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The Day Off Teachers Lounge 9-18-2017


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Happy Monday!


Today's theme stems from the fact that dh and ds came back from camping a day earlier than anticipated.

My husband had already requested today off, though, so he'll be home. I hadn't planned on having ds do any

school the day after he got back, anyway. And I decided dd can have the day off as well, except maybe to get help

with Algebra later, since dh is here. Love the flexibility of homeschooling!



How has today's schedule changed for you over the last 24 hours? Here: I normally do my weekly personal admin Monday mornings

which I will still do, but AFTER dh and I go out for coffee.  :cheers2: ( I know the emoji is beer but we don't have a coffee emoji. What's up with THAT??)


How's your weather lately? Here: while we're still in the high 90s and sometimes low 100s, it's actually COOL in the mornings now!  :hurray:


Starting anything new this week? Here: I'm committed to a 4 week 'diet' challenge. It's really more of being aware of what we eat, focus on changing

to healthier habits, and be accountable. I need accountability anyway, so there you go!


Talk to me! :bigear: 



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Changed: Cameron got a text from his boss 15 minutes ago saying he wanted him in at 2 instead of 3:30 today because they need to blow up balloons for a party on Saturday (never mind those balloons will be looking sad by the end of the week, but whatever).  So I have to take him early.


Weather: 90s most days.  Today is nasty out.  It's in the 80s, but it's 80% humidity which is just gross.  I am not used to humidity like that anymore!


Anything new: I don't think so.  But that could change at any moment lol

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Good morning, Scrap and everyone! Yes, we need a coffee emoji!


My schedule only changed slightly. I was going to our church offices this morning but now I'm waiting until afternoon. I thought dd could stay later in the day, but now she has to go back for special chapel services at night this week. 


The weather has been so nice! Sunny or partly sunny with highs only in the 80s and no high humidity. It's going to be warmer to day and tomorrow and storms will come in after that. 


New: I start a ladies bible study group tomorrow night, and I ordered a traveler's notebook to look at doing some bible journaling I heard about. I'm not sure what day it will get here yet. Amazon is saying shipping estimate is for today. 







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Well we only have one car again and I forgot about that so all my plans of running errands and taking ds to his leadership class have changed. We'll just stay home, do school, walk to the park, and maybe watch a movie after dinner.


The weather has been in the 80s so great weather. I will miss it when a few weeks when it starts getting cold and windy. Today it looks like it's supposed to rain so we better get to the park now.


I don't think I'm starting anything new. I want to start finding time to exercise daily again but with the state of the house because the kitchen still isn't done I'm feeling overwhelmed. Starting something new while I'm overwhelmed isn't a good idea

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Good to see everyone! DH and I just got back 30 minutes ago from our coffee outing. We wound up running into some new friends we met a couple of weeks ago

and so sat and talked with them for awhile. Love bumping into people like that - makes our big city not seem so big!


hjffkj, why not start with a 3 15-30 miute walk each day? Years ago when I was finally dx'd with anxiety, my doc told me I need to walk 30 minutes EVERY day. I can't say I'm 

consistent with that but I can say I feel better (and less overwhelmed) when I do. Start small, my friend; no need to tackle an hour workout at the very beginning! Sorry about the car, too!

Praying that situation will resolve itself quickly!


Amy, I've been hearing a lot about Bible journaling lately, too. Thinking about getting involved with a group but haven't decided yet. Can you provide a link to the one you ordered?


arctic_bunny, hurray for DH coming home a day early!  :hurray:


Butter, yeah, I don't understand blowing up balloons TODAY for a party that's on Saturday either. Unless they're mylar. Even then, they'll be kind of wimpy!


Okay, now back to my regular Monday morning admin schedule - 2 to 3 hours late!  :mellow:  No worries! What gets done, gets done and what doesn't, doesn't!





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Ugh talking about a schedule change. Ds 1 had to be at the dr for labwork this morning. 830 am, we live 1 1/2 hours away. I was dropoing the younger 2 with my parents, so I had to leave at 6:30 am to give ample time for kid nonsense. dd was so tired and crying I brought her with us. She cried the full hour from the dr to my parents. Luckily she is napping now. So we were uo at 6:30 and the usually arent even up until 8:30 to 9:30. 10 is the very earliest we were ever out of the house. They kept asking why we were leaving in the night. lol. I wasnt sure if we would get school done today or not, but ds was a good sport. even though he was exhausted.


Weather is mid 80s and nice.


Startting pregnancy week 12 this week. Trimester 1 is ticking away. Woot!

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Hi Scrap! I'm late as usual.


Change of schedule: Dd will study tonight instead of going to a fun event. Reaping the fruit of procrastinating. I have to take ds to scouts, so we will sit at Starbucks nearby and that is not so bad.


Weather: unseasonably hot! Near 90 for several days. 75-80 is normal for here now.


New: nope. Barely keeping up with what we have!

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Change of schedule - DH is off on sick leave

I had been planning to do the interval thing of six weeks on 1 off and this was my off week. However getting the bigger organising jobs is going to be harder with DH around so I may just schedule school after all. At lest I did the big clothes sort in dds bedroom which is always a massive job. Five bags of outgrown stuff ready to leave my house!

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Oh we are a 1 car family by my choice. However, I got used to borrowing my dad's truck since we've been doing all the house work he just told us to keep it until we were done with it. So we had it for about a month and gave it back yesterday. Time to get used to one car again.


I will ease into exercising. Today when the kids were playing at the park I practiced kung-fu for half an hour. I'm just going to try to do kung-fu and walk while they play for the week

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