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Minimus vs Song School Latin?


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Any opinions comparing these two? I would be using them with a 1st and 3rd grader. I just want Latin to be fun while learning a little. My goal is not fluency at this time, or for a long time. I just want them to have fun learning the Latin and get their feet wet so they want to learn it more in the future.


Edited to add: The third grader is very excited to do Latin but the 1st grader wants to do French. So I was looking for Latin they could both do together as I have found nothing for French.

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I'd show them to your kids first and ask them.  I thought my youngest would love Song School but everything about it turned him off: songs, puppets..he was not a fan.  Our library had Minimus and that was met with only slightly less distain.  He ended up settling on programs that weren't cutesy at all.

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We did both. It was a few years ago, but I recall Song School Latin easier to do as a fun intro to Latin. My child loved the monkey on the videos and found the end part about the English words on the boat interesting. We also used the online part to review words.  Minimus was fun too, but didn't entertain as much. I don't remember if Minimus had a dvd or not, but we didn't use one so that could have been the reason for not enjoying it as much. We listened to the CD. Both are good programs for that age. 

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My children don't like Song School at all -- the first tolerated it better than the second.  But it seems a good fit for the age spread you have. 

Minimus is a wonderful program, but I did find it much easier to teach now that I know a bit (very tiny bit) of Latin myself.  I am trying to pick it up again with my younger child (7 yo) and will run a more grammar-based program alongside. I like having the Teacher Manual on hand. 

I think that it might be hard to keep them both in Latin with that spread, but then again it may work very well.  I imagine you've considered L'Art de Dire as a French option?  not perfect, but a good program. 

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We did SSL first with just the workbook/CD,followed by Minimus and Minimus Secundus. SSL 2 and the videos came too late for DD. I believe all three took DD less than a year. She was 5,though, and loved silly. 


sSL is easier to teach. Minimus was easier to do without writing. 

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From a teacher standpoint SSL is easier. Minimus was fun but not structured as obviously as SSL.  The games for SSL vocabulary cards are fun.  There’s more support materials around SSL, as well.  Minimus was interesting, but after having it from the library for a month we were done with it.

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