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Poll: Animal allergy poll

If have an allergy to animal but a low level allergy and take meds for it would you  

  1. 1. If have an allergy to animal but a low level allergy and take meds for it would you

    • get rid of the animal
    • keep the animal because you are taking the pill
    • Other (dr is crazy or whatever)

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If you are taking an allergy medication that helps with animal allergies would get keep the animal or get rid of it or other?

My son's PCP and his asthma educationalist said keep the cat because he is taking meds as well as the allergy level is very low. He is very mildly allergic to cats but severly allergic to mold.


His asthma NP said get rid of the cat. Why? I do not buy into it because he is taking meds. We always had the cat for years. The only time he gets asthma attack is when he is outside during crop dusting and when the mold count is high. He does have other factors that affect his asthma than the cat does. He only gets severe attacks one or two times a year. Both times is when he is exposed to mold or crop dusting.



Edited by Holly IN
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I voted "other". I take medication and we keep our cats. HOWEVER, if given my choice, the cats would be gone. Even with the meds, I struggle with the allergy. I have to constantly clean, clean, clean to keep up all the dander and it drives me crazy. :glare:

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I voted to keep the animal and take the pill. My dh is allergic to our cats, but I have had the cats for 9.5 years and they are old. I couldn't give them up now...and his med helps. If the med didn't work or the animal was new (or a baby), I would find it a new home. I wouldn't have him take meds for 10-15 years just so I could have a pet.

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That is just it....He would have to take the allergy meds anyway regardless if we keep the cat or not. He is very mildly allergic to them but severly allergic to mold of any kind. :glare: That is why I am not getting the Asthma NP freaking out over us having a cat. We had this cat for 5 years. My dd got really upset with her today over hearing her say that.



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Does he have an actual allergic reaction to the cat? It is possible to show up as allergic to cats in tests, and yet have no symptoms at all. My 8 yo tested positive for cat allergies, yet we have had two indoor cats for the past 7 months, and he has not had a single allergy symptom. Not one!


The allergist said that if he does develop symptoms, it would be fine for us to have up to two cats as long as he takes the cat vaccine.


So no, I guess I would not get rid of a cat, if there are no symptoms of cat allergies, either on or off medication.



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I'm allergic to everything :( We have an indoor Schnoodle. He only makes me sniffle a little in comparison to everything else. I'm terribly allergic to cats, so they are outdoors. One daughter is allergic to the cats, but okay as long as they are outside and she washes her hands after brief encounters. I would not keep a pet if any of the children would require medication for the allergy. The side effects would be too great a concern.

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Once I've adopted an animal, it's mine.


I am mildly allergic to cats, but I've had them for years. We discovered after we adopted them that I'm also allergic to the guinea pigs AND to the hay I serve them every day.


Now, in my case, it's not serious. I don't take any prescription meds to cope, just wash my face and hands a lot and take an over-the-counter something when it gets really uncomfortable. So, unless this was a really, really serious problem, I would keep the animal.


Now, I might choose not to acquire another one once the current pet moved on. But I wouldn't get rid of an exisiting pet unless the circumstances were extreme.

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I am allergic to cats. My body system got used to my cats (I owned three last time I had any). I was sensitive to other cats, but my own could sleep on my bed.

However, I had cold-induced asthma. I was so sensitive that I couldn't get the snow off my car in the winter time, someone had to do it for me. I couldn't wait for the bus at the corner of the street. Living in Canada, it was pretty hard... My asthma was *only* triggered by the cold. I was fine in the winter. But get the temp near zero celsius, or lower, and boom. I couldn't breathe.


Then, due to a child coming in the family, our family doctor convinced us. We didn't get rid of the cats though, we moved them to the garage, and they were no longer allowed in the house. Within months, my asthma completely disappeared. Nothing else was changed.


The presence of the cats were simply pushing my lungs to their limits. Once the cats were removed, I was not only tolerant to the cold, I no longer needed ANY asthma medication. I haven't had a pump since then. 10 years and going. As much as I love cats, I think I love my lungs even more. Cats are no longer welcome here.


In your case, I would get rid of the cats, and see if his problems with molds clear up. Can you turn your cats into outside cats for a while? Or drop them off for 6 months? (It takes an average of 6 months to clear a house of cat hair and dandruffs)


Good luck to you.

Edited by CleoQc
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I'd keep the cat, but I would keep it out of the bedroom areas. I would also try some of the allergy sprays/washes for animals. I think there's also some special food or food spray you can give the kitty to cut down on the allergen.


How does you ds feel about it? If he wants to keep the pet, it would stay as long as the situation stays as it is. If he resents the presence of the cat and feels it contributes to his asthma I'd find a new home for it, if possible.


best wishes

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If you are taking an allergy medication that helps with animal allergies would get keep the animal or get rid of it or other?

My son's PCP and his asthma educationalist said keep the cat because he is taking meds as well as the allergy level is very low. He is very mildly allergic to cats but severly allergic to mold.


His asthma NP said get rid of the cat. Why? I do not buy into it because he is taking meds. We always had the cat for years. The only time he gets asthma attack is when he is outside during crop dusting and when the mold count is high. He does have other factors that affect his asthma than the cat does. He only gets severe attacks one or two times a year. Both times is when he is exposed to mold or crop dusting.






You just summed up my allergies. As a child it would have broke my heat to not have my cats. Just this last year we got cats for the first time since I was a kid, and I am back on allergy medicine, but the cats are so entertaining and the kids adore them, so I just keep taking the medicine.


Molds are my biggest problem as well.




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I have a mild allergy to cats. I produce tons of excessive mucus. It used to be that I was stuffed up and couldn't breathe through my nose for years. I suffered chronic sinus infections. Then I found out that I had a deviated septum. Fixing that helped a lot. I can breathe now but still have all of the excessive mucus production that comes from being mildly allergic to my cats. My eyes itchy sometimes and every now and then the white part of my eye swells. It's worse during the fall/winter when the cats are in the house more often.


I've kept all four of my cats anyway and don't plan on living cat-free anytime in the future. I'm a HUGE cat lover.


I take claritin but only when it gets bad...like when my eyes are itching and threatening to swell. That's not fun.


I guess what you do would depend on how much you think the cat is affecting his asthma (ie. is he better when away from home where there are no cats for a few days) and how much you like having the cat.

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  • 1 year later...

If it's only mild and doesn't bother him, I'd keep the cat. But make sure his bedroom is closed off and the cat doesn't sleep in his bed. Especially during mold season when his body is bombarded with everything else. Don't get more kitties. Also, just because this kitty doesn't bother him doesn't mean all kitties won't. Kitties vary in the amout of dander and severity of reaction they produce. When we were picking out ours I only had to hold the cat for a minute or so before knowing if I could take him home. (we saw one that was so cute and playful. But he made me itch and sneeze in seconds) something to keep in mind when visiting people with animals.

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