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Job hunting isn't fun...


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I currently have two 3/4 time jobs with no benefits, both are work-at-home. I'm OK financially until July. Continuing as I am isn't an option.


Job #1 is a really good fit, but they take a long time to hire because it's a state job. One of my jobs is in another part of the organization, and I've heard through the grapevine that I'll get an interview.


Job #2 is with a company I'm not as good with in a location that really doesn't fit my goals in terms of corporate culture, but the content is something I like to do.


Job #3 is with a good company in a good location. Their corporate culture is positive. I've always worked for state or the federal government, so that would be a change.


Job #4 is a state job that pays less than I want, but I would enjoy the job and organization. They also will take awhile to hire. I could continue one of my part-time gigs.


Job #5 is a work-at-home job with benefits, but it depends on government contracts. So I might not have work immediately, and I might get laid off when the contract ends.


Job #6 is close to home and doesn't pay well, but I could continue one of my part-time gigs. It has a good corporate culture, but I don't think I'd enjoy the work. I actually haven't applied for this one yet because of the negatives, but a friend of mine that worked there for 20 years said that they hire on an ongoing basis for that position and usually hire within a month or so. I would definitely need to continue one of my part-time gigs.


Thus far no interviews ; naturally it's the time of year when hiring slows.


Anyway, positive thoughts and prayers are appreciated!

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Good luck.  Smart to look now and not have the dire situation. 


Sounds like you  have some good prospects. 


Yes, I do have some good prospects. Mine are in college, but I worked while homeschooling in professional-level positions.


I have a friend who delivers Amazon packages for the Post Office, does personal shopping at a grocery store, and teaches exercise classes. She has medical coverage through one of sharing policies. It supports her family, and she's happy with that.


That sort of thing won't work for me. I have arthritis and can't stand for long periods of time, and we have enough medical issues that a sharing policy isn't good for us.

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Job hunting is the worst.  Stressful and time consuming because it is the most important thing you are doing and not necessarily the same level of importance to the hiring company.

Good luck with your search.  It sounds like you have some excellent leads.

I will mention another mom on here put VIPKid on my radar.  I just got hired by them this month and it has been great.  I work from home early in the morning and am done by 9am. 

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Good luck. You are fortunate to have so many options.


In my area there aren't many jobs in the general areas I am interested in and am qualified for. It's a long and stressful process for sure, and I'm starting to get frustrated.


I'm hoping one of these works out for you soon.

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I hate job hunting, interviewing, and the entire thing!  HATE!


For one thing, I never know exactly what they are looking for.  Most of the jobs here, in education, schools have to prove they have interviewed at least 3 people for the job, even if they already know who they are hiring......so do they already know, and they are just wasting my time completely?  It is entirely possible.


Do they prefer a male?  A minority?  Someone who speaks Spanish?  (and will interview me as a back up in case that person isn't as good?)


Such a crap shoot.

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Yes, #1 or #3 seem like the best. I've never had to look for work with a deadline, so it's hard that way. I always had something in the works before I left a job or applied for something that I wanted but didn't have to have.


I talked with a mentor last week, and she said to be flexible. I've always stayed with employers for a long time, but I may have to get something so-so and just keep looking.


Thankfully a lot of opportunities in this area for professional-level work. I'm not looking forward to commuting again, but it will work.

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Wishing you the best of luck. Do your two 3/4 jobs know that you are job hunting?  I suppose that could be tricky.


I've worked for the same company for 28 years.  For the most part, I've been happy with it. I work 30hrs/wk from home (started full-time in the office) and have medical and dental benefits for the family.  Which is very fortunate because I hate job hunting.  Sending positive thoughts your way.

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