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Hear me roar!

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We are smack in the middle of our kitchen renovation. Down to the studs right now.


Everything is DIY so far except the plumber. Bud and I have done all the demo, structural changes for moving two walls, electrical, and now we're sheetrocking and installing cabinets. We're hiring sheetrockers to come and do the texture when we're done because we're not confident we can make it look pretty. We'll also hire out to refinish the wood floors (a casualty of the water damage).


Bud is very handy and just jumps in and goes, but this is my first non-cosmetic renovation. Bud took Peyton on a father-daughter campout for the weekend and left me here alone. I'm kicking butt and taking names! I've been using the miter saw and the circular saw, modifying the Ikea cabinets we bought to suit some custom uses. Next up this evening is finishing framing of the pantry and sheetrocking it.


It's so much fun and I feel so .... capable!


Sorry I haven't been here much lately, but I have been using my time wisely I promise!

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You go, girl! That's hard stuff!


If your oldest is anything like my oldest, he would be following me around, looking concerned, phone in hand, ready to dial 911, making comments like "Are you sure you know what you're doing?"..."Does Dad know you're doing this?"...."Have you ever done this before?"....


Hopefully yours exhibits more confidence in you than mine does me :001_smile:.

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Hah. I'll one up you.

We did it all.

Drywall, demo'ed a part of a wall, electrical, plumbing, tiling the backsplash - the whole thing. We had to do some custom work on the ikea cabinets too! Even pulled a window out, enlarged the hole & installed a new one.

We pulled the kitchen out just before Christmas.

That was not such a great idea & a serious underestimation of how long it would take to put back. On Christmas Eve I was cooking on my coleman camp stove in the garage, with the CO monitor in hand. :D


Ah well, we came in on budget even if it did go over time!


You go girl! And post pictures!

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We are smack in the middle of our kitchen renovation. Down to the studs right now.


Everything is DIY so far except the plumber. Bud and I have done all the demo, structural changes for moving two walls, electrical, and now we're sheetrocking and installing cabinets. We're hiring sheetrockers to come and do the texture when we're done because we're not confident we can make it look pretty. We'll also hire out to refinish the wood floors (a casualty of the water damage).


Bud is very handy and just jumps in and goes, but this is my first non-cosmetic renovation. Bud took Peyton on a father-daughter campout for the weekend and left me here alone. I'm kicking butt and taking names! I've been using the miter saw and the circular saw, modifying the Ikea cabinets we bought to suit some custom uses. Next up this evening is finishing framing of the pantry and sheetrocking it.


It's so much fun and I feel so .... capable!


Sorry I haven't been here much lately, but I have been using my time wisely I promise!


You go, girl! :D Your post brings back a vivid memory.....my favorite pic is one of dh silhouetted against the frig standing smack dab in the middle of the kitchen space totally gutted (down to studs) brainstorming design. Love it!

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I've been there..luckily we just took down one wall and had to put everything back in....I stained/sealed the floors myself (that saved some money)..but had them install and do the last sanding...It was 5 months of drywall dust and pain but now we have an almost finished house, still working on the backsplash..hope these shots give you encouragement!!











So glad it's over, I just have about 1200 sq. feet of trim to putty and paint...ugh.


Show us pictures!! It really helps to see how much you've done along the way!!! It will be finished, I promise you!!



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Let's just say I feel *all* of your pains. In addition to tearing out walls, moving plumbing from one side of the kitchen to another, rewiring, re-sheetrocking, tiling/grouting, etc, etc (doing all the design and subsequent work ourselves)....*dh* made our cabinets!


As we speak, we have no doors on our cabinets (waiting on the old house to sell before making that particular investment) and we started two years ago!


It's all worth it, though. Sweat equity and personal satisfaction from knowing you did something yourself have whole new meanings to us now.


Hah. I'll one up you.

We did it all.

Drywall, demo'ed a part of a wall, electrical, plumbing, tiling the backsplash - the whole thing. We had to do some custom work on the ikea cabinets too! Even pulled a window out, enlarged the hole & installed a new one.

We pulled the kitchen out just before Christmas.

That was not such a great idea & a serious underestimation of how long it would take to put back. On Christmas Eve I was cooking on my coleman camp stove in the garage, with the CO monitor in hand. :D


Ah well, we came in on budget even if it did go over time!


You go girl! And post pictures!

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....*dh* made our cabinets!


As we speak, we have no doors on our cabinets (waiting on the old house to sell before making that particular investment) and we started two years ago!


It's all worth it, though. Sweat equity and personal satisfaction from knowing you did something yourself have whole new meanings to us now.


Oh wow! That is cool!

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