and science has been on the back burner.   So now I'm on the hunt for something that is not "babyish", yet still meets him where he is and doesn't expect "normal" 6th grade processing.  


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I posted this somewhere on another thread, but I’ll post here too. ?

Math: Jacobs Algebra, just got BA online for her to play on for “fun math”

Science: RSO Biology 2, going to do some notebooking with Mel and Gerdy too

History: Second part of U.S. history with BYL 6

Lit: BYL 6 and short story selections from EIL 7

Writing: Trying EIW 7, did WWS 1 with WTMA last year and she asked for a break. Going to weave in some Bravewriter and Rip the Page for creative writing

Grammar/Spelling: MCT Voyage, Spelling Workout G

Logic/Latin: Critical Thinking Co. and Latin Prep

Art, Music, and STEM at co-op

Lots and lots and lots of dance. So much dance.

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I posted on the other thread for 5th grade, but we ended up having dd10 skip a grade (long story), so she is officially a 6th grader.  We're on Week 8 (?) already, so at some point during the winter, she'll be finished with all this and I'll have to come up with a new plan.

Here's what she's doing currently:

  • Saxon 6
  • My Father's World Creation to the Greeks 
  • Easy Grammar, All About Spelling (she has a possible speech delay and still needs spelling), writing narrations/dictation/copywork
  • Violin
  • Theater class at an enrichment center
  • Russian ballet


So far, she likes everything.  *shrug*. We had to beef up the science a little.  We are doing the entire Science in the Beginning textbook + I might buy Science in the Ancient World and do that, too.

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Math: MM6, Hands on Equations-Fractions

LA: Dictation Spelling, Marie's Words, The Paragraph Book 1, mom-made literature book, Winston Grammar sentences, editor in chief

History: Uncle Sam & You & CNN10

Geography: Around the world in 80 days, then the Holling books & sheppardsoftware.com & Seterra.com

Science: Elements (McHenry)

Logic: Various books and solitare games from prufrock, CTC, Mindware, smartgames

Other: German-know it all videos, dancemat typing, various free coding sites, classics for kids.com, arthub for kids.com, 

We'll start in a couple weeks and see how it goes. There will probably be some tweaking, but so goes it.

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14 hours ago, Airykah said:

I posted this somewhere on another thread, but I’ll post here too. ?

Math: Jacobs Algebra, just got BA online for her to play on for “fun math”

Science: RSO Biology 2, going to do some notebooking with Mel and Gerdy too

History: Second part of U.S. history with BYL 6

Lit: BYL 6 and short story selections from EIL 7

Writing: Trying EIW 7, did WWS 1 with WTMA last year and she asked for a break. Going to weave in some Bravewriter and Rip the Page for creative writing

Grammar/Spelling: MCT Voyage, Spelling Workout G

Logic/Latin: Critical Thinking Co. and Latin Prep

Art, Music, and STEM at co-op

Lots and lots and lots of dance. So much dance.

What is BYL?

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6th grade for ds should look like:
Bible/Morning Basket: MP Acts, New City Catechism, BSGFAA Bible Summary Cards, We Choose Virtue, poetry memory work, and read aloud tied into geography

Math: Either MM 6 or CLE 6 (I have both and am still deciding)

LA: MW 5-6, Reading and Reasoning 2, AG Season 1, BW/IEW

Education Exploration Physical Science

World Geography/missionary study

Extras: FIRST LEGO League, tennis, and piano

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For my younger ds:

Math - Prentice Hall 6th grade math (taught by a former math teacher in tutoring sessions)

Science -  Shepherd Life Science (labs & class outsourced/taught by a former science teacher)

History - 20th century with a combo of SOTW 4, Human Odyssey 3, historical fiction, DBQ project essays, and National History Day

ELA - Oak Meadow 7 loosely with some books replaced, Wordly Wise 6, AAS 4 & 5, Singapore grammar books, DBQ project mini-Qs for literature

I'm a secondary certified ELA & social studies teacher and my kids have finally hit the grades I specialize in, so for the humanities I plan to just TEACH. Should be fun. ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Math: Saxon 8/7 with Prealgebra

Science: Guest Hollow Chemistry, nature study, Keeping a Naturalist's notebook. Continue studying plants, birds, and insects

English: second half of Writing With Skill 1, Nature writing class on Outschool, Memoria Press Grammar Recitation 3, adventure literature (Robinson Crusoe, Kidnapped or Treasure Island, Stowaway, Carry on Mr. Bowditch, etc.) and some other good books he hasn't gotten to yet (Redwall series, Tale of Despereaux).  We'll do Bravewriter Arrows for 3 or 4 of these, and choose our own copywork when we're not using the Arrows.

History: Part of The Human Odyssey Vol. 2, Great Courses History's Greatest Voyages of Discovery, a stack of books about exploration and scientific discoveries from around 1400 to 1810 (Island of the Blue Foxes, The Invention of Nature, Latitude, Undaunted Courage or the Journals of Lewis and Clark, mountain men, etc.)

Latin: Second Form Latin, Kraken Latin

French: Middle School French with Global Goose Languages

Other: Young Adventurer's Society on Outschool (Archaeology and Anthropology), Outdoor adventures and survival skills

Music: Continue with both Piano and guitar


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My only homeschooler this year will be a 6th grader; older kids are in school and dual enrollment.

English, Geography, & Art: a seriously-reworked version of BYL 7

Science: WP Equine Science

Math: McRuffy 5 & Hands On Equations

PE: Gymnastics, Bowling, and Trampoline park

I'd like to start Spanish with her, but I have no idea yet.

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We're in our 4th week of 6th grade.  Here's what we're working on this year:

Math: R&S 5, and heading into 6 after Christmas

English: R&S 5, and heading into 6 in a few weeks

Composition: Classical Composition Fable for 15 weeks, and then Narrative for 15 weeks

Spelling: Megawords with How to Teach Spelling for trouble spots

Literature: 1st semester: CLE Reading 6; 2nd semester: 6th grade Lit from MP

Bible: Bible Study Guide for All Ages during our morning Bible time and Who is God? plus notebooking journal independently

Latin: Memoria Press First Form

Science: History of Medicine and then What's That Bird?

Geography: MP's States and Capitals 1st semester and Geography I 2nd semester

History: Memoria Press' Greek Myths and Famous Men of Rome; American history readers from MP

She's also in her 5th year of violin.


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We are 2/3 through our 6th grade year, and he's using: 

MFW Exploration to 1850

R&S 6 grammar, Classical Writing Homer B, Megawords, literature that goes with history

MUS Pre-algebra, and I expect he'll be starting Algebra 1 before the end of the year

plus piano and trumpet lessons

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