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Rant about drunk dudes at baseball games


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Yuck! Gross! Just.don't.do.it!!!


Please, please don't get sh!tfaced at a public sporting event. The people who have to sit next to your manspreading, flailing and obnoxious, loud commenting self will not appreciate it. They'll spend the World Series game worrying about whether you will


a. spill your entire 6th beer (unfortunately not an exaggeration given the empties under your seat) on them flailing around 

b. spill your cookies on them

c. fall off the terrace level seating because you don't seem to be in full control of your limbs and the railing only comes up to thigh height (it's about 100 ft straight down to concrete below)


Game 5 was amazing. It was amazing to be there after all the hard years of watching the Astros fail consistently. I've never seen Minute Maid Stadium so energized. But, the drunk dude put a real damper on it. And he didn't get to really enjoy the game either.

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I feel your pain.  I've never been to a World Series game, but have spent a lot of time in ballparks and have often had to deal with drunk guys.  Most memorable was having to continually tell some idiots to stop cursing at my 10-year-old nephew because he happened to be a fan of the opposing team.


Otherwise, what fun!  Good for Houston.  I'm a National League gal but going for Houston this year.

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Thank you!


We went to an NHL game.  Nosebleed seats.  The two couples in front of us took that ticket savings and spent it getting drunk on $16 beers.  I didn't even know that was possible.  They didn't know each other at the beginning of the game, but by the end couple 2 (and the rest of us) knew all about couple 1's health problems in intimate detail along with their life story, and we got the benefit of couple 2's oozy trash being thrown behind them on the one souvenir we bought our own kid, who was being very well behaved for his age.


We now stick with smaller games.  I've decided I don't like what professional sports have become.  I'll support local and feeder teams as much as possible.  We have a summer baseball league here that draws some of the most talented future athletes - games are small and intimate, and nobody's trying to drown a keg.  I'll go to those.  But professional games? Nah, I'm done.

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I think this is mainly a problem at special event games. We go to several Astros, Rockets and Dynamo games a year. Although people drink those extra large beer cans most are not noticeably drunk and certainly not wasted to the point that they annoy the person sitting next to them. Most of the time people are really well behaved for being in a big crowd whose whole purpose is to be rowdy in support of their team.



Edited by chiguirre
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At the NFL games I've attended and I've attended quite a few since I volunteered for them for years, there is a family section where alcohol is not allowed. Of course there would be people who would try but the ushers would usher them out. Yay. It's too bad the other sports don't have family sections as well. It's not like they were bad seats.

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