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Dumb Apple problems

Night Elf

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I only have an iPhone. I do not own any other Apple devices. So yesterday I saw there was an update to iOS 11.0.0 or something so I did it. It fried my phone. It wouldn't let me sign back in to access my phone. So I had Apple support call me on my landline and we worked on thing for about 45 minutes. She finally came to the conclusion that I had to restore my phone to factory settings and I would lose everything on my phone. All my alarms, contacts and photos. What could I do but agree? I've got to have a working phone. So the only way we could do that was for me to download iTunes. Fine. Did that. Hooked up the phone to the computer and followed the links to download some software that is supposed to restore my phone. She set a call back in the system because neither of us wanted to just sit there and wait for it to finish. She told me when the download was done, it would automatically move on to the next step of putting back my phone to new. Don't touch anything until someone calls me back. Fine. So after a while, I realized an error message came up and it said my phone was locked. I had to put in my pass code to open the phone again. I think that broke the connection. The download continued but the screen on my cell changed to just my regular lock screen. Just as the download finished, Apple called me back. It was someone different. I had to explain it all again. So he and I worked on it and I had to restart my phone like the first adviser had me do so it was set up in iTunes again. The download must have still been there because the phone started installing whatever it was doing. And finally it looked normal again. I ended up with a phone that was the same fresh out of a brand new box. I went through the setup and have a working phone. Minus some very special photos. And no, nothing was backed up to the iCloud. I don't remember ever doing anything with iCloud on my phone. The guy said it should have been automatic. Obviously it wasn't.


Ok, fast forward to this morning. I get on my computer and see a finished box that says ITunes has downloaded and I needed to restart my computer. So I did. During restart, it froze. After 5 minutes of waiting, I shut it down and restarted it. This time I made it to the lock screen and it froze again. I waited 5 minutes to see if it would do something but nope. So I shut it down again. I opened it in Safe Mode and had it do a restore to before iTunes was on my computer. It must have taken iTunes off the computer because now it's gone and my computer works again.


So now I'm really wishing I had not updated my phone. That was all so stupid.


ETA: I forgot to mention that after my computer was started, Google Chrome wouldn't work anymore. I had to uninstall and reinstall it. But it didn't lose my favorites, thank goodness.

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Sorry you had to go through this.  


I feel your pain and hate it when things like this happen.  Would love to be married to a tech savvy man or have children who were.  Instead, they all come to me with their tech issues.  







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Hugs, Night Elf, just hugs. It doesn't have to be that way. I know I get overbearing sometimes about tech, but it really doesn't.


My dad uses crapple but I think I just lost all motivation for condoning that. :(


I hope someone comes along soon who can help and I wish/hope it is something as simple as uncommenting something in a configuration file somewhere.

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Yikes. I keep getting the little message on my phone about the new IOS update but I haven't bothered to do the update. After reading your post, I think I'll skip it!


Thank you for posting about this!

Unfortunately, it's not that simple unless you use your device strictly offline. You need regular security updates for your browser and your email program.


Solidarity and sadness here, not judgement. This giving up activism stuff is hard.


ETA: not just hard, physically impossible; sorry about that. Night Elf matters more to me than my own stupid ego or popularity score so https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/


Nemon, I do my ex-husband's tech support and I used to do my parents' and my kids' too before culture wars crap. I have trouble not losing my temper with all the "my wife's computer" posts on tech forums too and it's probably much worse in the mainstream than it is way out here in the margins of the margins.


This one is for you and you might want to make yourself a cup of coffee and wander around the site if you have time:




ETAA: Well, gollygeewhittakers, guess what was waiting for me in my inbox when I finally tore myself away from the chat board?




I'm not going to zombify your thread with another troll post, Night Elf, but if you are actually reading this CRAPPLE is dumb, not you. I'd hold your hand and make you coffee while you flashed Replicant yourself if we were AFK friends instead of boardies, just like my tech superstar friend did for me the first time I flashed my BIOS.


The whole "wife's computer" crap pisses me off and makes no sense at all. If you run into any trouble, just ask to speak to his supervisor. You're probably way too nice a person to call him "genius" in a super sarcastic voice. The fact that it would totally piss him off is one thing I DO know about crapple.

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When I updated to OS 11.0, the battery drained faster. So I waited for an update. OS 11.0.1 update came out but battery is still draining faster than on OS 10.


