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Back to Life Teachers Lounge 1-31-2018


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Good morning, all! The Keurig is on - help yourself to coffee or tea. There is some fresh fruit available too. When I actually wake up, I may do some baking.


Today's theme stems from the fact that I'm back from my trip to the Midwest for Mom's memorial service. I've been back for a week but still trying to get into the swing of things. 


What's on your schedule today? Here: waking up! School with the kids, perhaps a short hike with the dog, and going out to eat with a friend tonight to celebrate her birthday. Oh, yeah, I need to ask dh to take kids to taekwondo tonight.


Is everybody ready for February (already!)? Here: not in the least but it will be here in a couple of days, regardless.


What are you preparing for this semester? Here: daughter graduating from high school, prepping 13yo ds FOR high school, and me getting through a couple of classes of my own.


Talk to me! :bigear: 

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So good to see you, Scrap! Did you see the thread where people were missing you? 


Today's schedule includes tutoring my youngest student (10), school with ds, and church. 


I guess I'm as ready for February as I can be, but it's going to be a busy month.


I don't have any prep this semester like you have, but this time of year always involves planning next year's co-op classes. I'm the director and end up the guidance counselor for all our high school students. I'm prepping right now for a high school transcript talk at a local homeschool retreat we have next weekend. 



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Hello,  :seeya:


We're having a bum-around with a little bit of cleaning day today.  Nobody slept well and my one class today we ended up cancelling.


Ds had a nightmare/panic attack in the middle of the night.  He says he hadn't fallen asleep yet, doesn't know what he felt scared of, but was terrified and covered in sweat.  


Dd has a cold.  Definitely a cold and not the flu, but she's feeling tired and crappy so she wouldn't have made class today and it's only her and one other student so we'll do a make-up (I could have left her home with ds to teach the class).


I have a call at 1pm about a job, then I should run out to the store, library and to drop off oldest dd's W2 forms.  I've done dishes, laundry, and cleaned up class supplies so far today.  Now I'm waiting for my lunch to cook, on the stove since our microwave is tripping the circuit whenever it's used for some reason.

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Hi Scrap!


Today, we have been to the orthodontist and are doing school now. Piano and church this afternoon and evening. Love dinner at church!


February. Picked a day to bake heart shaped cookies. My mom will have shoulder surgery. Sign up for online classes and local tutorial. $$$! Ugh!


Preparing: next yr's homeschooling and summer calendar.Trying to figure out how our whole family can get more exercise, consistently, and in a budget-friendly way.

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Wed is a light day for us. Kids are playing. I'm cooking and cleaning.


As for February, YES! I'm thrilled. Now I have to make it through February and March and then I get a new baby in April!!! I get to snuggle a sweet tiny person, lose weight, have energy again and enjoy spring weather. Yes yes yes!!! Time is flying and for now I love. Pregnancy makes me hate life an that's just not me. I am usually much more content, but pregnancy changes me and it's not good. 9-11 weeks ya'll!!

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I had all sorts of plans for today but woke up sick! I swear Everytime I catch up on house work and get into a great screen free routine with the kids I get sick! Now I'm in bed with kids watching shows and playing the computer while I sleep/rest.


I guess it is better that the house is clean while in sick so I at least don't feel compelled to try to clean while sick.

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Good morning, all! The Keurig is on - help yourself to coffee or tea. There is some fresh fruit available too. When I actually wake up, I may do some baking.


Today's theme stems from the fact that I'm back from my trip to the Midwest for Mom's memorial service. I've been back for a week but still trying to get into the swing of things. 


What's on your schedule today? Here: waking up! School with the kids, perhaps a short hike with the dog, and going out to eat with a friend tonight to celebrate her birthday. Oh, yeah, I need to ask dh to take kids to taekwondo tonight.


Is everybody ready for February (already!)? Here: not in the least but it will be here in a couple of days, regardless.


What are you preparing for this semester? Here: daughter graduating from high school, prepping 13yo ds FOR high school, and me getting through a couple of classes of my own.


Talk to me! :bigear: 


Glad to have you back!


Today I had a dentist appointment to get a filling and adjustment on my prior dental work. I feel pretty crappy now with a frozen mouth.


Feb is coming on way too fast. There are 3 birthdays to plan for, school, credit courses for dd, and the normal daily grind. I'd love to get in some skiing, too, if we get more snow. 


This semester I want to ship out my ds 15 to an alternative school to get credit for a math course. He's slightly young for this school, but I'm hopeful that they will be flexible. My three oldest dc are going to take a homeschool chemistry course that should be really good. It's run by a homeschool mom who does a fantastic job with hands-on science classes. 

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Anyone else have a hormonal teen in the house? And no, I'm not talking about my daughter!

Seems today is a high testosterone production day in my son's body. Oi!


Yup, two hormonal pre-teens (12 1/2 so almost a teen, and 10 1/2 but already started her period) and one menopausal me.  


Just realized I didn't answer the February question.  February doesn't really need much preparation but it's a sign we're getting closer to Spring, so I'll take it.

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Evening, Scrap!


Not much on the schedule today: school, which was...well, as to be expected at the end of January, and an outside music lesson.  This day has gone to pot, mostly.  The morning was spent sledding, and then when we finally sat down to do math it was a disaster.  How can a child do advanced math in his head and melt down over adding $xx.xx + $xx.xx?? I'm serious.  :glare: Even dh was like, "woah!" when he heard the tantrum coming from the basement.  Ugh.  Then I came home exhausted and went to cook dinner, only to find out I should have stopped at one of the two grocery stores on the way because the package of chicken was not sealed and had gone off. So Domino's it is.  Except my order is still sitting in "quality check" 15 minutes after it got there, according to the tracker.  I'm tired and hungry and about to throw a tantrum of my own.  :leaving:


I know, I know, first world problems.  So, um, rest of the questions.....

February is planned for.  We are starting to wind down.  The end of the books is in sight! :hurray:

This semester I have a surprise for ds: His first unit study.  If it goes well we'll do more next year, but I wanted to try one to see how it would go.

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