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The Fulltime Families Teachers Lounge 10-3-2017


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Good morning and Happy Tuesday!


What is a fulltime family, you ask? Fulltime Families is an actual term that applies to those

family who live in an RV full time. Some are stationary, but most are on the go. On the go can mean anything

from moving around by week or every few months, depending on the situation. These families have chosen

this lifestyle so they don't HAVE to be "rooted" in any one spot. Yes, to some it sounds insance and crazy. :ohmy: To 

some, like my husband and I, it sounds lovely enough to actually work towards!  :coolgleamA:


Any fulltime families here? Here: not yet but I'd love to make it work within the next 12 months.


Who here has a non-traditional business that would allow you to work from anywhere? Tell me about it!

Can be direct sales, work from home, online tutoring, etc.


For those that want to "stay where we are, thank you", do you have room on your property for us to bring

whatever traveling set up we have at the time we come visit? :seeya:  (could be anything from a truck and pop-up trailer

to a fifth wheel or small RV. Here: sadly, no, that's why we need to LEAVE. 


Talk to me! :bigear:

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I would like to do this but dh wants a home base to return to every month or so.  Maybe some day.   I have a very part-time job doing freelance administrative work for my old job.  Mainly database work using Excel, with some internet research, some setting up interactive pdfs, and some complicated merges.  Unfortunately it's very very very part time.  Dh works in a lab so can't take it on the road.


We do have space to park an RV.  :thumbup1:

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I'd like to do that for a year or so but not indefinitely. I am very close to my family and not seeing them weekly for such a long period of time would be hard. I see most of my nieces and nephews at least once a week if not more. Traveling full-time would drastically change our relationships.

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We alternate between taking trips and actually being full time, it's great. The main thing that works for us when we are in our full time periods is using offline resources for homeschool like the WTM reading lists or Build Your Library. Book based is so much easier while on the road than computer based.

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DH does music work: composing, arrangement, orchestration, engraving. His business is all online, I help with client service, etc. I also do website stuff, design and development (not that much these days, but may need to restart this more). We just cut our last location-based income stream in June, so that's why we are now free to travel. It's scary because our work definitely fluctuates, but we've made it this far and just need to go all-in if we want this to work longterm. 


No room for anything bigger than a minivan, lol, so we need to sell this place before we can buy something that needs parking space. 



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Oh and to answer the question of it we have jobs that would work for full-time RVing, nope. Dh is a martial arts instructor and I'm a pet sitter. Those both require being in a community and growing a business. I would love to make money on my writing some day. I have made money on it in the past but lost the routine of writing regularly.

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We alternate between taking trips and actually being full time, it's great. The main thing that works for us when we are in our full time periods is using offline resources for homeschool like the WTM reading lists or Build Your Library. Book based is so much easier while on the road than computer based.


totally understand! we will definitely be taking some books with us. Probably more than my husband would like! LOL

However, considering even today, in our s&b (sticks and bricks) house, we're having internet connection issues so I've told the 

kids school will be book-based today!


Also, though, we can go to an "outdoor" classroom just about anywhere we would travel: museums, ruins, beaches, creeks, woods, etc. There is no limit to what you can observe simply by getting outside!

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Oh and to answer the question of it we have jobs that would work for full-time RVing, nope. Dh is a martial arts instructor and I'm a pet sitter. Those both require being in a community and growing a business. I would love to make money on my writing some day. I have made money on it in the past but lost the routine of writing regularly.


To the bolded: this is exactly why I am fully committed to winning NaNoWriMo this year.  I already have a story in mind and at the end of October will do something I never do - I'm going to outline it BEFORE I write it! **gasp**  :D  I want to prove to myself that I can make a living doing just that - writing. I believe God has called me to it and I partially 'know' that I can do it. I just want to have a goal and RESULTS!  :cool:

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To the bolded: this is exactly why I am fully committed to winning NaNoWriMo this year. I already have a story in mind and at the end of October will do something I never do - I'm going to outline it BEFORE I write it! **gasp** :D I want to prove to myself that I can make a living doing just that - writing. I believe God has called me to it and I partially 'know' that I can do it. I just want to have a goal and RESULTS! :cool:



That is awesome. I'm actually currently working on a children's book that I think has great potential. However it is difficult to find time daily to write. My dh can just pick up a pen, choose a topic, and bust out an amazing rough draft of a story. I am not like that. I can create an awful rough draft and then go line by line making it beautiful. That takes so much time, specifically when I'm constantly interrupted by kids

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totally understand! we will definitely be taking some books with us. Probably more than my husband would like! LOL

However, considering even today, in our s&b (sticks and bricks) house, we're having internet connection issues so I've told the 

kids school will be book-based today!


Also, though, we can go to an "outdoor" classroom just about anywhere we would travel: museums, ruins, beaches, creeks, woods, etc. There is no limit to what you can observe simply by getting outside!


Yep, the world really can be a classroom.  Another thing that has been helpful to us is the fact that my son is able to read in the car.  I cannot every read or look at anything in the car; I have to look out the window any time I'm riding in a car.  Luckily, my son did not inherit that problem and he has always been able to read on the road.  That when when we have travel days he can get a lot of reading and work done and then our first days in a new location can be spent enjoying it.  

Edited by OrganicJen
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Jen, we're just the opposite. I have NO problems reading in the car but my son says it is hard for him. I don't know exactly why, he doesn't really get car sick.

But we do have this really fun card game meant for the car. It's called I Spy Travel and it occupies the time quite nicely! Maybe I should teach him map reading and he can be the navigator when the GPS is on the fritz!