Now my iPhone says there is an OS 11.0.2 update. My husband’s company insists they update whenever there is an OS update for Apple, Windows, Android or their email access would be blocked due to security issues. So I’ll let him update first.


iTunes does not work for us. So I end up paying $3 per month for iCloud 200gb backup as we have 5 iPads in use and two iPhones.


Apparently the OS update problem is common


“Both Reddit and Apple’s official @applesupport Twitter account are currently being swamped with complaints about Apple’s latest iOS update. Furthermore it’s not just one thing with users levelling performance issues (notably 3D Touch lag), battery life reduction (unfixed from iOS 11), app crashes (particularly Apple Music, including lost libraries), lock screen freezes, Bluetooth and WiFi connections dropping and overall system instability.â€


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Unfortunately, it's not that simple unless you use your device strictly offline. You need regular security updates for your browser and your email program.

Solidarity and sadness here, not judgement. This giving up activism stuff is hard.

ETA: not just hard, physically impossible; sorry about that. Night Elf matters more to me than my own stupid ego or popularity score so https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/

Nemon, I do my ex-husband's tech support and I used to do my parents' and my kids' too before culture wars crap. I have trouble not losing my temper with all the "my wife's computer" posts on tech forums too and it's probably much worse in the mainstream than it is way out here in the margins of the margins.

This one is for you and you might want to make yourself a cup of coffee and wander around the site if you have time:http://geekfeminism.wikia.com/wiki/Women_are_geeks'_partners

Sometimes it can be worth waiting to update because if a lot of people have problems with a brand new update, Apple may fix those bugs before I have to deal with them. :)

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Sometimes it can be worth waiting to update because if a lot of people have problems with a brand new update, Apple may fix those bugs before I have to deal with them. :)



I don't know what the bleep I'm talking about. I prefer long term support to rolling release and am constantly defending my distro from people who say the software is too old so you've obviously got this and I'm just being a troll/concerned citizen shaking my fist at the moon.


(((((((((((((((Night Elf)))))))))))))))))))))))))


((((((((((((((((((all my friends who are hurt by this)))))))))))))))

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My version is 11.0.1. Now I see there is another update, 11.0.2. I'm really scared to try it. Not that it matters if I lose stuff since it's already lost. But still it took a long time getting my phone working again. 


Do I really have to update again?


Yes, I'm quoting my own post. I asked DH what he thought and he said maybe my problem was mainly going from 10 to 11. So maybe going from 11.0.1 to 11.0.2 would be fine.

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What update did you do? The one that messed me up was going from 10 to 11.

Which phone model is yours? Also what was the battery indicator saying when you update?


Mine is an iPhone 6 while my husband’s work phone is an iPhone 7 Plus. I am scared of the update process draining my iPhone or iPad battery so I put them on the charger when updating even if the battery indicator says 80%.

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Which phone model is yours? Also what was the battery indicator saying when you update?


Mine is an iPhone 6 while my husband’s work phone is an iPhone 7 Plus. I am scared of the update process draining my iPhone or iPad battery so I put them on the charger when updating even if the battery indicator says 80%.


I have an SE. I have no idea where it was battery wise. I didn't think to plug it in while doing the update. It's at 67% right now so I don't think the update drained the battery.

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What update did you do? The one that messed me up was going  from 10 to 11.


Oh, sorry -- I did both 11.0.1 and I've done 11.0.2. I did 10 when it first came out w/o a problem. (I know--it's no consolation when you're having issues for someone else to say they didn't!).


The only time I've ever had a problem with an Apple update was one Saturday when I was running one, DH was out in the yard digging around and cut our internet line. What bizarre timing that was. :lol: I had to drive to a McDonald's and connect to their wifi so the update would finish and I could get the use of my phone back.

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Oh, sorry -- I did both 11.0.1 and I've done 11.0.2. I did 10 when it first came out w/o a problem. (I know--it's no consolation when you're having issues for someone else to say they didn't!).


The only time I've ever had a problem with an Apple update was one Saturday when I was running one, DH was out in the yard digging around and cut our internet line. What bizarre timing that was. :lol: I had to drive to a McDonald's and connect to their wifi so the update would finish and I could get the use of my phone back.


Ok. I might give it a try tonight when I have some time to talk to Apple if I have the same problem. That would mean putting iTunes back on my computer and that crashed my computer so I"m not excited about that either. Ugh.

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