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Missing Christmas Events


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My kids are both performing in their school’s Lessons and Carols. It’s a big deal production. And I have strep (or strep plus a virus?) and feel awful and just don’t think I can make it. I’ve been on antibiotics for 24 hours, so probably not contagious but I still have a fever off and on. Just very disappointed and feel like I’m letting them down.

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I’m so sorry. Will your DH be there, can you watch video later with popcorn and the kids?


Feel better soon. It’s awful to be sick.


I missed many, many events over a period of years when I was chronically ill. It was disheartening, but finding a way to mark the event and make it special helped a little.

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That is terribly disappointing, but sick people should stay home.  This is part of life and a good lesson for the kids: sometimes people get sick and miss the event you're in.  Maybe someone can record it and you guys can wear jammies and pile into bed or in the livingroom under blankets, drink a soothing tea, and watch the video together. Life happens.  No need to feel bad about it.

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My husband will be there. It’s too long for his phone camera to record. Will check on possibility of it being live streamed. If I knew I was contagious, I’d feel less conflicted, but I have been on antibiotics the recommended time. I’m just still feverish and symptomatic.

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My husband will be there. It’s too long for his phone camera to record. Will check on possibility of it being live streamed. If I knew I was contagious, I’d feel less conflicted, but I have been on antibiotics the recommended time. I’m just still feverish and symptomatic.

If you're feverish and symptomatic, please do everyone there a favor and stay home. You may very well still be contagious.


I'm sorry you're sick. :(

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Stay home and spare everyone else from getting sick.


It's ok, really.  My dad was a firefighter and missed things all the time.  It's a good life lesson for your kids.   You do what you can, but you can't always make it to every single one of their performances.   


Get better soon.

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I am feeling a little better, so I think the antibiotics are working, but I'm still feverish and feeling sick and weak.  I feel better enough that I want to get up and do something, but just going to the bathroom exhausts me and I get dizzy and weak and start having chills again.  I think the logical part of my brain is saying I'm still sick and need to go back to bed, but the rest is like, "Well, you should start some laundry and do something about the kitchen and on and on."  When really I'm exhausted and on the verge of tears and having chills again.  But it IS better than it was, so I want to try to take on normal responsibilities, but I can't be upright more than about five minutes.  I think there's some depression, too, because I'm sad and frustrated at my inability to take on all the holiday stuff. 

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Terabith, how miserable! Can your dd's do some of this! It's going to be different, but different is not bad. Stay in bed, rest, let them do things for you. Don't get up till you're COMPLETELY WELL. That way you'll be able to do things when you get up. Maybe you really needed a rest. It's a sign. :)


We had our BEST Thanksgiving ever this year, and it was coming off of me being on antibiotics and still being really tired. I just decided to let it all go, let predone and undone be good enough. And it really was, honest. So, you know, do the Frozen thing and let it go. It will still be good. :)


Edited by PeterPan
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