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Who's going to tackle Wednesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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  • Work related reading


Write report, edit and send off


Work on other work related project


Walk dog






Prepare for Thursday appointments


Get involved in controversial threads that suck up valuable time ;)


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Sad morning for us here.  Roy Halladay (former MLB pitcher) died in a plane crash yesterday.  He was the pitching coach for DS16's team and had been his basketball coach in middle school.  When DS13 was in school he was in the same class as his younger son, and one time DS13 did a report on airplanes and Roy came up to him afterwards and they talked about their mutual love of all things airplane.  Ugh.  The nicest family you would ever meet and I cannot stop thinking about them.



-oldest off to school

-co-op for DS13 (I think I'm going to drop him off rather than sit there for 4 hours - not in the mood)

-workout (much needed cardio)

-laundry  DONE:  1

-pick up DS13 from co-op

-make sure kids have cold weather clothes for trip to Clemson this weekend

-plan tailgating for Clemson game


-baseball practice for DS16 (not sure if it will be cancelled)

-dinner (the roast beef, noodles, gravy and Brussel sprouts I didn't make yesterday)


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Hoping for a better day today.

check dd's math
pick up milk and bagels

return defective dvd player to Amazon  - third one in a year! Argh! Made in China junk. 
piano lessons
scout store
church for choir, dinner and class

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Good morning!


It is a brisk 20* this morning. I zipped through chores so I could get back to the warm house and my cup of coffee. 


•hurry up and get ready so I can drop puppies off at vet (they're having their spay/neuter surgeries today)

•probably stop at McDonald's to get breakfast for kids

•tidy up house


•get some office work done (didn't happen yesterday)

•ds17 & dd have Model UN this afternoon

•pick up ds19 from work late this afternoon so he can help me get puppies from vet

•dinner: homemade pizza

•dd violin lesson

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Oh, Pink and Green. I read that yesterday, I am so sorry. It is hard on teens to have death come close to them. I have a silly day today, bookended by taking the car in (an annoying rattle has appeared). However, dh and dd2 took the car to morning practice and, so I am waiting here. With coffee and paper.


To do:

Get car to dealership and me back home

School with boys

Chores- must do bathrooms

Jen things if time

Pick up car, hopefully before 3

Get dd2 to practice/aikido

Meet with mom after practice (dinner might be involved)

Home late


Have a great day!

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I did several loads of laundry (where is all this laundry coming from???) and cleaned the house up a bit.


Didn't do any office work beyond looking at the pile on my desk and muttering, "ugh".


The puppies' surgeries went well and they'll be ready to pick up in an hour. The vet says I should keep them quiet with no roughhousing for at least three days, which sounds like an impossible task.  :huh:


I gave up on my dinner plans and will pick up Mexican takeout while I'm in town.


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