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When we fulltimed, my husband kept his job and used a combination of personal leave, flex schedule, sick leave, and teleworking. He flew back and forth from major airports across the country to his work.


And yes, we have plenty of room for you to come visit. Our play area is the size of Rhode Island. 🤓

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Looking at all our STUFF today, makes me just want to donate most of it, skip the yard sales, list the house, and GO! 

I know there's more to be done on the house before we can sell it but I just need to be in the Great Outdoors! Speaking of which, let

me do that a bit before dark. later, gators!

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We have room for you to park. You have to cross the border into the Great White North, though. We'd love to have you visit!


I don't want to fulltime, but I'd love to move to Europe for a couple years. I'd want a home-base, and just do shorter outings. Everything is close there, at least compared to distances in North America. ;)

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I've heard the term "nomadic family" to refer to those who travel full time. 

I have tried to talk D into this for years, since before we were married. He hasn't given in yet. 

We do not have travel friendly work. I am going into the medical/social services field, D is a safety officer. He travels short distances, not more than a few hours, and will have to do some long term assignments (3 months in South America), but not really anything that would keep us on the road for long periods of time. 

We do have room for you! We are working on upgrading our hookups. You can use them now, but it would not be super great yet. Give us another year or so and we will have a poured pad, upgraded electric hookups with solar power, and high pressure water outlet. Septic is all ready for dumping  :lol: 


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No full time family here.


No flexibility with work at the moment.


No room at present because we have been housing some big ticket items like a van, a car, a pop up camper, and a fishing boat for her auction.


Tried to convince my husband we should start with a popup camper (I have fond memories of camping in one as a kid) so I would ask you how much you want for it, and how far I would have to drive for it! But he definitely wants to go straight into an RV, probably Class B. We'll see how this goes!

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I've heard the term "nomadic family" to refer to those who travel full time. 


I have tried to talk D into this for years, since before we were married. He hasn't given in yet. 


We do not have travel friendly work. I am going into the medical/social services field, D is a safety officer. He travels short distances, not more than a few hours, and will have to do some long term assignments (3 months in South America), but not really anything that would keep us on the road for long periods of time. 


We do have room for you! We are working on upgrading our hookups. You can use them now, but it would not be super great yet. Give us another year or so and we will have a poured pad, upgraded electric hookups with solar power, and high pressure water outlet. Septic is all ready for dumping  :lol: 




Don't give up on him! Hubby is the one here who's been talking for YEARS about getting up and going with an RV. I've had absolutely NO interest . . . until now. And we've been married almost 23 years!


By the time you're really ready for RVers to visit, we might actually have one!  :coolgleamA:

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Don't give up on him! Hubby is the one here who's been talking for YEARS about getting up and going with an RV. I've had absolutely NO interest . . . until now. And we've been married almost 23 years!


By the time you're really ready for RVers to visit, we might actually have one!  :coolgleamA:

Oh, I'm not giving up. I'm currently shopping for an RV or a popup. We need a new family vehicle, so we're a bit up in the air. Right now, though, we are committed to this house. I'm conflicted over D applying for new positions because he would have to travel and I don't wanna go. But once the kids are moving along, I definitely plan to spend a lot of time in a mobile living facility of some kind. With or without a stationary home base, we will consider when the time comes. 

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Oh, I'm not giving up. I'm currently shopping for an RV or a popup. We need a new family vehicle, so we're a bit up in the air. Right now, though, we are committed to this house. I'm conflicted over D applying for new positions because he would have to travel and I don't wanna go. But once the kids are moving along, I definitely plan to spend a lot of time in a mobile living facility of some kind. With or without a stationary home base, we will consider when the time comes. 


Here's my advice on RV shopping, take it or leave it :)  When I first decided to try out an RV I thought I wanted something small and I believed things like size and type of my bed in it wouldn't matter because that wasn't the point.  So I picked a small trailer with a full size bed for my husband and myself.  Well, the first thing I discovered was that the bed, for me, was actually the single most important thing about the RV.  After driving to a location and setting up the site and/or after days of hiking and going on various adventures wherever we took the RV, I was tired and sore and wanted nothing more than a really great night's sleep.  For me personally, that really ended up being more important than just about any other feature.  So for the upgrad RV I found one that could fit a normal queen size matress so I could put any matress I wanted in it and it would be queen sized so I could sleep better.  There were of course other considerations, but I really underestimated the importance of a very comfortable night's sleep when I first ventured into RVs.  Hope that helps.

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Here's my advice on RV shopping, take it or leave it :)  When I first decided to try out an RV I thought I wanted something small and I believed things like size and type of my bed in it wouldn't matter because that wasn't the point.  So I picked a small trailer with a full size bed for my husband and myself.  Well, the first thing I discovered was that the bed, for me, was actually the single most important thing about the RV.  After driving to a location and setting up the site and/or after days of hiking and going on various adventures wherever we took the RV, I was tired and sore and wanted nothing more than a really great night's sleep.  For me personally, that really ended up being more important than just about any other feature.  So for the upgrad RV I found one that could fit a normal queen size matress so I could put any matress I wanted in it and it would be queen sized so I could sleep better.  There were of course other considerations, but I really underestimated the importance of a very comfortable night's sleep when I first ventured into RVs.  Hope that helps.

Oh yeah. It's all about the bed. That's the whole reason I want to upgrade from tent camping. I don't care about anything else. I just want a comfy place to sleep.

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