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I have hives!

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As if discovering I have breast cancer and dh being gone for another 2 weeks wasn't enough..I broke out in hives Wednesday night. Head to toe. My fingers are swollen. My feet are swollen. In the middle of the night the my lips were swollen.


I. am. miserable.


I've been taking benadryl which has helped keep the swelling down some and has keep me from scratching myself to death.


I think it was brought on by stress. I found MORE damage caused by the house sitters dog. Though they had fixed it...at some point while we were in California their dog ate a huge patch of my living room carpet.


So, while we were gone their dog:

Ate my kitchen walls

Ate my bedroom carpet

Scratched my new bed

Ate my livingroom carpet

Ate the floor in the kitchen (don't ask me how)

Ate a corner off my kitchen cabinet

and then THEY ruined my dinding room table...

and busted a big hole in my bedroom wall (she flew off the treadmill)

They also did not keep the litterboxes clean and now I've got a cat who has developed some bad habits which I am having to correct.


They used the wall board and carpet from my dd's closet to fix walls and carpet so now my dd's closet is a mess. They tried to fix the closet but did a crappy job.

My furniture has not been fixed.


All this will be addressed when dh comes back. But in the meantime ...just to let everyone know...


I can't take anymore!!!!!!!


(I do have a doctor's appointment today at 2pm. I sure hope they can give me something that will help fast. I can deal with the hives, but the swelling is making me HURT. The last time I broke out in hives (also from stress) it took weeks before they went away.)


:001_smile:Thank you for listening to me complain. :tongue_smilie:

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and busted a big hole in my bedroom wall (she flew off the treadmill)



I'm so sorry, Rhonda. Complain all you want! :grouphug:


I have to tell you, though, that the quoted line above made me laugh. I cannot imagine flying off the treadmill and putting a hole in the wall. The mental picture this conjures up for me is wonderfully funny.


I really am sorry for all you are going through. I hope the doctors are able to give you something to help with the hives. :grouphug:

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Oh my goodness! You poor thing!


My dd gets all-over hives periodically (no clue why), but the OTC, generic Zyrtec worked wonders. A calamine, oatmeal lotion (Aveeno makes one) helped with the itching, too.


Hope you feel better soon, and we'll continue to pray.

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Zyrtec, my friend. My doctor told me it is the only allergy medication that will specifically work on hives. It has become my best friend.


What about swelling? The hives are actually tolerable today. I'm taking Benadryl and it makes me feel really bad. My ds used to take Zyrtec and it did not make him sleepy.


I'm mainly going to the dr. because of the swelling.



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